The Vermont ESSA State Plan, developed by the Vermont Agency of Education (AOE) with significant stakeholder feedback, received official approval from the US Department of Education in August. As Vermont works to implement an accountability system that better reflects the state’s education priorities as stated in the Education Quality Standards, changes will need to be made at the state and local level.
Beginning in the 2018-2019 academic year, Vermont schools will be using two new indicators to assess students’ readiness for college and careers. The first—discussed in detail in a FAQ posted online—measures the percentage of high school graduates who have demonstrated college and career readiness through a proficient score on one of a number of potential assessments. The second measure will track student outcomes 16 months after graduation. The AOE will be providing a similar FAQ on this measure in the next couple of weeks.
The diversity of assessment options for the College and Career Readiness Assessment indicator aligns with the flexible pathways goals of Act 77, allowing students to work with teachers to determine which assessment options best support their academic interests in high school and their college and career goals.
Read the full Career and College Readiness Assessment memo.