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Volume 16, Issue 51

December 21, 2022

Agency of Education, State of Vermont and Federal Updates

This section of the Weekly Field Memo contains posts from the Agency of Education, other State of Vermont agencies, federal agencies or Vermont's congressional delegation. 

No Weekly Field Memo for Dec. 28, 2022

Audience: All
There will be no Weekly Field Memo on Dec. 28, 2022. The AOE Communications Team hopes you enjoy your break!
Contact: Mary Peterson at [email protected]

Request for Information- Supporting Vermont Schools: Farm to School and Local Purchasing

Audience: Food Service Directors, Business Managers, Educators
The AOE is seeking information to inform future contracts that will support Farm to School education and local purchasing by Child Nutrition Programs in Vermont. The AOE has received a grant from the USDA to support Farm to School work and intends to award three separate contracts to achieve the grant objectives as they align with our state goals. Questions about the request for information are due by Jan. 9, 2023 and all responses are due by Jan. 30, 2023. The full listing may be found on the Vermont Bid System website.
Contact: Conor Floyd at [email protected] or (802) 828-0310

December Issue of Health and Learning Newsletter Now Available

Audience: Health Educators, Physical Education Educators
The December issue of the bi-monthly newsletter, Health and Learning, is now available. This issue introduces the new Physical Education/Health Content Specialist at the VT AOE, Ian Burfoot-Rochford. Also included in this issue is information about the sundown of the state FitnessGram license and transition from the Vermont Physical Education Assessment.
Contact: Ian Burfoot-Rochford at [email protected]

Multilingual Learners and Special Education Office Hours

Audience: Special Education Teachers, English Learner Teachers, Special Education Administrators, Multilingual Community Liaisons
Office hours will be offered for English learner teachers and special education teachers to discuss special education identification for multilingual students. A recorded webinar, guidance document and slide deck will be shared in Jan. 2023, and it is recommended that participants review these resources prior to the office hours. The first fifteen minutes will include a brief overview of these resources with time to discuss the guidance and answer questions from participants. These office hours will be held on Jan. 19, 2023, from 8-9 a.m. Please register for Multilingual Learners and Special Education Office Hours. Contact Cassie Santo or Stephanie Vogel for questions about the Office Hours.
Contact: Cassie Santo at [email protected]

STEAM Challenge Grant Opportunity

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Curriculum Directors, CTE Administrators, Educators, School Librarians, SU/SD Afterschool Program Directors/Staff
The AOE is offering a competitive grant to support programs providing students with a holistic STEAM experience. This short-duration, competitive grant opportunity will make awards of no more than $25,000. The intent of the grant is to promote rigorous, relevant and authentic STEAM learning experiences that encourage students to apply STEAM concepts to real-world situations. Vermont public secondary schools, including career technical education centers, are invited to organize interdisciplinary student teams to address a problem within the state. A team must utilize a STEAM approach to come up with a solution and apply the knowledge and practices of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. Grant applications are due Jan. 20, 2023.
Contact: Lisa Bresler at [email protected]

ARP ESSER GMS Application Available for Afterschool and Summer Grants-Due January 4, 2023

Audience: Education Technology Directors, IT Managers, Principals, Superintendents
The ARP-ESSER Afterschool Round Two Grant Application and ARP ESSER Summer Grant Application are now live in the GMS system. Additional information about both programs can be found in the ARP ESSER Set-Aside Fund Application Planning Guide. Through these two programs, $3.5 million is currently available as part of the AOE's larger education recovery and revitalization work. There are opportunities in both the afterschool and summer grants for program development, expansion and/or capacity building and for the development of new comprehensive programs. Summaries of programs funding in the first round of the ARP ESSER Afterschool Grant are available to guide your thinking. All LEAs will be eligible to apply. Applications will be due Jan. 4, 2023, and awards will be announced Feb. 1, 2022. Individuals interested in receiving additional training materials or asking questions about the applications are encouraged to reach out.
Contact: Johannes Haensch at [email protected] or (802) 828-7135

Vermont Public: December Resources to Celebrate Persons with Disabilities and Enjoy Family Trips

