Letter: GunSafeVT Family Letter Template
The Agency of Education is participating in the Gun Safe VT initiative lead by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Vermont, the Vermont Attorney General's office, UVM Medical center, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the Vermont State Police, and others.
As part of this initiative the Agency is sharing a suggested parent and family letter template for use by schools. The letter encourages families to adopt safe gun storage practices, such as the use of locked firearm cabinets, safe storage of ammunition, and use of devices like trigger locks to secure firearms.
As part of this initiative the Agency is sharing a suggested parent and family letter template for use by schools. The letter encourages families to adopt safe gun storage practices, such as the use of locked firearm cabinets, safe storage of ammunition, and use of devices like trigger locks to secure firearms.