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Volume 18, Issue 15

May 9, 2024


The Agency of Education created the weekly field memo to keep subscribers up-to-date with current education policy, state-wide education initiatives, and official messages from the AOE. The Weekly Field Memo contains education-related posts from the Agency of Education (AOE), other State of Vermont agencies, federal agencies or Vermont's congressional delegation.

Contents: May 9, 2024

2024 Regional Licensing Training for Superintendents and Human Resource Personnel – Revised date

Audience: Superintendents, Human Resources Personnel
The Licensing Team within the Education Quality Division is offering three in-person spring trainings for Superintendents and Human Resource personnel covering general licensing processes including new Rule changes. Each training will be held between 9 a.m. -12 p.m. and limited to 30 participants. Coffee and continental breakfast will be provided. Training dates and locations are listed within the registration form. A confirmation email will be sent once registered and registration will be on a first come basis.
Contact: Katie Gagliardo at [email protected]

Summary of Competitive ARP-ESSER Grant: Improving Student Academic Outcomes in Computer Science, English Language Arts and Literacy, and Mathematics

Audience: Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, and Principals
The Vermont Agency of Education launched a competitive grant in January 2024, with American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Relief state set-aside funding, to improve student learning in computer science, English language arts and literacy, and mathematics. This summary document includes the total amount of funds awarded, the percentage of SU/SDs receiving funding, and grant award details which include the content area(s) and EQS investment strategies. This funding opportunity supports Local Education Authorities in improving academic outcomes by focusing on addressing the specific harms caused by the COVID-19 emergency and improving the core functions of our schools.
Contact: Jess DeCarolis at [email protected]

TalkSpace Webinar: Staying Regulated During Difficult Conversations

Audience: All Vermont Educators
Please join the Vermont Agency of Education on May 14, 2024, from 3:15-4 p.m. for a live webinar with our host Laura Magnuson, MA, MS, LAMFT, VP of Clinical Engagement at TalkSpace: Staying Regulated During Difficult Conversations. The agenda for this webinar will include preparing for difficult conversations, understanding and regulating emotions, how self-care fits in, and resources.
Contact: Tracy Watterson at [email protected]

Vermont Public: Summer Resources

Audience: Vermont Educators
Thinking about savvy summer resources for families? There are so many great podcasts from Vermont Public and But Why Podcast for Curious Kids such as Why is social media so addictive? Visit the Vermont Public Families page to find out more.
Contacts: Emily Leute at [email protected] or Heather Duhamel at [email protected]

Call for Social Studies Proposals

Audience: K-12 Social Studies Educators, CTE Educators, Social Studies-focused Community Members and Organizations
The Vermont Alliance for the Social Studies (VASS) will host its annual conference on Friday, Dec. 6, 2024, at the Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, Vermont. VASS is now soliciting proposals for the numerous breakout sessions which will be held throughout the day. Last year, over 160 people attended the conference. All are encouraged to submit a workshop proposal. For more information visit the VASS website or VASS Facebook page.
Contact: Martha Deiss at [email protected]

Save the Date: BTA Workshop for Current Teams

Audience: School Administrators, Current Behavior Threat Assessment Team Members
The AOE, in partnership with the Vermont School Safety Center, is pleased to announce a Behavioral Threat Assessment Team (BTAT) Workshop. This workshop is designed to support current BTA teams in building effective procedures under the new requirements of Act 29 of 2023. This will be a one-day, hybrid conference with opportunity to attend in person or remotely on May 21, 2024. The workshop is to be held in Stowe, VT. Additional details to be shared with registrants closer to the event date. Please register via the 2024 BTA Workshop Registration Form by May 13, 2024.
Contact: Taylor Goodwin at [email protected]

Now Launched: Literacy Module 5 - Developing Vocabulary

Audience: All educators and administrators
“Module Five: Developing Vocabulary” of AOE’s literacy course “Building a Strong Foundation for Lifelong Literacy Success” launched Friday May 3, 2024. Dive into the world of oral language and its pivotal role in shaping children's vocabulary and reading skills from kindergarten through 12th grade and beyond. Explore diverse vocabulary instruction methods, from direct vocabulary instruction to fostering language-rich environments. Engage in interactive activities to nurture vocabulary growth and delve into the complexities of words through morphemic analysis and semantic exploration. Discover effective strategies for independent vocabulary acquisition, empowering children to become proficient readers. Enroll today to access Module 5.
Contact: Emily Lesh at [email protected]

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].