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Volume 13, Issue 5

January 30, 2019

Endorsement Revision Focus Group

Audience: Reading/English Language Arts Specialists, Reading/English Language Arts Coordinators, and College Education Faculty
The Professional Standards Team is in the process of revising the competency standards for licensure in the Reading/English Language Arts Specialist and Reading/English Language Arts Coordinator endorsement areas. Sometime in February, or perhaps early March, the team will be convening a day-long focus group for both endorsement areas up for revision. At this focus group, we will review the current endorsement standards and draw on collected expertise from the participating practitioners, policymakers and researchers to guide the revision. Space is limited; if you are interested in participating please contact Terry Reilly.
Contact: Terry Reilly at (802) 479-1315 or [email protected]

Linking Health and Learning Newsletter, January 2019

Audience: Health Educators, Physical Educators, School Nurses, Guidance Counselors, Curriculum Directors, Principals, Superintendents, Higher Education
The January 2019 Linking Health and Learning newsletter is now posted on the Vermont Agency of Education Health and Physical Education (PE) webpages. This newsletter communicates pertinent information about the Vermont PE Assessment and news from around the state, as well as professional learning events and resources to support Vermont’s health and physical educators.
Contact: Susan Yesalonia at [email protected] or (802) 479-1284

National Youth Science Camp Award

Audience: CTE Directors, Principals, Curriculum Coordinators, 9-12 STEM Educators
The National Youth Science Camp (NYSCamp) honors graduating seniors who have demonstrated academic excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The NYSCamp is organized and operated by the National Youth Science Foundation (NYSF) and participants attend free of charge - transportation included. Two students will be selected to represent Vermont at the 2019 NYSCamp to be held in West Virginia. The application and additional information can be found on the NYSCamp Application Website. Deadline for students to apply is Feb. 28, 2019.
Greg Young at [email protected] or (802) 479-1448

Courtesy Posts

The views, opinions, and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people, and opportunities as shared.

Edcamp Vermont Registration Open

Free registration is now open for the sixth annual Edcamp Vermont in Winooski, to be held on Saturday, March 30. This free "unconference" is a dynamic day of professional development for teachers, by teachers. More information at
Contact: Ali Putnam, [email protected]

Puppets in Education: Children’s Mental Health Programming

Vermont Family Network's Puppets in Education has three slots left for Children's Mental Health Programming thanks to Vermont Department of Mental Health. Our Children's Mental Health programs are Feelings for grades PreK-2 and ADHD for grades 3-4. These pair well with Bully Prevention, Cultural Diversity or Abuse Awareness. Each paired program has a workshop for grades 5-8. The cost to schools is only $400 for the full day (up to five presentations), as the grant will fund the rest of the cost. If this is cost prohibitive we can work together to find donor support for the remaining balance. These programs have made a huge impact in VT, NY, MA and NH.
Contact: Karen Sharpwolf at [email protected] or (802) 876-5313 ext. 24

Over $15,000 Available to Fund Youth-Driven Projects

The Vermont Youth Council (a program of Vermont Afterschool) is seeking applications from Vermont youth between the ages of 10 and 21 to fund projects that further Youth Rights across the state. The Youth4Youth grants have been designed by young people and can be used to further an existing program, create a new one or help an individual student further their personal goals. Individual grant amounts can range from $100 to $3000, and the final youth recipients will be voted on by their peers. Watch a short video created by the council explaining the grants, or head to to learn more, apply or request a staff visit to your site to promote the grants.
Contact: Sam Graulty at [email protected] or (802) 448-3464

Advancing Equity in the Middle Grades June 24-28

The Middle Grades Institute, a week-long professional development program for middle grades teachers, will be held June 24-28, 2019 at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont. The theme at the Institute will be Advancing Equity in the Middle Grades, in light of the education reforms of Act 77 - personalized learning, proficiency based education and flexible pathways. During the week, participants will attend sessions held specifically for their pathway concentration, as well as sessions held for all institute participants. Participants can earn course credit toward their middle grades endorsement, too. Small group discussions, one-on-one consultations and visiting teams and students round out the opportunities. Every effort is made to model best middle level practice throughout the institute. To register please visit Middle Grades Institute and for more information please see the Middle Grades Institute flyer.
Contact: James Nagle at [email protected] or (802) 654-2636

