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English Language Arts/Literacy

“Acquiring literacy is an empowering process, enabling millions to enjoy access to knowledge and information which broadens horizons, increases opportunities and creates alternatives for building a better life.”
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As per the Education Quality Standards (EQS), Vermont uses the Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy as laid out by the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for grades K-12 and the Vermont Early Learning Standards (VELS) for prekindergarten through grade 3. The CCSS breaks literacy skills down into the following areas: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language. Each of these College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards is further broken down into grade level strands. Recognizing the importance of building literacy across the curriculum, the CCSS also outlines literacy skills in history, social studies, science, and technical subjects. Students who become proficient in the CCSS for English Language Arts and Literacy develop the literacy skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in college, career, and life.

Literacy Professional Learning Series Available

Vermont educators can register for and start taking all six modules of the new literacy professional learning series, Building a Strong Foundation for Lifelong Literacy Success, today!

There are six asynchronous modules for both grades K-3 and grades 4-12. Modules for both grade bands are based on the body of evidence that informs effective reading instruction. 

Modules for Grades K-3 

Modules for Grades 4-12  

Module 1: Understanding the Neuroscience of Literacy 

Module 1: Understanding the Neuroscience of Literacy 

Module 2: Exploring Language and Phonology  

Module 2: Exploring Adolescent Literacy  

Module 3: Understanding Phonics and Word Study Instruction 

Module 3: Implementing Advanced Word Study  

Module 4: Creating Fluent Readers 

Module 4: Creating Fluent Readers 

Module 5: Developing Vocabulary  

Module 5: Developing Vocabulary  

Module 6: Increasing Reading Comprehension  

Module 6: Increasing Reading Comprehension  

Each module will take 6-8 hours to complete, and the full series is 45 hours. Educators can download a certificate of completion at the end of each module that can be used for re-licensure with Local Standards Boards. 

Learn more about the series from the introductory webinar slide deck and recording. You can also view Frequently Asked Questions about the series from the webinar. Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions.

Have you started the series? We want to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to provide input or opportunities for improvement on this brief form. We will use your feedback to update and improve the series and the Pepper platform. Thank you for your interest and for sharing your feedback.

Evidence-Based Literacy Practices 

The following documents provide information about evidence-based practices recommended in the What Works Clearinghouse/IES Practice Guides, specifically Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade, Improving Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade, and Preparing Young Children for School. These practice guides present recommendations that were developed by a panel of literacy experts based on reviews of research, practitioner experiences, and expert opinions. Click on each evidence-based practice to learn more about the ESSA level of evidence, how to carry out the recommendation, and connections to Literacy Essential Practices

Grades K-3 

Foundational Skills 



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A Vermont Portrait of a Graduate Through English Language Arts

The ability to engage in respectful discourse, to effectively express oneself while listening and responding to diverse perspectives, is an important skill for any global citizen. Literacy skills are also essential when thinking about lifelong learning. Students can gain experience toward proficiency in these aspects of a Vermont Portrait of a Graduate (PoG) and more through English Language Arts (ELA).

The Vermont Framework for Proficiency: English Language Arts Literacy description serves as a foundation on which to build English Language Arts Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements, Critical Proficiencies, and Priority Performance Indicators. 

A Vermont Portrait of a Graduate Through English Language Arts

Information about how the six attributes of a Vermont PoG can be addressed through ELA can be found below. 

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Spotlight on Equity Resources

Educational equity means that every student has access to the resources, opportunities, and educational rigor they need at the right moment in their education, whatever their race, gender/identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, language, ability, family background, or family income may be. (Adapted from CCSSO, Leading for Equity.) The Spotlight on Equity Resource below provides a list of considerations and resources for the purpose of supporting equity and access while emphasizing high-quality and culturally sustaining learning opportunities for all students.

Professional Learning Resources


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English Language Arts Resources

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Performance Assessment and Project-Based Learning Resources

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Proficiency-Based Learning Resources

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Websites and Sources for Further Reading

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Email Emily Leute.