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Federal Fiscal Services

The agency's fiscal services staff is responsible for monitoring and auditing all state and federal grants received through the agency for compliance with administrative and financial statutes and regulations, administrative and record keeping requirements for state and federal grants as well as whether or not expenditures can be charged to a grant. The staff is also responsible for the administration of federal indirect cost rates for sub-grantees.

Monitoring and Auditing

Federal Administrative Regulations

Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR § 200)

Federal Grants Management Guidance Documents

State of Vermont General Regulations / Requirements

Bulletin 5. Policy for Grant Issuance and Monitoring

Making Application for an Indirect Cost Rate for LEAs 

The Instructions for Making Application for an Indirect Cost Rate for LEAs explains what indirect costs are and how to apply for an indirect cost rate. Applications for indirect cost rates are due to the agency by April 1st of each year.  To apply for this rate, LEAs should complete the spreadsheet provided below:

Web Request Forms

AOE Non-competitive Procurement Request with Federal Funds Webform

There are specific circumstances in which noncompetitive procurement can be used. This form is intended for those seeking AOE Sole Source approval per 2 CFR § 200.320(c)(4):The Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity expressly authorizes a noncompetitive procurement in response to a written request from the non-Federal entity. Use this form to fill out your request. Please contact Abby Houle at [email protected] with any questions regarding this process.

AOE Bid Waiver Request Webform

Competitive bidding, resulting in 3 or more bids, is required for purchases over $40,000 for any of the following: (1) the construction, purchase, lease, or improvement of any school building; (2) the purchase or lease of any item or items required for supply, equipment, maintenance, repair, or transportation of students; or (3) a contract for transportation, maintenance, or repair services, unless the Secretary issues a waiver. Waivers will only be granted where a school board, through no fault of its own per State Board Rules series 9000, is unable to comply with the public bidding law 16 V.S.A. §559. Use this form to fill out your request. Please contact Abby Houle at [email protected] with any questions regarding this process.