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Weekly Field Memo - Volume 17, Issue 37

October 18, 2023


The Agency of Education created the weekly field memo to keep subscribers up-to-date with current education policy, state-wide education initiatives, and official messages from the AOE. The Weekly Field Memo contains education-related posts from the Agency of Education (AOE), other State of Vermont agencies, federal agencies or Vermont's congressional delegation.

Contents: October 18, 2023

Extended Public Comment Period – Education Quality Standards (Rule Series 2000)

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Headmasters, Regional Technical Center Directors, Curriculum Coordinators, Educators 
The State Board of Education will continue to accept public comment on the Education Quality Standards (Rule Series 2000) until 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. Those wishing to submit comment may do so by emailing [email protected] with comment in the body of the email or submitted as an attachment. All comments will be posted on the State Board of Education’s website and will be considered by the Board as it finalizes the rule. More information on the Education Quality Standards (Rule Series 2000) can be found online
Contact: [email protected]

Vermont K-12 Special Education Evaluation Implementation Guide Diagnostic Tool Training

Audience: Special Education Directors, Special Educators, Special Education Evaluation Team Members
On October 26 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., a session has been scheduled to review the Vermont K-12 Special Education Evaluation Implementation Guide Diagnostic Tool. The Diagnostic Tool is designed as a companion resource for the K-12 Special Education Evaluation Implementation Guide, which outlines the components for implementing a comprehensive Evaluation Process. During this session, we will review how the Diagnostic Tool could be used as a resource to assist SU/SDs decision makers in building and/or improving their existing Special Education Evaluation processes. Please register online for this session.
Contact: Cassie Santo, [email protected]

Farm to School and Early Childhood Capacity Building Grant Application 

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Educators
The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets has announced the Farm to School and Early Childhood Capacity Building Grant to build and sustain farm to school and early childhood programs. This grant combines grant funding ($5,000-$20,000 award range) with customized grant coaching, technical assistance, and professional development. Schools, early childhood programs, consortiums of schools or early childhood programs, and supervisory unions/school districts are encouraged to apply. The grant application deadline is November 15, 2023. 
Contact: Gina Clithero, [email protected] 

Cybersecurity Professional Learning Sessions

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Ed Tech Directors, IT Managers 
AOE is facilitating two upcoming cybersecurity professional learning sessions: 

  • October 27: Cyber Intrusions Workshop, Montpelier. The Vermont Army National Guard IT Department team will present on how to use Security Onion, a free intrusion detection software. Contact Lisa Helme at [email protected] to sign-up or learn more.
  • November 2: Cybersecurity in Vermont School Districts, Vermont Fest, Killington. AOE will facilitate a 2-hour session featuring 10 Vermont school districts and their work to develop cyber policies and data breach plans. The VT Intelligence Center and FBI Cyber Task Force also will provide an update on current cyber threats in Vermont. Register is available online through the conference website.  

Contact: Lisa Helme, [email protected]

AOE STEAM Framework Introduced at VT Fest

Audience: Principals, Curriculum Directors, Educators
STEAM education integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics as core components of teaching and learning. STEAM offers a connected, interdisciplinary curricular structure, driving students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills while exercising creativity and innovation through real-world learning experiences. On November 2, AOE staff will review a newly released STEAM Framework and how it can be used to promote true interdisciplinary learning in schools as part of the Vermont Fest Conference in Killington. Registration for the session is through the conference website.
Contact: Lisa Bresler, [email protected]

Vermont Alliance for the Social Studies Annual Conference

Audience: Principals, CTE Administrators, Curriculum Directors, K-12 Educators, Librarians
The 29th Annual Social Studies Conference will be held on December 7, 2023 in Burlington. Two keynote speakers, Andrew Garber, counsel within the Brennan Center’s Voting Rights and Elections Program, and Gretchen Skidmore, Director of Education Initiatives at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, will support rich K-12 sessions led by local educators, as well as state and national social studies-focused leaders. Topics will include Holocaust education, humanities extracurriculars, Vermont-centered education, instructional methods, and war-time history. To register, or for more information, see the flyerbrochure, or Vermont Alliance for the Social Studies website
Contact: Martha Deiss, [email protected]

