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Post-Merger Tips

The periodic tips about post-merger activities, posted to this page, will serve as a resource for supervisory union administrators and staff serving districts that are merging as a result of both Act 46 of 2015 and earlier, incorporated legislation. These documents are considered working documents. We welcome suggestions for additions and corrections as supervisory unions and newly unified districts transition to full operations.


Not all of this information will apply to every scenario. For example, a supervisory union that is becoming a supervisory district will perform tasks that are different from one that will maintain or expand its supervisory union structure. There also may be variations based on how quickly the new district will become fully operational after the vote.

Contact Information

Legal: Donna Russo-Savage
Public Information, Questions, Changes to the Guide: Ted Fisher ([email protected])
Business Office: Cassie Winters
Finance: Brad James

Thank You

Some of the information included in these tips came from business managers, administrators and educators in the field. We thank them for their help and guidance. If there is something you would like to see addressed in the tips, please contact the AOE’s Director of Communications and Legislative Affairs, Ted Fisher ([email protected]) .