Audience: Curriculum Directors, Principals, PreK-12 Teachers
Celebrate International Persons with Disabilities Day with resources from the Vermont Agency of Education and Vermont Public Partnership, including books that celebrate Disability Pride Month, Sesame Street in Communities and amazing resources for inclusive education from the STEM Innovation for Inclusion in Early Education Center (STEMIE). For co-viewing with students in grades PreK-2, access digital and downloadable content for family celebrations and trips. For number fun in grades K-3, check out Incorporating Odd Squad into Your Classroom, Odd Squad Resources and Episode-Specific Activities, Incorporating Peg + Cat into Your Classroom and Pet + Cat Resources with Episode-Specific Activities. Or, spend time with STEM heroes using Incorporating Hero Elementary into Your Classroom, Hero Elementary Resources with Episode-Specific Activities and the PBSLM Hero Elementary Collection. For older students, check out Becoming Helen Keller Collection (American Sign Language available). For a local connection, But Why has created standards-aligned learning guides to complement recent episodes. Visit the Vermont Public Kids and Education page for more information.
Contacts: Emily Leute at [email protected] or Heather Duhamel at [email protected]

Agency of Education Open Positions

Audience: All
The Vermont Agency of Education has open positions that are available to both state employees and external applicants. Positions are: AOE Grants Manager - Contact: Cassandra Ryan at [email protected], Education Quality Assurance Coordinator - Josh Souliere at [email protected]Education Data Analyst II - Contact: David Kelley at [email protected], Education Programs Coordinator I - Math Specialist - Contact: Pat Fitzsimmons at [email protected], Education Assistant Division Director - Student Pathways - Contact: Jess DeCarolis at [email protected], Assessment Coordinator for Special Populations - Contact: Chris Case at [email protected] and Education Child Nutrition Consultant - Contact: Rosie Krueger at [email protected].
Contact: AOE Info at [email protected]

Courtesy Posts

The views, opinions and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared. Please refer to the Weekly Field Memo submission guidelines for additional information.

Announcing Prompt for Hildene’s Lincoln Essay Competition 2023 for Vermont Eighth Graders

Encouraging civil civic discourse, especially around difficult subjects, is a key part of Hildene’s mission. For this year’s prompt, Vermont eighth graders are asked to consider the delicate topic of book banning. First-place winners receive $500, second place $400, third place $300 and up to four honorable mentions of $200 each. The deadline for submissions is Feb. 12, 2023. Please consult the 2023 Hildene Lincoln Essay Competition for Vermont Eighth Graders to see the prompt and find a complete application packet.
Contact: Stephanie Moffett-Hynds at [email protected] or (802) 367-7960

Teacher's Virtual Workshop Series

Join the Teacher's Workshop in Jan. 2023, for three two-hour virtual workshops presented by Vermont educators. The workshops will focus on how to integrate specialized instruction outlined in a student's individualized education program with mainstream learning goals, share best practices on how to include student interests and project-based learning opportunities and the integration of social-emotional skills. For more information explore the Teacher's Workshop Series website, reach out to [email protected], or sign up on the Teacher's Workshop Registration Form.
Contact: Cordell Hull at [email protected]

College & Career Pathways 2023

High schools around the state are invited to bring students to one of this year’s Vermont Student Assistance Corporation College & Career Pathways events being offered on four separate dates in February, March and April 2023. These events, taking place on Vermont college campuses during the school day, are free to attend and include lunch. Students will have the opportunity to take part in workshops on a variety of college and career planning topics and most venues will include the option of a campus tour. Register today to bring students to one of these weekday events.
Contact: Anna Telensky at [email protected]

Vermont Family Network Free Workshop: Finding a Summer Camp: There is a Camp in New England For Every Camper!