Proficiency Scale Feedback

Audience: Educators, curriculum leaders, principals
The AOE is looking for educators to provide feedback on sample proficiency scales that have been drafted to accompany the newly revised Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirement Hierarchies. A proficiency scale is a task-neutral criterion-based assessment tool that shows a continuum of distinct levels of learning relative to a Priority Performance Indicator. The review session(s) will take place in late October or November. The time commitment will vary, but you can expect to spend a total of 4-8 hours. Certificates for professional learning hours will be provided. Please fill out the form if you are interested in learning more about this opportunity.
Contact: Emily Leute, [email protected]

Vermont Green Schools Initiative, Phase 2

Audience: Superintendents, Principals
The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation has launched Phase 2 of the Vermont Green Schools Initiative. The initiative provides construction funding to eligible Vermont schools to reduce stormwater runoff and pollution entering Lake Champlain and Lake Memphremagog.

Funding for Phase 2 will be available through 2026 or until funds are exhausted, whichever comes first. Applications will be accepted any time though schools are encouraged to enroll in the program in 2023 to provide the best opportunity to receive funding. All projects seeking funding for 2024 construction must be enrolled by November 2023 to be considered. More information about initiative and Phase 2 funding can be found on the Vermont Green Schools Initiative webpage.
Contact: Sarah Coleman, [email protected] or Emily Bird, [email protected]

Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching (PAEMST)

Audience: Principals, Educators and Community Members
The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) are the highest honors bestowed by the United States government specifically for K–12 science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics teaching. Awardees serve as models for their colleagues, inspiration to their communities, and leaders in the improvement of STEM education. As last year’s awards recognized 7-12 educators, this year PAEMST is celebrating the K-6 cohort. To learn more, visit  the PAEMST website. Nominate an amazing K-6 Science Teacher today! (Self-nomination is also encouraged!)
Contact: Kathryn Rossman, [email protected]

Benchmark Assessment Grant Application: Deadline Extended

Audience: Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, and Instructional Coaches
The third round of applications for the ARP ESSER Benchmark Assessment Grant for Vermont LEAs is available in the Grant Management System. This grant encourages LEAs to purchase new or expand on existing benchmark assessment system(s) for English Language Arts and Mathematics that report Lexile and Quantile measures, and/or to support staff participation in the Educator Academy for Lexile and/or Quantile Frameworks. The due date for applications has been extended until Tuesday, October 24, 2023.
Contact: Pat Fitzsimmons, [email protected]

Early Warning System Workshop: Developing a Data Catalog, Selecting Indicators, and Setting Thresholds

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, CTE Directors, Data and IT Managers 
The next virtual EWS workshop will be on Monday, Oct 30, from 3:00-4:30pm. During this session we will focus on three strategies to design the ideal EWS for your SU/SD - developing a data catalog, selecting indicators, and setting thresholds. Whether you have not started or are just beginning your EWS journey, we encourage you to attend so that you have the tools and knowledge to align with the needs of your SU/SD. There is now a site where you can find recordings of previous workshops, transcripts, and other resources. Please RSVP online to join this series.
Contact: Ryan Parkman, [email protected].

The Vermont Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirement Hierarchies: Priority Performance Indicators and Transferable Skills Connections

Audience: Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, and High School Educators
Transferable skills are an essential set of skills and competencies that promote the integration and application of knowledge across contexts and are critically important to success in today’s world, particularly in post-secondary and career readiness programs. The Priority Performance Indicators and Transferable Skills Connections documents outline connections between the transferable skills and the Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirement (PBGR) Hierarchies, which include the PBGR, Critical Proficiencies, and Priority Performance Indicators. This work is intended to exemplify how transferable skills related to Priority Performance Assessments can be embedded into instruction and performance assessments within a unit of study.  
Contact: Pat Fitzsimmons, [email protected]

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The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].