VT Flexible Pathways Tool: Considerations for Student Participation in a Flexible Pathway
To support a consistent process for students and their advisors to determine how a flexible pathway opportunity fits within a student’s short and long-term goals, how they can prepare for those learning experiences and identify the supports they may need to be successful. Complete this tool for each student seeking to engage in a Flexible Pathway learning experience. If the school deems it appropriate to make this form available to students, a student may complete the form prior to meeting with the appropriate staff that oversees the Flexible Pathway Opportunity to encourage student agency.
Facilitation Guide: Considerations for Student Participation in a Flexible Pathway
The purpose of the Student Participation Tool is to support a consistent process for students and their advisors to determine how a Flexible Pathway opportunity fits within a student’s Personalized Learning Plan (PLP), to verify the necessary preparation required to engage in the learning experience, and to identify the supports they may need to be successful. It is not intended to be a checklist, but rather a guide for students to ensure that the potential learning experience is practical and aligned to the student’s short- and long-term goals. Evidence should be provided to support why the learning opportunity is or is not appropriate for the student. This tool is also meant to support discussions about Flexible Pathways options with students and their families, and for educators to ensure that they have considered the questions provided and are working towards implementing procedures, practices, and processes consistent with Vermont’s Education Quality Standards.