The workshop, Finding a Summer Camp: There is a camp in New England for every camper!, will be held on Jan. 11, 2023, from 10-11 a.m. The workshop will cover the overall camp experience, touching upon the natural connection between camp and school, including how camps can fit into the extended school year within your child’s individualized education plan. Processes and resources for finding camps will be discussed, including tangible steps and resources families can use to find the right camp for their camper (or young adult). Presenters: Bud Copeland – Director of Membership and Engagement – American Camps Association, New England and Karen Price, Vermont Family Network Co-Director of Family Support.
Contact: Rachel Boyers at [email protected]

All Learners Network Math Professional Development - Math Talk Podcast

All Learners Network Math Talk, is a podcast produced by All Learners Network and currently is in season three. We host a range of guests who are working to support educators and help schools unlock students' potential in math. If you would like to suggest a guest, or be a guest yourself, get in touch with our team.
Contact: TJ Jemison at [email protected]

Multiple Perspectives and Counter Narratives in Vermont’s Food System: A Workshop for K-12 Educators and Partners

Calling all educators! Join Vermont Folklife and Shelburne Farms on Jan. 19, 2023, from 12-4 p.m., at the Vermont History Center in Barre for a deep dive into teaching resources and strategies about Vermont’s food systems, inspired by Vermont Reads 2022 selection The Most Costly Journey. For more information and to register for this workshop, visit the Shelburne Farms event's website.
Contact: Jen Cirillo at [email protected]

Save the Date: On-Farm Career Education Opportunities in May

University of Vermont Extension’s 4-H Program invites sixth-grade teachers to mark their calendars now for one of two field trips at working dairy farms to explore content and careers in farming and beyond: May 17, 2023, at Fairmount Farm in East Montpelier and May 24, 2023, at the North Williston Cattle Company in Williston, both from 9:30 a.m.–2 p.m. Students will rotate through hands-on workshops with professionals in agronomy, finance, technology, animal health, nutrition, policy and state workforce development and more. Teachers will leave with a curriculum that allows them to further explore these topics. More details and registration to come in early Feb. 2023.
Contact: Sarah Kleinman at [email protected] or (802) 651-8343, ext 521

Rosie's Girls Camp February Break – Open Spots

Vermont Works for Women (VWW) and Generator have a few spots open in Rosie’s Girls at Generator camp during February break. Co-facilitated by both organizations, campers put their STEAM skills to work inside Generator’s makerspace facility in Burlington. Campers explore laser cutting, vinyl printing, jewelry making and more. Projects are paired with “Power Skills”, VWW’s social-emotional curriculum designed to expand campers’ self-confidence, sense of possibility, and connection with one another. The camp will be held from Feb. 27 – March 3, 2023. Open to girls and those comfortable in a girl-centered space, grades 6-8. Visit the Rosie's Girls webpage for more information and fill out the registration form to register.
Contact: Caelan Keenan [email protected] or (802) 655-8900, ext 106

Partnerships for Literacy and Learning Presents: Educational Support Team Process WORKshop

Educators and administrators know that to have a strong Multi-tiered System of Support (VTmtss), districts need to have the proper tools. One of the most essential elements in the implementation of VTmtss is the Educational Support Team (EST) process. We have created the EST Process WORKshop that honors the progress districts have made with their EST tools while working together with others to continue to fine-tune your school's/district's process. These four sessions begin on Jan. 16, 2023. Details can be found at PLL’s professional learning webpage.
Contact: Mary Grace at [email protected] or (802) 828-0521

Professional Learning: Math K-6

Registration is open for this summer's Enhancing The Math Gameplan: High Impact, Low-Cost Shifts to Increase Engagement, Equity, and Understanding with Christian Courtemanche K-6. Christian Courtemanche brings his energy and expertise back for this optional three-graduate credit course that will level up pedagogy and create resources that will be more impactful, more accessible and more inclusive for every learner. The course will take place on June 20-23, 2023, with two follow-up sessions after school on Sept. 26 and Nov. 14, 2023, at Champlain Valley Educator Development Center in South Burlington. In-person and zoom options are available.
Contact: Lauren Wooden at [email protected] or (802) 497-1642

Courses or Full Certificate in Learning Differences and Neurodiversity

Jan. 15, 2023, is the application deadline for individual eight-week courses for Landmark College’s certificate program in Learning Differences and Neurodiversity. Specialize in executive function, autism on campus and online or postsecondary disability services. Three graduate credits per course. All courses run Feb. 3–April 2, 2023, including “Understanding and Supporting Diverse Learners” and “Student Engagement, Self-Regulation, and Motivation”.
Contact: Carol Beninati at [email protected] or (802) 387-1662

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].