New England School Nurse Conference May 3-5

The Vermont State School Nurses' Association is hosting the New England School Nurse Conference in Burlington, VT this year. Our Keynote speaker, Dr. Jane Chevako, will kick the conference off with her "Are You My School Nurse?" presentation, which will be a great message for not only school nurses, but all those who work with school nurses on a daily basis. All speakers address the conference goals: 1. Improving student and/or school nurse health outcomes, and 2. Transferring knowledge gained into daily school nurse practice. Breakout sessions cover a variety of topics, from health conditions such as voiding dysfunction, diabetes, ears/nose/throat issues, rashes, and "hot, snots, and trots" to social/emotional situations such as parents who are incarcerated, sensitivities to  LGBTQ+ youth experiences, cyberbulling and social media use, and the opioid epidemic. Conference registration is open and early bird rates apply through Feb. 23. Register for one day or two days, but either way the Friday evening session is bonus with registration. Those planning to attend who would also like to volunteer, please note that the planning committee is looking for help and appreciates anyone who would like to help with set up, introduce speakers, time keep, or sell t-shirts or raffle tickets. Please email [email protected] to volunteer. 
Contact: Becca McCray at [email protected]

Professional Learning Opportunity: Assessing and Addressing the Complex Educational Needs of Middle and High School Learners

Students who have complex needs, including cognitive, academic, motor, social-emotional, and/or behavioral impairments, often present as puzzles to educators. Conducting assessments that are informative and will guide instruction, as well as delivering programming that appropriately meets the needs of students, is often challenging to even the most invested educators. This 3-part workshop series will provide dynamic learning opportunities and discussion of research-based methodologies to better understand each learner’s areas of strength and weakness. Each workshop will be held at Capitol Plaza and will focus on one domain. (Feb. 8) Cognitive/Academic Skills; (March 8) Behavioral Functioning; (April 4) Social-Emotional Competencies. Participants can attend one, some or all three workshops.
Contact: Julie Medose, [email protected], 802-498-3550

Professional Learning: Fact Fluency!

Registration is open for Multiplication Fact Fluency Series: More than Just the Basic Facts: Model, Monitor, and Master!  Christian Courtemanche leads this two-day series which will focus on three areas for developing strong multiplication fact fluency that will last for years: modeling, monitoring, and mastering. You will learn how to guide students toward fluency without fear or temporary shortcuts. Registration includes game materials and meals. March 20 and April 17, 2019 at Hampton Event Center, Colchester.
Contact: Lauren Wooden at [email protected] or (802) 497-1642

School Library Media Specialist

With 70% of school library media specialists expected to retire over the next decade, the University of Vermont offers a six graduate course sequence for those interested in school library media studies to gain licensure in Vermont, or to acquire a graduate degree in school library media. UVM’s School Library Media Sequence reflects current standards for school librarianship as described by the American Association for School Librarians (AASL), the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), and Vermont Standards for Educators.
Contact: Katie Albee at [email protected] or 802-656-2085

Summer Professional Development: Tuition Funding for Educators

Start planning your summer professional development now with an interactive and immediately applicable course at The Stern Center for Language and Learning. Teachers save by registering three teachers for the price of two, or bring your school principal for no additional cost. Read more on our website. Applications due April 15.
Contact: SJ White at [email protected] or (802)-878-2332 ext. 320

NGSS Instructional Toolkit Workshops for K-12 Science Teachers

The Vermont Energy Education Program (VEEP) is offering a series of one-day workshops for teachers who are ready to add more hands-on energy education into their curriculum. Workshops will be offered February-May in different parts of the state. Teachers will experience how high-leverage instructional practices benefit learners, and explore the equipment in a VEEP materials kit to support their specific grade-level needs. See the full list of dates, get more info, and register:
Contact: Deanna Bailey at [email protected]

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The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].