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Volume 13, Issue 41

October 9, 2019

The Agency of Education has Moved

Audience: All
The Agency of Education has officially relocated operations from our offices at Barre City Place to offices on the National Life Campus in Montpelier. The majority of agency staff moved to the new location as of Oct. 7, 2019. Staff in the Federal and Education Support Programs and Education Quality (Licensing) divisions will move as of Nov. 11, 2019. You can find up-to-date information on the move, including our new mailing address and how to visit us at our new workspace, on our Move Information website.
Contact: Chad Daniels at [email protected]

Lead in School Drinking Water Testing Schedule

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Facilities Managers
The Vermont Department of Health has updated the schedule of sampling and sample pick-up dates for schools to have their water tested for lead under Act 66 of 2019. You can access the testing schedule online on the Vermont Department of Health website. Superintendents (public schools) and heads of school (independent schools) will receive an email from the Health Department when they have been scheduled. For more information, visit Lead Testing in Drinking Water: What Schools Need to Do, or dial 2-1-1 or (802) 652-4636.
Contact: Michelle Thompson at [email protected]

National Farm to School Census

Audience: School Food Service Directors, Business Managers, Superintendents, Farm to School Coordinators
The National Farm to School Census is now open for responses. This is a survey done every five years to gauge national, state and local-level farm to school participation. Food Service Directors for each School Food Authority should have received an email with a personalized response link from Abt Associates. Please take time to complete this survey, as it impacts federal funding and programming decisions around farm to school work. USDA has prepared an optional worksheet to help gather the information needed to respond to the survey. Read the FAQs about the Census or see the results from 2015 for more information. The survey closes Nov. 4, 2019.
Contact: Rosie Krueger at [email protected]

Announcing the Mathematics and MTSS EdCamp Series for 2019-20

Audience: Principals, Teachers, Special Educators, Special Education Administrators, Curriculum Directors
The EdCamp focus is on the integration of social, emotional and academic development and inclusive pedagogy and practices for all mathematics. How do schools create the highest quality mathematics instruction that is differentiated and responsive to the needs of diverse learners? Learn more and register online.
Contact: Christopher Kane at [email protected]

VTmtss TA Request Form Online

Looking for support in strengthening your school's Vermont Multi-tiered System of Supports (VTmtss)? The Agency of Education has created a short, online form to request Technical Assistance from the VTmtss Team.
Contact: Julia Scheier at [email protected] or (802) 828-5041

Preparing Schools for Flu and Norovirus Outbreak Season

The Vermont Health Department is sharing information to help school administrators and nurses be prepared in the event of a flu or norovirus outbreak at their facility: 1. Refer to these quick flu and norovirus guides; 2. Use the flu outbreak and norovirus web pages for outbreak management resources and guidance; 3. Sign up now to become a norovirus sentinel site, so that your school can quickly respond to an outbreak. To sign up, please complete this form; 4. Report outbreaks 24/7 to the Health Department by calling (802) 863-7240. The Health Department will help you manage and control the outbreak.
Contact: Health Department Infectious Disease Program at (802) 863-7240

Courtesy Posts

The views, opinions and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared.

The Key Connection: Knowledge, Thinking, Reading and Writing from the Vermont Writing Collaborative

Writing proficiently is all about clearly expressing understanding about content that matters. This conference is designed to give K-12 educators the tools and approaches they need to integrate reading, content and writing in order to help all students become proficient writers. Over the three days, participants will become deeply familiar with curriculum-and standards-based benchmarks in all three types of writing. Using hands on exploration of well-tested tools and materials, participants will learn the key principles of Writing for Understanding that will make it possible for them to begin to either design their own instruction, or to thoughtfully use published curriculum materials. Participants will leave with a solid understanding of proficiency; multiple uses for the writing benchmarks; a copy of Writing for Understanding; and practical, transferable instructional strategies for planning and teaching writing at all content and grade levels so that all students can write effectively and proficiently. Register online.
Contact: Joey Hawkins at [email protected]

