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Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers - Title IV Part B
Federal funding for before school, afterschool, and summer, as part of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), is delivered through the Vermont Agency of Education. The program focuses on supporting diverse and engaging educational programming for k-12 youth and families, including tutoring for youth in high poverty communities with demonstrated academic and family need. To be most effective and sustainable, programs align and strategically integrate school system practices such as in the areas of professional development, positive behavioral approaches, inclusionary practices, and food while building afterschool and summer programs that enhance opportunities, promote growth, and demonstrate learning and other gains. Schools, in partnership with hundreds of community providers, deliver programming.
MEMO: ARP ESSER Liquidation Extension
The purpose of this memo is to provide LEAs with important considerations and an overview of the process to apply for ARP ESSER Liquidation Extension (ALN 84.425U) through the U.S. Department of Education (USED). The liquidation extension process allows LEAs to extend contracted services or the receipt of goods for up to 14 months after the September 30, 2024 deadline (final closeout date of March 28, 2026), as long as certain conditions are met.
Feb. 14, 2024: Coffee and Conversations: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment at the Local Level (SPD)
Coffee and Conversations: Education Recovery and Planning Ahead -
Student Pathways Updates & Opportunities
The Vermont Framework for Proficiency: Resources to Support Implementation
The Vermont Framework for Proficiency has been developed over the course of three years to support Supervisory Unions/Districts (SU/SDs) in developing a coherent, coordinated, and culturally sustaining approach across schools and school districts so that every Vermont learner is empowered to attain the attributes described within the Vermont Portrait of a Graduate.
Flexible Pathways Toolkit Talking Points: Work Based Learning
Is this Flexible Pathway option the best choice? This document provides prompting questions to be used with the Vermont Flexible Pathways Tool to assist in a conversation to determine if this pathway is the best fit. These sources do not represent an exhaustive list but are intended to provide a basis for discussion.