- COVID-19 Updates and Guidance for Schools
- Other Agency of Education and State of Vermont Updates
- Courtesy Posts
COVID-19 Updates and Guidance for Schools
This section of the Weekly Field Memo contains updates to COVID-19 guidance from the Vermont Agency of Education released since the last Weekly Field Memo. For a complete list of AOE-issued guidance, please visit our COVID-19 Guidance for Vermont Schools and Continuity of Learning websites. For the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on the COVID-19 response in Vermont, visit the Health Department's Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) website.
Guidance: Strong and Healthy Start
Since last week's Weekly Field Memo, the Agency of Education has issued Safety and Health Guidance: FAQ 1 (7/9) and Hybrid Learning During the 2020-2021 School Year (7/15).
Contact: Ted Fisher at [email protected]
Guidance: Finance
Since last week's Weekly Field Memo, the Agency of Education has issued Memo: Coronavirus Relief Fund Reimbursement FY2020 and FY2021 (7/10), Memo: CARES Act (ESSER) Application for SU/SDs (7/15) and Equitable Services Calculations for ESSER Funds (7/15).
Contact: Kathy Flanagan at [email protected]
Guidance: Childcare and Camps
Since last week's Weekly Field Memo, the Vermont Department of Health has updated Health Guidance for Childcare and School Age Camps/Care (Updated 7/13)
Contact: Ted Fisher at [email protected]
Vermont PBS: Summer Program Schedule
Audience: Curriculum Directors, Principals, PreK-12 Teachers
The Vermont PBS Week-Ahead Program Schedule for the week of July 20, 2020, is now available. For the summer months, the schedule is focused on two channels, the Main and Plus+. Since school is out, please pass this information along to families.
Contacts: Pat Fitzsimmons at [email protected] or Heather Duhamel at [email protected]
Other Agency of Education and State of Vermont Updates
This section of the Weekly Field Memo contains posts from the Agency of Education and other State of Vermont agencies that are not specifically related to the COVID-19 Response.
Essential Components of Local Assessment Systems for Personalized, Proficiency-Based Learning
Audience: Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, Teachers
Local Comprehensive Assessment Systems (LCAS) are essential for ensuring equitable learning opportunities for all students. They have the potential to ensure that each and every learner meets high expectations that are set across all content areas. Since LCAS is one of four levers highlighted by the Vermont Agency of Education for supporting the success of all students, the Vermont Agency of Education held convenings with educational leaders over the past year to refine tools and investigate resources that can improve local systems that support personalized, proficiency-based learning. This CompetencyWorks four-part blog series highlights tools, resources and processes that can be used to strengthen assessment systems.
Contact: Pat Fitzsimmons at [email protected]
Parent Involvement Survey: Getting the Word Out
Audience: Principals, Teachers, Special Educators, Special Education Administrators, Parent Organizations
The Vermont Agency of Education has contracted with Potsdam Institute for Applied Research to conduct this year’s Parent Involvement Survey to let us know how parents feel about their school’s efforts to create meaningful partnerships with them and how they believe schools can better meet their child’s special needs. This survey will be mailed to all families of students with disabilities on or around July 31, 2020. With a concerted effort, we can all encourage families to fill out the surveys. Please encourage families to look out for an envelope from the Vermont Agency of Education with a SUNY return address. There is a link provided for those who wish to take the survey online. Should parents need assistance, they may contact Vermont Family Network.
Contact: Cassidy Canzani at [email protected]
Vermont School Safety Initiative: Free Training Available (Updated WebEx Links)
Audience: Superintendent’s, Principals and School Crisis Planning Team Members
Vermont’s Agency of Education and Department of Public Safety have partnered with Margolis Healy in Vermont’s School Safety Planning, Training and Exercise initiative. Two online trainings are available through these updated training links: Part 1 Training is an all hazards approach to critical incidents with a focus on Run/Hide/Fight and Part 2 Training covers physical security considerations. For more information on the training, please e-mail [email protected].
Contact: Robert L. Evans at [email protected] or (802) 839-0448
Licensure Expiration Date
Audience: Vermont Educators
The Vermont Standards Board for Professional Educators voted to set October 15, 2020, as the final expiration date for all educator licenses originally scheduled to expire on June 30, 2020, at their July 9, 2020, board meeting. Previously, the board had voted to extend the expiration date to allow educators additional time to complete any required testing or fingerprints. Fingerprinting centers are now open across the state, as are PRAXIS testing centers. Additionally, ETS now have test at home options available for most tests. We strongly encourage all educators to act quickly to complete any outstanding licensure requirements.
