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Volume 18, Issue 23

July 17, 2024


The Agency of Education created the weekly field memo to keep subscribers up-to-date with current education policy, state-wide education initiatives, and official messages from the AOE. The Weekly Field Memo contains education-related posts from the Agency of Education (AOE), other State of Vermont agencies, federal agencies or Vermont's congressional delegation.

Contents: July 17, 2024

Math for All Learners Contract Extension

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, CTE Directors, Curriculum Directors, Math Educators 
The Vermont Agency of Education (AOE) has extended its contract with the All Learners Network (ALN) for the 2024-2025 school year to provide professional learning to improve universal instruction and assessment practices in mathematics that focus on improving learning outcomes for all students. Through the contract with ALN, the AOE will be supporting professional learning opportunities at no cost to SU/SDs to help develop and improve universal core instruction and assessment practices that support equitable educational opportunities. Please visit the All Learners Network webpage for more information regarding all events and registration information as they become available. 
Contact: Ryan Parkman at [email protected] 

Behavioral Threat Assessment Training - August 7, 2024

Audience: Behavioral Threat Assessment Team Members
School Behavioral Threat Assessment & Management (BTAM) training is a virtual, one-day training course presented by The Vermont School Safety Center, designed to prevent active shooter incidents and other targeted violence in our schools and school districts. This course also teaches participants how to assess threats and other disturbing behavior and take steps to reduce risk and prevent harm. Prior to this training, we strongly encourage schools and school districts to identify potential members of your BTA teams and attend this training as a "team". Act 29 requires that BTA policies and procedures are implemented or updated by SY 2024-2025 for current BTA teams, and that BTATs and annual trainings are implemented or updated by July 1, 2025. 
Contact: Sunni Eriksen at [email protected]

Psychological First Aid Training

Audience: Educators, School Mental Health Professionals
The Department of Mental Health (DMH) is offering free Psychological First Aid (PFA) training to Vermont educators. PFA is a modular, evidence-based method designed to support children, adolescents, adults and families immediately after disasters and acts of terrorism. It helps those impacted cope with the immediate challenges following such events. Dates of training: Monday, July 29 or Tuesday, July 30, 2024, (only attend one day) from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Training is held in-person at the Waterbury State Office Complex. Light refreshments will be provided. Availability is limited, and registration is open for educators through July 19, 2024, through the DMH’s Online Registration Link.
Contact: Samantha Sweet at [email protected] 

Assessment Literacy to Support Student Learning

Audience: Administrators, K-12 Educators, and Paraprofessionals
This two-day interactive workshop, available through a contract with Demonstrated Success, is designed to support teachers, paraprofessionals, and administrators to leverage a variety of assessment data to inform instruction, provide actionable feedback to students, and identify broader needs for students and staff development. Participants will work as a whole group for part of the day and then work in groups differentiated by levels and roles. This workshop will take place on Sept. 25 and 26, 2024. from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee. For more information, see page two of the Vermont Agency of Education Assessment Literacy and PLCs - September Flyer. Registration is available on the Vermont Data Use Webpage.
Contact: Pat Fitzsimmons at [email protected]

Creating Effective Learning Communities

Audience: Administrators and K-12 Educators
This day-long workshop, available through a contract with Demonstrated Success, will focus on strategies to support highly effective Professional Learning Communities. Teams of educators are encouraged to attend and engage in collaborative data inquiry, utilize data-driven protocols to determine student needs, and explore effective intervention systems. Teams will leave with a strong understanding of how to impact student outcomes by using data in a collaborative, continuous cycle of improvement. This workshop will take place on Sept. 30, 2024, at Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, see page two of the Vermont Agency of Education Assessment Literacy and PLCs - September Flyer. Registration is available on the Vermont Data Use Webpage.
Contact: Pat Fitzsimmons at [email protected]


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The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].