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Weekly Field Memo - Volume 17, Issue 40

November 8, 2023


The Agency of Education created the weekly field memo to keep subscribers up-to-date with current education policy, state-wide education initiatives, and official messages from the AOE. The Weekly Field Memo contains education-related posts from the Agency of Education (AOE), other State of Vermont agencies, federal agencies or Vermont's congressional delegation.

Contents: November 8, 2023

Draft Model Policy, Act 29 Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams

Audience: All
Pursuant to Section 4 of Act 29 of 2023, an act relating to school safety, the Agency of Education (AOE), in consultation with stakeholder groups, was required to develop a model policy and procedure regarding the use of behavioral threat assessment teams. This draft model policy is available for review and public comment through December 1. Background information about the policy may be found in the Memo: Draft Model Policy, Act 29 Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams. The full Draft Model Policy, Act 29 Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams memo is also available in  ArabicBurmeseFrenchKirundiNepaliSomali, and Spanish.

As critical partners who will be tasked with implementing this policy, the AOE encourages superintendents and independent school heads to review this draft policy with their school community and team members and to provide feedback through the [email protected].

10 Years of Act 77: Reflecting Upon and Celebrating Student-Centered Learning in Vermont

Audience: Legislators, Educators, Students, Parents/Caregivers, and Community Members
Come celebrate ten years of Act 77 at the Vermont State House on Thursday, December 7 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This convening will offer a chance to celebrate achievements, make connections, and reflect on what we have learned since the passage of Act 77. It will also provide an opportunity for networking with others and contribute to shaping the next ten years of student-centered learning in Vermont. Registration for this event is now open and more information can be found on the UP for Learning website.
Contact: Ryan Parkman, [email protected]

Vermont Public: From the Top Live Auditions

Audience: Music Teachers, Curriculum Directors, Teachers
Calling Vermont Musicians ages 8-18! Vermont Public is hosting auditions for From the Top, a national radio program that provides young classically trained musicians a space to explore life as an artist. All young musicians who appear on the radio program participate in the From the Top's Learning and Media Lab Fellowship. The audition will be March 21, 2024.Sign up for audition day online. Remember to visit the Vermont Public Kids and Education page for more recommendations for high-quality resources.
Contacts: Emily Leute, [email protected] or Heather Duhamel, [email protected]

Last Call: Work-Based Learning Coordinator Survey

Audience: WBL coordinators
Attention WBL coordinators and those who support them, tomorrow, November 9, is the final day to provide feedback. We are looking to hear from anyone working in a Vermont school or CTE center in a capacity that directly supports students engaged in Work-Based Learning. Please take a few minutes to complete the Work-Based Learning Coordinator Survey or pass it along to a colleague. The collected information will be instrumental to the development of supports for the field moving forward. Responses will be collected through November 9.  
Contact: Johannes Haensch, [email protected] or Julia Schuster, [email protected]

ARP ESSER Summer Round Two Application Training

Audience: All
A Second Round of the ARP-ESSER Summer Grant Application is now live in the GMS system. All LEAs will be eligible to apply. More information about this grant and previous rounds is available on the AOE website. Applications will be due January 4, 2024 and awards will be announced February 1, 2024. Interested parties can sign up to our non-binding contact form to receive updated information about training and technical assistance in the coming months. Interested applicants should plan to attend virtual Applicant Training (Teams meeting link), on November 9 at 1 p.m.
Contact: Johannes Haensch, [email protected] 

Fish Art Contest

Audience: All
The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department is pleased to team up with Wildlife Forever to bring the national Fish Art Contest back to Vermont! Fish Art Contest uses art, science, and creative writing to foster connections to the outdoors and inspire the next generation of stewards. This national contest is open to students between kindergarten and grade 12 at no cost! Students begin by selecting and researching a fish species, illustrating the species, and then writing a one-page creative essay. This is an excellent way to combine art and science into your existing curriculum while getting students thinking about Vermont’s diverse fish populations. Learn more about the Fish Art Contest on the Vermont Fish & Wildlife website. 
Contact: Corey Hart, [email protected]

Nominations for Presidential Scholars Category 

Audience: Students, Principals, Guidance Counselors, Teachers, High School Seniors 
The Vermont Presidential Scholars Program is a statewide recognition of student excellence in academics, community service, the arts, technical skills, and leadership in 3 categories: 1) General, 2) CTE, and 3) the Arts. For detailed information about each category, including requirements, deadlines, and nominations form, please refer to the Awards and Recognition page on the AOE website.  


Revised Dates: Early Warning System Professional Learning Series

Audience: All
Due to oversight in scheduling and many districts observing Veteran’s Day, the two final EWS workshops will be postponed. See the updated workshop dates and topics below:

  • Friday, Nov 17: Implementation Capabilities Framework
  • Thursday, Nov 30: Assess EWS Platforms and Track the Impact of Interventions

If you have already RSVP’d for the original dates, we will reach out directly and ask if you still plan on attending the new dates. If you have not yet responded and are interested in attending, please visit the EWS Resource Site for updated RSVP forms and additional details.
Contact: Ryan Parkman at [email protected].

Fall Issue of Newsletter for Vermont Mathematics

Audience: Mathematics Teachers, Mathematics Coaches
The Fall issue of the quarterly newsletter for Vermont mathematics educators is now available. This issue highlights an important book about equity in mathematics teaching. Also included is information about new professional learning opportunities. 
Contact: Kevin Feal-Staub, [email protected]

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].