In accordance with Vermont law a licensed educator may be subject to a licensing action against his or her educator's license for engaging in unprofessional conduct or for being found incompetent. A licensing action means any action that suspends, revokes, limits or conditions licensure or certification in any way, including warnings, reprimands, probations and administrative penalties.
Licensing actions imposed against educators are quite complex. The need for taking licensing action may serve different purposes depending on the facts of the particular case. In some cases, licensing discipline serves a critical deterrent purpose where misconduct on the part of the educator places students in physical or emotional jeopardy. Other cases may involve competence issues or minor misconduct where rehabilitation is both possible and desirable. Further, each case may contain either aggravating or mitigating factors - sometimes both in the same case - that must be considered. The reader should view the following in that context.
Pertinent Laws and Regulations
Educator licensing is governed by both Vermont statutes and Vermont Standards Board for Professional Educators rules. Pertinent sections of these documents are cited below.
Vermont Statutes
16 V.S.A., Chapter 51 establishes a board of professional educators to oversee the training, licensing, and professional standards of teachers and administrators and establishes hearing panels to determine compliance with those standards to help assure high caliber professionals and high quality public educational programs for Vermont students.
Vermont Standards Board for Professional Educators Rules
The Vermont Standards Board for Professional Educators (VSBPE) takes seriously its charge to create rules that govern the training, licensing and professional standards of teachers and administrators. Rule revisions were recently implemented effective April 12, 2017. The Vermont Standards Board for Professional Educators (VSBPE) creates and approves rules pertaining to Educator Licensure in the state of Vermont.
Licensing Hearing Panel
The 14 member Licensing Hearing Panel (LHP) is a teacher majority board. The Board’s purpose is to establish hearing panels to determine compliance with the professional standards of teachers and administrators and to help assure high caliber professionals and high quality public educational programs for Vermont students.
Licensing Hearing Panel Members 2024-2025
List of Suspensions and Revocations
The spreadsheet contains a list of educators who have been subjected to disciplinary action through 2012. The list is being updated to include more past actions. The list will reflect the voluntary surrender of a license by an educator during an investigation or disciplinary proceeding has the same force and effect as the revocation of a license. For questions, please email the Agency of Education legal staff or call (802) 828-1130.
List of Suspensions and Revocations
Licensed Educator Complaints
If you would like to make a complaint regarding a licensed educator’s conduct, please send an email to [email protected]. That email should include a description of the problem, including as much detail as possible. Include all information that you believe to be important, even if you are unsure. Include all dates, names, and specific events or facts, to the extent possible or known.
Please note that due to the confidentiality limitations of 16 V.S.A. § 1708, Agency staff are not generally able to provide complainants with any information regarding licensing investigations, including whether or not the Agency has opened a formal investigation or is investigating a licensee. Information regarding licensing investigations is confidential and can only be disclosed if public action is taken against a licensee or to the extent permitted by 16 V.S.A. § 1708.