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Volume 15, Issue 47

December 1, 2021

Agency of Education and State of Vermont Updates

This section of the Weekly Field Memo contains posts from the Agency of Education and other State of Vermont agencies that are not specifically related to the COVID-19 response.

Q&A: Special Education Monitoring Submissions - Due by Jan. 15, 2022

Audience: Special Education Directors and District Staff for Monitoring Submissions
A Q&A session on the next Special Education Monitoring submissions, which are due by Jan. 15, 2022, will be held on Dec. 15, 2021, from 9-10 a.m. This event is open to all Special Education Directors and district staff involved in Special Education monitoring submissions. Attendance is strongly encouraged, especially for new staff. More information on how to join this session can be found on the event page. This event will not be recorded.
Contact: Simona Kragh at [email protected]

Computer Science Education Week Dec. 6-12, 2021

Audience: STEM Educators, Computer Science Teachers, Curriculum Directors, School Librarians, Principals, Educators  
Computer Science Education Week is an annual call to action to inspire K-12 students to learn computer science (CS), advocate for equity in computer science education, and celebrate the contributions of students, teachers and partners to the field. During Computer Science Education Week, educators and students are encouraged to participate in Hour of Code where educators are urged to hold a one-hour coding activity to introduce students to computer science. For more information about Computer Science Education Week events and Hour of Code activities go to the AOE Education Technology web page.
Contact: Lisa Helme at [email protected]

Professional Learning – Project-Based Teaching: A Professional Learning Community

Audience: Administrators, Curriculum Directors, Instructional Coaches, PreK-12 Teachers
Project-Based Teaching (PBT) is a professional learning program developed by the Agency of Education aimed at supporting school-based teams of teachers with self-directed peer learning communities (PLCs) as they implement Project-Based Learning (PjBL) into their practice. PBT participants include teams of teachers led by a fellow Teacher Leader, who has attended Foundations of PjBL Cohorts A or B or similar PjBL professional learning. PBT happens in three phases: a Teacher Leader Seminar, the Foundations of Project-Based Learning series and self-directed PLCs. More information on PBT can be found on our webpage. If interested in participating in PBT, educators should assemble a team of colleagues and identify a Teacher Leader to attend the Teacher Leader Seminar. Teacher Leaders should also plan to attend the Foundations of Project-Based Learning PL series with their teams. Individuals who are not on a team are welcome to register and participate in the Foundations series. Please complete the Project Based Learning Registration form to register as a Teacher Leader, team member or individual attending Foundations.
Contact: Kyle Anderson at [email protected]

Vermont PBS: December Resources to Celebrate Winter and School Vacation

Audience: Curriculum Directors, Principals, PreK-12 Teachers
The Vermont Agency of Education has updated our Vermont PBS webpage for December. This month, celebrate winter and school vacation with activities and resources to send home with students. Other topics of interest include social-emotional learning, VPR podcasts about Latin American music, recycling laws and Abenaki people in Vermont today. We will be updating this webpage monthly, so check back often to find new featured resources related to monthly themes and organized by grade band and subject area. Also, visit the Vermont PBS Kids and Education page to find more online and printable resources. To share resources and network with colleagues, join the Vermont PBS Educational Resources group on Edmodo. Activate your Edmodo account and join the VTED Learns community by filling out this form.
Contacts: Emily Leute at [email protected] or Heather Duhamel at [email protected]

Deadline Extended for VTmtss Professional Learning Providers List Update

Audience: Professional Learning Providers
The Vermont Agency of Education is collecting information on individuals and institutions not on the 2020 providers list who can provide Vermont educators with professional learning specializing in the VTmtss Framework to update its current providers’ list. Please submit your information using this form. The AOE will evaluate the submissions to update the 2020 menu of professional development providers. This menu is available to the state’s educators, updated annually, and used as a resource when planning their professional development activities. Submissions will be accepted until Dec. 16, 2021.
Contact: Nancy Hellen at [email protected]

Courtesy Posts

The views, opinions and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared. Please refer to the Weekly Field Memo submission guidelines for additional information.

All Learners Network Math Talk Podcast

Season 2 of our Math Talk podcast is out with Dr. John Tapper and co-host TJ Jemison. Episodes 1-7 are already on our website. Check them out on our ALN podcast website.
Contact: TJ Jemison at [email protected]

Vermont's Official 529 Savings Plan Provides the Gift of Education Opportunity

VSAC reminds families that Vermont’s state-sponsored 529 savings plan offers an easy way to give a gift that encourages kids to think big about career and college opportunities. Studies show that students with even small amounts of savings are three times more likely to pursue education after high school and four times more likely to complete that training, preparing students with the degree or credentials needed for the jobs of the future. And VT529 savings deposited by Dec. 31, 2021 qualify for a 10% VT income tax credit for 2021.
Contact: Stephen Mease at [email protected]

