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The Vermont Framework for Proficiency: Resources to Support Implementation

The Vermont Framework for Proficiency has been developed over the course of three years to support Supervisory Unions/Districts (SU/SDs) in developing a coherent, coordinated, and culturally sustaining approach across schools and school districts so that every Vermont learner is empowered to attain the attributes described within the Vermont Portrait of a Graduate.

Work Based Learning Considerations for Student Participation in a Flexible Pathway: Student Sample

This document supports a consistent process for students and their advisors to determine how a flexible pathway opportunity fits within a student’s short and long-term goals, how they can prepare for those learning experiences, and how to identify the supports they may need to be successful.

Virtual Blended Learning Considerations for Student Participation in a Flexible Pathway: Student Sample

This document supports a consistent process for students and their advisors to determine how a flexible pathway opportunity fits within a student’s short and long-term goals, how they can prepare for those learning experiences, and how to identify the supports they may need to be successful.

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