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Volume 12, Issue 2

January 10, 2018

Career and College Readiness Assessments

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Curriculum Directors, School Counselors
As a part of implementing the Vermont State Plan, beginning in the 2018-2019 academic year, Vermont schools will be using two new indicators to assess students’ readiness for college and careers. The diversity of assessment options for the College and Career Readiness Assessment indicator aligns with the flexible pathways goals of Act 77, allowing students to work with teachers to determine which assessment options best support their academic interests in high school and their college and career goals. For additional information about the assessment and its role in Vermont’s accountability system, read the full memo on the Career and College Readiness Assessments.
Contact: Jess DeCarolis at [email protected] or Patrick Halladay at [email protected]

Multi-tiered System of Supports Survey Summary 2016-2017

Audience: Superintendents, Principals
The Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Survey Summary 2016-2017 provides an analysis and evaluation of the data reported in the annual survey by approximately 84 percent of Vermont K-12 public school principals. This data will inform the Secretary of Education of the status of each school’s multi-tiered system of supports and the funding sources used to provide supports to students. In addition, the data will be used by the MTSS Team to determine the professional learning opportunities, technical assistance, and resources needed to support SU/SDs in their implementation of a tiered system of supports.
Contact: Tracy Watterson, MTSS Program Manager at (802)479-1353 or [email protected]

PreK and Kindergarten Conference

Audience: Administrators, PreK and Kindergarten Teachers
Save the date for this year’s Kindergarten Conference –  Tapping the Joy of Learning for Each and Every Child...The Sweetness of Success – scheduled for Friday, April 6, 2018 at the Hilton in Burlington, Vermont. Conference organizers are joining with the Pyramid Model Consortium, an internationally recognized professional learning center, to collaboratively develop a conference focused on equity that will celebrate work happening in Vermont as well as provide opportunities to learn from national experts. We are also pleased to announce that Rosemarie Allen, an educational leader for over thirty years, will be our keynote speaker. Her life's work has centered on ensuring children have access to high-quality early childhood programs that are developmentally and culturally appropriate. Watch for an online registration and more information about sessions coming soon.
Contacts: Pat Fitzsimmons at (802) 479-1425 or [email protected] or Kate Rogers at (802) 479-1454 or [email protected]

Linking Health and Learning Newsletter

Audience: Health Educators, Physical Educators, Curriculum Directors, Principals, Superintendents, Higher Education
The January 2018 Linking Health and Learning newsletter has been published. This newsletter communicates pertinent news, professional learning events, and resources to support Vermont’s health and physical educators.
Contact: Susan Yesalonia, Ed.D., Health and Physical Education Specialist, at (802)479-1284 or [email protected]

U.S. Department of Education Seeks comment On Potential Actions To Aid Rural Schools, Local Education Agencies

The U.S. Education Department seeks public comment on the U.S. Department’s development and execution of processes, procedures, policies, and regulations that concern rural schools and LEAs.As required under Section 5005 of the Every Student Succeeds Act, Pub. L. No. 114-95, the U.S. Education secretary seeks information from the public regarding actions the agency can take to improve "how it considers the unique needs" of rural schools and LEAs as it develops and implements policies and programs, and issue a final report on the actions it will take, according to a December 20, 2018 Federal Register notice. Submit comments before the February 18, 2018 deadline to [email protected] or through the Federal eRulemaking Portal using Docket ID ED-2017-OCO-0139.

Courtesy Postings

The views, opinions, and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people, and opportunities as shared.

Next Generation Science Exemplar Professional Development Course

Interested in shifting your instruction from a place where students are just “learning about” to one where they are “figuring out” the how and why? Please join the Vermont Science Institute’s (VSI) Next Generation Science Exemplar (NGSX) professional development course. Participants will explore how to use phenomena (things that happen in the world) to drive instruction, motivate learning, and help learners drive where to go next. Participants will engage as adult learners using the same best instructional practices used with students-practices that help learners go public with their ideas, reason together, persist through challenging tasks, and revise thinking over time. Participants will develop indicators for student engagement in the core practices of modeling, argumentation, and explanation-practices central to all content areas and participants will dig into how to build a culture of public reasoning and experience and use tools for implementing productive small and whole group discussions. Space is limited. Course begins on January 24, 2018 in Montpelier, VT. Optional two credits available. Learn more and register for the NGSX professional development course.
Contact: Morgan Lloyd at [email protected] or Renee Affolter at [email protected]

2018 Champlain College Young Writers Conference

High school students are cordially invited to attend a weekend of writing workshops, craft sessions, and open mike at the Champlain College Young Writers' Conference, May 25-27, 2018. Now in our 18th year, our doors are open to emerging writers who wish to share their passion for story, drama, and song with their writerly brothers and sisters—and with celebrated New England authors. We offer three days of readings, improv, Moth storytelling, poetry slams, literary jazz/blues fusion, and extended friendship on the hillside campus of Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont. The 2018 Keynote Speaker is GennaRose Nethercott. Applications are due February 23, 2018. Apply online for the 2018 Champlain College Young Writers' Conference.
Contact: Lesley Wright at (802)865-8456 or [email protected]

Democracy At Risk: Holocaust and Human Behavior

In partnership with Facing History and Ourselves, The Vermont Holocaust Memorial has created this workshop to provide educators with the tools to teach the many moral questions confronting students today. Studying the Holocaust through Facing History’s unique approach allows students to examine history and the dismantling of democracy by using ethical reasoning, critical thinking, empathy, and civic engagement – all of which are essential for sustaining democracy. This workshop will take place on Wednesday, March 21, 2018 at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Stowe. Learn more and register for Democracy at Risk: Holocaust and Human Behavior.
Contact: Marcie Scudder at [email protected]