Webinar 10/23 - Assistive Technology and Employment of Youth with Disabilities

This webinar will introduce participants to Assistive Technology as it relates to youth employment for transition-age youth with disabilities. The presenters will discuss the various tools to assist with finding, keeping, and being successful in a job/volunteer position as well as tools available for youth seeking training programs or post-secondary opportunities. Community resource information will also be included. Presenters are Laure Cook and Rachel Knapp, Assistive Technology Specialists for VocRehab Vermont, Linking Learning to Careers. Register today to listen to this webinar on Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2019, from noon – 1 p.m.
Contact: Janice Sabett at [email protected]

Professional Learning: Instructional Strategies/Structures

Registration is open for Rethinking Classroom Instruction to Promote "Deeper Learning" for grade 7-12 educators, principals and curriculum leaders. Andrew Jones and Jen Stainton will lead this workshop focused on what makes a Deeper Learning culture, dive into case studies and develop action steps for building a model of schools that better support student engagement. Hampton Event Center, Colchester, VT. New one-day format Nov. 11, 2019, includes the book, "In Search of Deeper Learning: The Quest to Remake the American High School" by Jal Mehta and Sara Fine.
Contact: Lauren Wooden at [email protected] or (802) 497-1642

Vermont Afterschool Conference

Vermont Afterschool, Inc. would like to invite you to their annual Vermont Afterschool Conference on Nov. 1, 2019, at the Stoweflake Resort. Our keynote speaker for 2019 is Matthew Emerzian, Founder and Chief Inspiration Officer of Every Monday Matters. Over the past ten years, Matthew has traveled the country sharing his unique story and insight on finding purpose. His life-changing message focuses on sustained personal and social change that happens by stepping outside of ourselves. The 2019 conference will offer 24 workshop selections that focus on best practices in out-of-school time programming, positive youth development, leadership and expanded learning opportunities. Registration is open through Oct. 20, 2019.
Contact: Cassie Willner at [email protected]

Registration Open: VermontFest 2019

Registration is live for VermontFest 2019 - Vermont's Fall Educational Technology Conference. Nov. 14-15, 2019, in Killington, VT. Special rate on lodging until Oct. 14, 2019, and early bird discount until Oct. 30, 2019. Keynote address: Dr. Nathan Lang-Raad "Creating Meaningful and Equitable Learning Experiences - Beyond Good Intentions" and Dan Ryder "Mapping the Future with Empathy, Equity and Intention."
Contact: Lucie deLaBruere at [email protected]

Just Playing Around: Teaching STEM (PreK-1) Through Inquiry, Exploration and Play

Children are naturally curious, full of questions, creative and playful. VT-HEC is offering a four-part workshop series or 3-credit course, using the concept of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as play. Participants will learn to engage children in asking questions, making discoveries, experimenting, working with others, and work toward proficiency in the VELS, NGSS and CCSS standards.The format of each workshop reflects this playful approach to STEM. Participants will interact with each other, ask questions, explore materials and play. The series starts with a focus on science with Susan Koch on Oct. 17, 2019, at the Delta Hotel in South Burlington.
Contact: Julie Medose at [email protected]

Mentor Teachers Available for New World Language Teachers

Professional connections and support are offered by VFLA members who volunteer to share their experiences and insights with their colleagues. New and veteran teachers will have the opportunity to be partnered with other experienced teachers in order to provide colleagueship, collaboration and support. Communication between participants takes place primarily through email, telephone communication, Skype or FaceTime as agreed upon by participants. Whenever possible, we try to pair colleagues geographically so that personal communication can happen. A complete program description and set of guidelines can be found on the VFLA website, at the top of the Professional Development page. If you believe one of your world language teachers would benefit from professional support or would be an excellent provider of professional support to a VFLA colleague, please contact VFLA.
Contact: Adrienne D'Olimpio at [email protected]

Professional Development: Social Emotional Learning Workshops

Registration is open for two professional development workshops on social-emotional learning at the Stern Center for Language and Learning this December. Take an in-depth look at current strategies and activities designed to improve interpersonal communication and self-management skills. A Model for Managing Anxiety and Improving Self-Regulation focuses on managing anxiety and improving self-regulation using techniques for increasing self-awareness and modifying one’s own behaviors. Visual Methods for Improving Social Understanding explores the use of Comic Strip Conversations (Gray), Social Stories (Gray) and SOCCS (Smith Myles) to enhance students’ skills for perspective taking.
Contact: SJ White at [email protected]

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].