CANCELLED: Instructional Coaching Networked Improvement Communities (IC NIC): Session II (Northwest)
Location: Burlington Electric, Pine St., 585 Pine Street, Burlington, VT
Audience: Instructional Coaches, Curriculum Directors, Principals, Superintendents
Description: The Vermont Agency of Education (AOE) is inviting instructional coaches from Vermont schools to participate in a two-year Instructional Coaching Networked Improvement Community (IC NIC). 2019–2020: The goal of the first year of the IC NIC is twofold: use improvement science to define the role of the Instructional Coach in Vermont schools and to identify and test a change idea using the AOE Impact Plan. 2020–2021: The goal is to create an Instructional Coach Toolkit that contains the necessary resources to support an Instructional Coach in their practice. The IC NIC will be offered in four Vermont regions. Learn more about this professional learning opportunity and register for Instructional Coaching Networked Improvement Community.
Contact: Susan Yesalonia at [email protected] or (802) 479-1284