Indicator 13 Training: Course of Study
Date: September 20, 2022
Time: 3-4 p.m.
This training is part of the required sequence of technical assistance for Indicator 13 as outlined in the 2022 Monitoring Resources and Technical Assistance document. Please be sure to attend this required training with your high school special educators.
This session will cover all aspects of the course of study including the rational for why IDEA requires this in the IEP. We will go over some common compliance issues and also show compliant examples.
As part of this session please review the following webinar prior to attendance:
This is a comprehensive and condensed overview of all elements of Indicator 13 (Transition Plan in the IEP). This training includes I13 compliant examples and best practices for all aspects of the transition plan in the IEP.
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Contact: John Spinney