Bully No More

Are you ready to choose a play for your upper elementary grades, middle and high school students? Tams Witmark, the number one publisher of Broadway musicals in the world, for the last 90 years, just published the 60-75 minute musical, "Bully No More!" written by Vermonters Elaine Davida Sklar, Jon Gailmor, and Danielle Davis. A portion of all royalties will be contributed to Prevent Child Abuse Vermont. Roles are flexible and can be played by performers of any age or gender. Listen to songs, read the story, and order "Bully No More!" Set available.
Contact: Elaine Davida Sklar at [email protected]

Creative Schools Initiative Teacher Institute

PreK-12 teachers are invited to apply to participate in a unique project where they will work closely with national leaders in the field of curriculum integration, partner with experienced teaching artists, and develop innovative curriculum. Acclaimed educator Eric Booth leads the Institute. Participating teacher teams are awarded a $5,200 teaching artist residency and receive three graduate credits. Experience in the arts or identification as an artist is not necessary. The Institute runs June 25-29, 2018 in Montpelier, and November 15-16, 2018 at the Woodstock Inn, in Woodstock. The application deadline is February 15, 2018. Learn more and apply for the Creative Schools Initiative Teacher Institute.
Contact: Paul Gambill, Executive Director, at [email protected]

Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Support Planning Training

Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is a process for identifying the events that reliably predict and maintain problem behavior. A Behavior Support Plan (BSP) then takes the observations made in an FBA and turns them into a concrete plan of action for managing a student's behavior. This two-day training on February 1 and 8, 2018 at the Killington Grand Resort will focus on practical approaches to developing effective FBAs and BSPs. Those interested should come with a team consisting of staff who are selected to develop the capacity to conduct FBA/BSPs, including those with expertise working with students with challenging behavior. Register for Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Support Planning Training.
Contact: Sherry Schoenberg at [email protected]

Building Global Citizenship: Schools That Make A Difference

This four-part series, facilitated by Mary Lynn Riggs, will run from 1 - 4 p.m. at the CVEDC Conference Room in Colchester on January 30, 2018, February 21, 2018, March 20, 2018, and April 17, 2018. District or SU teams who are committed to active participation and deep thinking about pervasive social, economic and environmental issues will engage with other teams and guest speakers to develop steps your district can take toward integrating global citizenship learning opportunities in PreK-12 learning environments. Teams will leave with a rationale, goals and actionable plan to present to their faculties and communities with links to frame your work on the United National Goals for Sustainable Development. Learn more and register for Building Global Citizenship: Schools That Make A Difference.
Contact: The Champlain Valley Educator Development Center at [email protected] 

Mosaic Student Summit Facilitator Certification Training

Registration is now open for the Mosaic Student Summit Facilitator Certification Training February 1, 2018, held at the Central Vermont Career Center, Barre, VT. The first day of the training will introduce the foundations of appreciative inquiry and strengths-based education in addition to the sequence and structure of a Student Summit. There will be two 90-minute coaching calls scheduled in March and April to support participants as they facilitate their own Student Summit. May 18, 2018 will be the final day, where participants share the outcome of their summits and discuss the impact the activity had on their own experience and the experience of other participants. Register online for the Student Summit Facilitator Training.
Contact: Michelle Irish at [email protected]

Orton-Gillingham: Beyond the Basics

This workshop is designed to review and extend your knowledge of the Orton-Gillingham (OG) Approach.  This workshop will cover OG principles, progression through a scope and sequence, parts of an OG lesson with procedural practice, how to construct an OG lesson with a clear lesson objective, how to be diagnostic and prescriptive from lesson to lesson, syllable types and syllable division, and words to read vs. words to spell. Previous OG training required to attend. Learn more and register for Orton-Gillingham: Beyond the Basics.
Contact: Caitlin Niland, Intake Coordinator for Professional Learning, at (802)878-2332 ext 320 or [email protected]

Create 4 Freedom Contest

This year, Vermonters will take the lead to honor the Four Freedoms when The Mill hosts the Four Freedoms Festival.  Norman Rockwell's famous paintings featured local Vermonters depicting the Four Freedoms in an oil series published in 1943.  Launched on the 77th anniversary of FDR's iconic Four Freedoms Speech, which inspired Rockwell's paintings, the Create 4 Freedom Contest is the arts education initiative of the 4 Freedoms Festival. Create 4 Freedom encourages students in grades 9-11 to choose from one of the four Freedoms (Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Want, or Freedom from Fear) and create a new work of art or poetry that expresses how and why that freedom is relevant in 2018.  Submitted works will be judged by a panel of celebrated artists and professionals; submissions may be humorous, satirical, or dramatic. Entries are due by 4 p.m. EST on February 22, 2018.  Official Rules and Entry Forms for the Create 4 Freedom Contest.
Contact: Jami Poe, Planning Director, at (802)768-1303 or [email protected] 

Flynn Center Community Play Reading Series

On Monday, January 29, 2018 from 7-9 p.m., the Flynn, theater artists, and the greater community of Burlington come together to read a play (TBA) connected to Claire Cunningham & Jess Curtis' The Way You Look (At Me) Tonight performance (February 3, 2018) and engage in conversations that connect to disability and physicality shaping perception. Without any rehearsal, all participants experience the play through an immersive and active reading. Series is free and open to all; reserve your spot online for the Flynn Center Community Play Reading Series.
Contact: Sarah Caliendo, FlynnArts Manager, at [email protected]

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].