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Volume 13, Issue 30

July 24, 2019

FY2020 BEST-Act 230 Application

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Curriculum Coordinators, Special Education Administrators
The Agency of Education is now accepting applications for FY2020 BEST-Act 230 grants. Please see the online memo to read about specifics of the grant including budget amounts, timelin, and the review process. The application is available on the Formula Grants section of the Grants Management System (GMS). Applications will be reviewed and approved on a rolling basis through Oct. 31, 2019.
Contact: Meg Porcella at [email protected]

Required Professional Development for School Nursing

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Local Standards Boards, and School Nursing
School Nursing personnel in Vermont are required to participate in ongoing professional development relevant to their School Nurse/Associate School Nurse endorsement per AOE licensing regulations. Some LEAs allow for nurses to use their professional development hours when relevant content is available outside of the LEA in-service schedule, others allow for SN/ASN content learning to occur concurrently to the LEA schedule. Please work together to assure that all licensed professionals have access to and participate in relevant PD content to ensure optimum student outcomes.
Contact: Sharonlee Trefy, State School Nurse Consultant at [email protected]

Information on Hiring a New Food Service Manager

Audience: Business Managers, Superintendents, Principals, Food Service Directors, Managers
If your School Food Authority has hired a new food service manager recently or will be hiring a new food service manager or director over the summer, please plan to have them attend “Orientation to School Nutrition Management” at the Child Nutrition Summer Institute in Middlebury on Aug. 12-16, 2019. This training provides a solid foundation in all of the program regulations that your new food service manager will need to be successful in their first year. The training is also appropriate for food service managers with less than five years of experience. The registration deadline for this session is Monday, August 5, 2019, however you may save a spot for your new hire in this session (or other sessions) by registering them as “New Manager” in the name field, and contacting Child Nutrition Programs to update the registration information once they are hired. Before hiring a new director, please also check out USDA’s minimum hiring requirements for new food service directors. Once you’ve made the hire, email [email protected] to get the new hire added to the food service manager’s email list and get set up with all the account logins that they will need to start the new year off right.
Contact: Rosie Krueger at [email protected] or (802) 479-1246

Child Nutrition Summer Institute, Aug. 12-16, 2019

Audience: Food Service Directors and Managers, Business Managers, Superintendents, Principals, Nurses, After School Coordinators, Child Nutrition Program Operators
Registration is open for the annual Child Nutrition Summer Institute, which will be held Aug. 12-16, 2019, in Middlebury, VT. This annual conference offers almost 50 half-day, full-day and multi-day classes in topics including child nutrition program basics, menu planning, food safety, farm-to-school, waste reduction strategies, culinary skills, computer skills and more! From the school side, we welcome school food service directors, managers and staff, principals, administrative assistants, business managers, superintendents, farm-to-school coordinators, nurses, and others in the school community who work on child nutrition. We are also pleased to offer classes for our other federal child nutrition program operators, including child care program directors AND staff, and summer meals program sponsors. For class descriptions and registration information, visit the Summer Institute registration website. The registration deadline is Monday, Aug. 5, 2019.
Contact: Rosie Krueger at [email protected] or (802) 479-1246

SAMHSA Bulletin: Guidance on Addressing Mental Health and Substance Use Issues in School

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, School Nurses, School Counselors, SAPS, School Social Workers
The following bulletin issued by SAMHSA on July 1, 2019, GUIDANCE TO STATES AND SCHOOL SYSTEMS ON ADDRESSING MENTAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE USE ISSUES IN SCHOOLS, includes "examples of approaches for mental health and substance use disorder (SUD)-related treatment services in schools and describes some of the Medicaid state plan benefits and other Medicaid authorities that states may use to cover mental health and SUD related treatment services. Additionally, the guidance summarizes best practice models to facilitate implementation of quality, evidence-based comprehensive mental health and SUD related services for students.” Some of the programs and approaches mentioned therein are currently implemented and/or overseen by Vermont Agency of Education, such as Multi-tiered systems of supports (VTmtss) and AWARE mental health grants.
Contact: Marni L. B. Troop at [email protected]

Call for Presentations: 2019 VT Dept of Mental Health Conference

Audience: All
The Vermont Department of Mental Health is calling for presentations for their 2019 Mental Health Conference Better Together: Alliances in Mental Health and Wellness to be held Oct. 22, 2019, at the Killington Grand Hotel. The department is seeking presentations that spotlight service partnerships, collaborations and integrated mental health and health care practices for children, youth, adults and families. The conference will offer an array of presentations that will appeal to a wide audience of Vermont stakeholders, bringing together talented individuals in our fields to share successes, forge alliances and create opportunities to improve outcomes and contribute to the recognition of current, promising and best practices in meeting the mental health and wellness needs in Vermont.
Contact: Jennifer Rowell at [email protected]

Courtesy Posts

The views, opinions and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared.

Umatter Suicide Prevention Awareness Training of Trainers

The Center for Health and Learning is offering Umatter Suicide Prevention Awareness Training of Trainers for community members, health care and school professionals who want to raise awareness about suicide prevention. Attendees will learn to help others identify signs and symptoms of suicide, risk and protective factors, when and how to refer for more help, and how to access resources. Trainer’s Manual, scripted notes, handouts and all materials needed to carry out a workshop are included in this training.
Contact: Catherine Diduk at [email protected] or (802) 254-6590

New Online Course for Early Childhood Educators

Registration is open for Building Blocks for Literacy®, a new online course offered by the Stern Center for Language and Learning. Building Blocks for Literacy® offers early care and education professionals effective play-based strategies to increase early literacy skills. This self-paced course costs $50 and awards one undergraduate credit through Champlain College (5.7 CEUs).
Contact: SJ White at [email protected]

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].