This report represents Vermont students who graduated with a regular high school diploma and enrolled in an institution of higher education within 16 months of their high school graduation date. This rate is not based on the 9th grade cohort. These percentages were derived using postsecondary data collected by the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC).
The National Student Clearinghouse collects enrollment data from ~98% of the postsecondary institutions that participate in Title IV Student Loans. While this captures the majority of postsecondary enrollments, it may not include many trade, vocational, military, and international institutions, or apprenticeship programs. This report does not include publicly tuitioned students that attend out of state high schools. Also, students and schools can opt for a Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) blocker on their enrollment records and therefore not be included in NSC reports.
It is also important to note that there may be a number of reasons for a secondary graduate not to continue to a postsecondary experience, or not to persist. This report does not address the potential factors for enrollment or persistence.
Due to student confidentiality and privacy laws, cells containing fewer than 11 students are suppressed and are indicated with a ++ symbol.
Email Drew Bennett at [email protected].