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Weekly Field Memo - Volume 17, Issue 22

May 31, 2023

Agency of Education, State of Vermont and Federal Updates

This section of the Weekly Field Memo contains posts from the Agency of Education (AOE), other State of Vermont agencies, federal agencies or Vermont's congressional delegation.

Work-Based Learning Survey

Audience: High School WBL Coordinators, Career Support Personnel, School Counselors
Do you, or others in your school, facilitate any Work-Based Learning (WBL) experiences for students? If so, please complete this WBL survey. The AOE is looking forward to providing additional support for all of the diverse WBL programs serving students across Vermont and the first step is to understand the current landscape of WBL in the state. We are looking to collect information throughout the remainder of the school year from high schools (we already have this info from CTE) and then use that information to help update current resources and shape additional supports in the coming school year and beyond.
Contact: Julia Schuster at [email protected]

Peer Review Panelists Wanted

Audience: Currently Licensed Vermont Educators
The Agency of Education’s Peer Review program needs licensed educators to serve as panelists. Panelists receive $175.00 per interview. The work of a panelist involves evaluating a candidate’s portfolio (approximately 2-4 hours) and participating in the interview process (approximately 1-2 hours). Interviews are online and scheduled based on your convenience. If you are interested, complete the online Small Scale Education Contract Survey by June 15, 2023. All endorsement areas are welcome to submit if interested.
Contact: Ryan McCormick at [email protected]

Join the Early Learning Networked Improvement Community for 2023-24

Audience: Principals, SU/SD leaders, Educators
The goal of the Early Learning Networked Improvement Community (ELNIC) is to improve the use of evidence-based instructional practices in PreK-3rd grade math and literacy, through embedded professional learning, coaching, and examination of student work/learning. Participants have reported impressive improvements in practice and student learning. Our partners include: Council of Chief State School Officers, Dr. Sharon Walpole, Dr. Doug Clements, Dr. Julie Sarama, Dr. Pat Greco (Studer Education) and Dr. Lenay Dunn (WestEd). Please see this Knowledge Article for participant testimonials and detailed information about the format, goals and practices. If you are interested in participating, please contact Lori Dolezal.
Contact: Lori Dolezal at [email protected]

Vermont Public: Books that Build Empathy

Audience: Curriculum Directors, Principals, Grades K-3 Teachers
Join the Vermont Agency of Education and Vermont Public as we celebrate the summer of possibilities with PBS Kids! Looking for books for summer reading? Check out these Empathy-Building Books for Kids. Visit the Vermont Public Kids and Education page for more recommendations.
Contacts: Emily Leute at [email protected] or Heather Duhamel at [email protected]

Agency of Education Open Positions

Audience: All
The Vermont Agency of Education has open positions that are available to both state employees and external applicants. The open positions are: State Director of Special Education - Contact: Heather Bouchey at [email protected] and Education Programs Coordinator II - Inclusive Systems - Contact: Chris Kane at [email protected].
Contact: AOE Info at [email protected]

Registration now for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind Provider Education Seminar

Audience: School Administrators, Special Education Personnel, Speech Language Pathologists, Audiologists, Communication Facilitators, any educational interpreter who works with school age children who are D/HH/DB
The Vermont Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind (D/HH/DB) Council will host “Assessing the Quality of D/HH/DB Programs: How do we know if our programs are good enough?” on Friday, July 14, 2023, 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. The registration deadline is July 14, 2023. Providers and Teams serving the D/HH/DB community are encouraged to learn about the National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE) Guidelines (2018) and the tools available that can assist providers in ensuring service delivery that is consistent with current best practices. See the full agenda.
Contact: Linda Hazard at [email protected]

2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results Now Available

Audience: AOE staff, superintendents, principals, students and people who work with middle and high school students
Results are now available from the 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) on the Vermont Department of Health YRBS webpage. These results provide a unique snapshot of Vermont youth’s health and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, we are wrapping up the 2023 administration. A big thank you to everyone who helped make the 2023 YRBS possible over the past few months!
Contact: Kristen Murray at [email protected]

Courtesy Posts

The views, opinions and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared. Please refer to the Weekly Field Memo submission guidelines for additional information.

Vermont Principals Association Announces Five New Professional Learning Offerings

The Vermont Principals Association (VPA) recently announced five new offerings open to Vermont educators, including the inaugural Women in Leadership Conference and much more. View the announcement in the VPA newsletter.
Contact: Mike McRaith at [email protected]

Improving Reading Performance in Mississippi - Livestream Presentation

Mississippi’s extraordinary reading gains have received national attention. Dr. Dorinne Dorfman of the International Dyslexia Alliance-Northern New England Alliance has researched the state’s leadership strategies and reading gains, interviewed teachers and leaders, and observed literacy instruction in six high-poverty schools. She returns with powerful findings and fresh ideas to share with all those who care about student reading in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. This free livestream presentation takes place on Wednesday, June 7 at 7 p.m. Preregister on the webinar registration page.
Contact: Dorinne Dorfman at [email protected]

Summer Graduate Course: Neurodiversity - A Framework for Teaching and Learning

The Vermont Higher Education Collaborative (VT-HEC) is offering a three-credit graduate course with Hannah Markos. The course will be an introduction to the neurodiversity movement, including its origins, history, evolution, key concepts and vocabulary. Participants will use their new learning to inform teaching practices both for students receiving special education and in honoring the neurodiversity inherently present in all classrooms. This course is also part of the VT-HEC Neurodiversity and Inclusion certificate program. The course is fully online with some synchronous virtual classes, beginning on July 10. All educators and other professionals working with students are welcome to register.
Contact: Julie Medose at [email protected]

Funded Upper Valley Idle-Free Schools Campaigns for Fall 2023

For three Upper Valley middle or high schools for Fall 2023, Green Driving America is offering either  a class or school environmental club to implement an eight-to-ten-week, student-led, measured campaign addressing the common issue of excessive vehicle idling during the 15-to-30-minute dismissal period. Benefits include mitigating CO2 emissions, energy waste and improving air quality on school grounds, plus participating students learn organizational, analytical and communication skills as they perform data analysis. Students are empowered by showing drivers the significant benefits in shutting off engines when parked and take pride in making a positive difference in their school community.
Contact: Wayne Michaud at [email protected]

Vermont Destination Imagination 2023-24

As this year comes to a close, Vermont Destination Imagination is looking forward to the new season that begins in the fall. We want to include as many Vermont kids and teens as possible in the Destination Imagination Challenge Experience. Teams collaborate to develop innovative solutions and presentations for Challenges in STEAM (Science, Technical, Engineering, Arts, Math), Service Learning and Early Learning. Teams can be based in schools, afterschool programs, homeschool groups, libraries, arts centers, museums or any other community setting.
Contact: Jane Youngbaer at [email protected]

Looking for Vermont Middle School Teachers - Research Study with Stipend and Professional Development

Citizen Math Impact Study is looking for middle school math teachers interested in receiving free lessons, stipends and professional development to implement powerful, real-world materials in the Citizen Math Impact Study. Teachers, we’re actively looking for middle school math teams in Vermont to join. Administrators, invite your staff to participate. The US Department of Education-funded study starts summer 2023. Citizen Math lessons explore standards-based mathematics through real-world issues, engaging students in critical thinking and collaboration. The lessons have a demonstrated record of improving student learning. 
Contact: Maria Salciccioli at [email protected]

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].