PDF format documents
Model Proficiency Scales for Mathematics Priority Performance Indicators (9-12)
The purpose of this document is to provide SU/SDs with model proficiency scales to accompany the Math Proficiency-Based Graduation Hierarchy. This document is part of the larger Vermont Framework for Proficiency. The model proficiency scales were informed by extended feedback from and work with the field, including Participatory Action Research partnerships with Central Vermont Supervisory Union, White River Valley Supervisory Union, and Orleans Southwest Supervisory Union.
ESEA Fiscal Waiver for FY22
The Vermont Agency of Education is soliciting public comment on its intended application to the US Department of Education for waiver of two requirements under the ESEA.
Title IA Supplement not Supplant Guidance
Under ESSA, Title I, Part A funds should be in addition to (supplement) and not replace (supplant) State and local funds. An LEA’s allocation of State and local funds to schools is examined as a whole to ensure Title I dollars are supplemental, rather than identifying each individual cost as supplemental.