Contact: Amy Scalabrini at [email protected]
Reminder: Food Service Equipment Grants Due July 20
Audience: Food Service Directors, Business Managers, Farm to School Coordinators
The deadline to submit applications for State School Food Service Equipment Grants is coming up. These grants provide a 50% match for school food service equipment or computer systems to operate the school food service program. Please see the grant memo and application for more information. The grant deadline is July 20, 2020.
Contact: Ailynne Adams at [email protected]
Courtesy Posts
The views, opinions and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared. Please refer to the Weekly Field Memo submission guidelines for additional information.
Until further notice, the Courtesy Posts will only include posts related to in-person training, events or meetings that affirmatively comply with current health guidance from the Vermont Department of Health, the Agency of Commerce and Community Development and/or the Vermont Agency of Education.
UP for Learning Presents Remote Learning and the Brain - A Professional Learning Experience
It is now more important than ever before to understand how we learn. To help meet the needs of our evolving educational landscape, UP for Learning is hosting a series of online training sessions for educators and those partnering with youth in learning experiences that focus on the impact of stress on learning, the power of positive self-talk and how the brain learns. Following each live training, participants will be provided with a lesson and resources they can immediately implement with youth to help them become more effective learners in any setting. If you are unable to attend, you can register and a recording of the training will be sent to you. See the flyer on Remote Learning and the Brain and register online.
Contact: Amie Conger at [email protected]
SPEAK for Youth Public Speaking Workshops
SPEAK is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit formed by high schoolers at Maggie Walker Governor’s School in Richmond, VA to promote proficiency in public speech. The organization is offering virtual public speaking workshops as well as debate and international studies seminars via Zoom. SPEAK has taught more than 100 students during the pandemic; students wanting to attend public speaking workshops can sign up online. Workshop and seminar specifics (dates, times, etc.) can be found on the organizations website: speakforyouth.org.
Contact: Anshul Ciranth at [email protected]
Supporting Media Literacy Through Distance Learning
Webinar: July 16, 2020, at 3 p.m. PDT. Join the California Department of Education, KQED and Common Sense Education to explore curated resources and services focused on media literacy and digital citizenship in the context of distance learning. In this 70-minute informational webinar, participants will get resources to access, evaluate and use information effectively and ethically online. Register online.
Contact: Heather Duhamel at [email protected]
Election 2020: Making Audio and Video Commentaries to Amplify Youth Voice
Online Workshop (2-parts): July 22 and 24, 2020, 1-4 p.m. PDT. Invite middle and high school students to participate in the national conversation with the Let’s Talk About Election 2020 youth media challenge. Join the Bay Area Writing Project for a 2-part online workshop to learn how to create your own short audio or video commentary and prepare your students for the challenge. Learn more and register online.
Contact: Heather Duhamel at [email protected]
Analyzing and Evaluating Media for the Classroom
Online Course: July 27-August 16, 2020. Misinformation is a constant in students' lives, especially in the current global reality. This instructor-led KQED Media Academy course will help empower students to effectively assess the accuracy and quality of information across media formats and understand the techniques content creators use to shape their messages. Learn more and register online.
Contact: Heather Duhamel at [email protected]
UVM Curriculum Leadership Course for Fall 2020
This graduate level course will focus on a variety of topics, including the importance of auditing the hidden curriculum, strategies for moving towards a guaranteed and viable curriculum, and how to craft a coherent educational infrastructure. Further information can be found in the course description.
Contact: Andrew Jones at [email protected]
Professional Development: Wilson Reading System® Introductory Course
Registration is open for the Wilson Reading System® (WRS) Introductory Course, a professional development course from the Stern Center for Language and Learning. This online course takes place Oct. 27-29, 2020, and provides participants with an overview of the WRS 4th Edition curriculum. Participants explore the standard 10-part Wilson Lesson Plan and practice planning and delivering a lesson while receiving modeling and feedback from a Wilson Credentialed Trainer during the workshop. For more information, visit the course webpage. Registration due by Oct. 6, 2020.
Contact: SJ Larkspur at [email protected]
VT Music Teachers: The Vermont Virtual Learning Coop (VTVLC)
VTVLC is surveying VT music educators to gauge interest in their support for a weekly webinar series to provide students across the state a variety of short topic talks (think "TED Talks for Music"). We would provide the Zoom webinar platform for up to 1,000 students, calendar of events, registration and tech support to run and archive the weekly events. Submit session ideas and feedback.
Contact: Jeff Renard at [email protected] or (802) 885-8308