Applications Open for the ASK Peer Educator Program

Planned Parenthood of Northern New England is recruiting interested high school students who would like to join our ASK Peer Educator program winter training, scheduled to begin in Feb. 2022. This volunteer program is open to Vermont high school age students. Training will take place virtually, so this opportunity is not limited by location. If you are an adult who works with a young person who might be interested, please pass along this opportunity. Students who are interested should fill out and submit an application online. Applications are requested by Jan. 7, 2022.
Contact: Planned Parenthood of Northern New England at [email protected] or 802-448-9726

Vermont Higher Education Collaborative (VT-HEC) Spring Catalog - Registration is Open

Registration is open for VT-HEC's winter/spring semester with virtual workshops, webinars and recordings, plus graduate-level courses. Topics include Educator Well-being, Health Education, Equity, Neurodiversity, Resilience, Special Education and more. There is also a full lineup of graduate courses to gain endorsements in the areas of Special Ed, Early Ed, ECSE, Health Ed and Work-Based Learning. View the VT-HEC Current Catalog webpage.
Contact Julie Medose at [email protected] or 802-498-3350

Professional Learning: English Language Learners

Registration is open for Classroom Design Supporting Students' Cultural Backgrounds: Co-Planning for Informed ELL Instruction in K-12 Classrooms. This 2-day workshop on August 8-9, 2022, at the Hampton Conference Center in Colchester will incorporate Andrea Hohnigsfeld lessons around Collaboration and Co-Teaching. We will focus on accommodating the needs of ELL students while considering their cultural backgrounds and other important factors for creating culturally-sensitive classroom environments. Facilitated by Kayla Johnson, Marina Brzostoski and Christine Sealey, EWSD ELL Teachers. For more information, please visit our webpage.
Contact: Lauren Wooden at [email protected] or (802) 497-1642

For Upper Valley Environmental Educators: Green Driving Presentations

Thanks to a grant award from an Upper Valley foundation, Green Driving America Inc., a non-profit organization, is offering Upper Valley high school environmental educators and driver educators our Green Driving from the Start project presentations: 45-minute guest-lecturing presentations showing students the benefits of green driving practices and low-to-zero-emission vehicles, plus alternatives to driving. Presentations are conducted virtually, or in-person, by a trained Dartmouth College intern. For science, math, or STEM classes or environmental clubs/green teams.
Contact: Wayne Michaud at [email protected] or (916) 209-0224

Education for Sustainability Graduate Programs

UVM and the Shelburne Farms Institute for Sustainable Schools recently launched two new Education for Sustainability (EFS) graduate certificate programs. Coursework will benefit PreK-12 educators as well as those working in museum education, outdoor education, parks and recreation activities, and other fields where natural and built environments are part of the curriculum. Grounded in action research, transformative education and youth leadership, EFS coursework prepares educators to empower learners in making positive changes in their communities while shifting societies to improve the quality of life for current and for future generations. Visit UVM’s Education for Sustainability web page to learn more.
Contact: Gillian Homsted at [email protected]

Professional Learning: Wilson Reading System® Introductory Course

Registration is open for Wilson Reading System® Introductory Course, that begins Feb. 8, 2022, a professional learning course by the Stern Center for Language and Learning. Participants learn about reading research, dyslexia, appropriate student identification and placement, program implementation, progress monitoring, scheduling, and creating a successful learning environment. Visit the course page to register.
Contact: SJ Larkspur at [email protected]

Thirteenth Annual 2022 Vermont Entrepreneurship Day - Free Virtual Event

All secondary students and educators in any discipline on Feb. 9, 2022, are invited to join this engaging, educational program to hear from young enterprising Vermont entrepreneurs sharing their stories and offering tips on how to be successful in business or in the workplace. Also, hear from a communications expert about personal and professional branding. In advance, students have the option to participate in the visual media competition with cash prizes awarded at the event. This year’s theme: “Vermont Entrepreneurs...Building Networks”. Details and competition guidelines can be found on the event web page.
Contact: Laurel Butler at [email protected] or (802) 922-3692

Vermont Science Olympiad – High School Teams Wanted

The University of Vermont will be hosting the Vermont Science Olympiad on Saturday, April 2, 2022, and we are looking for teams to join us for this exciting day of science competition. Science Olympiad functions much like a football or soccer team, requiring preparation, commitment, coaching and practice. Each school-based team is allowed to bring up to 15 students in grades 9-12 who cross-train for a variety of events in their skill set. (Schools may have more than one team.) Please email Lauren Traister and let us know if you are interested in forming a team at your school so we can help you get started. We are hoping to increase the number of high schools that participate in this year’s Science Olympiad, so please spread the word to those who may be interested.
Contact: Lauren Traister at [email protected]

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].