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Volume 13, Issue 25

June 19, 2019

Vermont Standards Board for Professional Educators - Multiple Seats

Audience: Vermont Educators, Higher Education, Education Stakeholders
The VSBPE has four open seats: two for a currently practicing teacher representative, a representative from a public institute of higher education and a member of the public. The VSBPE is a 13-member, teacher majority, policy-making board appointed by the Governor. The Board’s purpose is to oversee the training, licensing and professional standards of teachers and administrators. Its overarching goal is promotion of educator quality. Board members receive an honorarium for their service and mileage reimbursement for the meetings. Meetings are held at the Agency of Education in Barre, VT. Interested educators should contact Patrick Halladay at [email protected]. Applications are submitted through the Board & Commissions webpage and must be submitted by June 26, 2019.
Contact: Patrick Halladay at [email protected]

External Organization Profile for Non-Profit Organizations

Audience: Non-Profit Organizations
Non-profit organizations with a record of success in running or working with before and after school (or summer recess) programs and activities may submit a brief online profile to be published on the Agency of Education’s 21st Century Community Learning Center’s web page. To learn more, view the background memo, then submit a profile link.
Contact: Emanuel Betz at [email protected] or (802) 479-1396

Lead in School Drinking Water Testing Program and School Tap Survey

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Independent School Headmasters
This legislative session, the Vermont General Assembly passed a law requiring testing for and remediation of lead in drinking water in all school and childcare centers in Vermont. Testing will be conducted by region according to a schedule developed by the Vermont Department of Health. The first step for SD/SUs and Independent Schools will be to complete an inventory of the taps for each school in the district and complete the online tap inventory survey by Friday, June 28, 2019, at 4 p.m. Consult the memo on Vermont's Statewide Lead in School Drinking Water Testing Program and School Tap Survey for more information.
Contact: Ted Fisher at [email protected]

Courtesy Posts

The views, opinions and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared.

Photogrammetry for the Professional

Join guest lecturer Kotaro Yamafune, July 8-12, 2019, as he presents a week-long intensive training on the photogrammetry of shipwreck sites. This course will train divers in the techniques used to create three dimensional models of underwater sites and the types of data analysis and interpretation that are possible with this technique. The course is a five day intensive held on the lakeside campus of the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum (LCMM) in Vergennes, Vermont.
Contact: Chris Sabick at [email protected]

CBE Educational Services, Inc. Workshop

This is the final week to register for the June 27, 2019, grant writing workshop. This workshop, "Grant Writing Through the Lens of a Grant Reviewer" provides a very broad overview for all levels of grant writing experience. Participants will review actual grant applications and learn what different applications require.
Contact: Casey Boyle-Eldridge at [email protected] or (832) 657-4116

Free professional development: Building Blocks for Literacy workshop

Early care and education providers are invited to join the Stern Center for Language and Learning Saturday, July 20, 2019, for a free workshop. Based on research from the National Research Council and the 2008 National Early Literacy Panel, this Building Blocks® workshop will support professionals as they work with children ages birth to five to help them become successful literacy learners. Register by July 12, 2019.
Contact: SJ White at [email protected]

Professional Development: Graduate Yearlong Courses for Leaders in Curriculum, Coaching or Principalship

2019-20 role-alike courses that bring cohorts together with statewide experts and materials that make your first years in leadership supported and connected. Leading Vermont Schools is a Principal 4-credit course led by Jay Nichols. Curriculum Leadership Academy is a 3-credit course led by Megan Grube and Jen Kennison. Instructional Coaches Academy is a  3-credit course led by Ellen Dorsey, who comes highly recommended by Jim Knight.
Contact: Lauren Wooden at [email protected] or (802) 497-1642

Vermont Principals Association's 2019 Leadership Academy

"Leading for Equity" remains our theme and Princeton professor Dr. Ruha Benjamin will speak about Cultivating Courage: A Social Model of Educational Leadership. Strands include transforming trauma, telling your school's story, disrupting poverty, restorative practice, UDL, understanding whiteness and more. Plus morning presentations from Dave Melnick and Tony Sinanis and a new venue: the Stoweflake Resort and Spa, July 30 to Aug. 1, 2019. 
Contact: Linda Wheatley at (802) 535-8383 and [email protected]

Fall 2019 Courses for Driver Education Teacher Endorsement

The flyer announcing the Fall 2019 courses in the Keene (NH) State College Driver Education Instructor Preparation Program is now available. Information including course schedules and costs and an application for Vermonters can be obtained through the Keene State Driver Education Instructor Preparation Program website. The Vermont Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association, Inc. (VDTSEA) and Keene State College (KSC) have a cooperative agreement which allows Vermont residents to take driver education teacher preparation courses at the New Hampshire in-state rate. This is accomplished by Vermont residents paying their tuition to VDTSEA. VDTSEA will make payment to KSC upon invoice. Vermont residents wanting to apply for this tuition arrangement for teacher licensing or relicensing should, prior to submitting any paperwork to KSC, contact Lindsay Townsend, treasurer of VDTSEA, via email [email protected] regarding payment for courses.
Contact: Gary Guzouskas at [email protected] or (603) 903-9925

Complex Trauma in Our Schools

The Center for Health and Learning is offering a Complex Trauma in Our Schools Using Non-verbal Communication and Intervention for Improved Classroom Outcomes workshop/course beginning Aug. 14, 2019. Non-verbal Interventions that target self-regulation and executive function skill building from early childhood through high school will be examined and practiced through experiential methods including using art media and movement. Three options available: One day workshop, full course with graduate credits or full course without graduate credits.
Contact: Catherine Diduk at [email protected] or (802) 254-6590

2019 Way to Go! School Award Winners Announced

Representative Curt McCormack, Chair of the House Transportation Committee and others announced the winning schools at a special celebration in the Statehouse on June 5, 2019. Participation grew by 200% resulting in more than 31,000 green trips over the school year. Super Carbon Cutter Award/ AllEarth Renewables Solar PowerFlower to Mary Hogan Elementary School; Super Carbon Cup Award and prize of six QOR360 chairs went to Windsor School; Carbon Cutting Leader for Bus Ridership went to Champlain Valley Union High School; Carbon Cutting Leader Most Improved to Poultney Central School, Carbon Cutting Leader for Highest Percentage of students, staff and teachers walking, rolling or biking to Albert Bridge School; Carbon Cutting Leader for Best photo or video to Enosburg Falls Elementary School, and Carbon Cutting Leader for 2nd Highest Participation Overall to Mary Hogan Elementary School. Several schools won two dozen pairs of Darn Tough Socks including: CP Smith, Poultney Central School, Isle La Motte Elementary, Central Elementary and Edmunds Middle School. And finally, Putney Central School won the Keurig Commercial Brewer. Sponsored by Find all your transportation options, bus, bike, walk, rideshare and vanpool, including free incentives and resources at
Contact: Debra Sachs at [email protected]

Professional Development Opportunity for CTE/Secondary and 8th Grade Teachers, CTSO Advisors, Workforce and Career Development Professionals

Join The Entrepreneurial Mindset, a fun, experiential, hands-on immersion in how to work with your students on developing core business and financial skills for starting a business; becoming better employees in the workforce; and enhancing their PLP’s – from Idea generation to pitching. Whether a student’s goals are centered on future college success, preparation for the workforce or enhancing their high school/career tech experience, learning to think like an entrepreneur has value for all. There is a business side to every career pathway; the skills and confidence one gains from learning about and creating an “entrepreneurial mindset” will help them succeed now and into the future. Included workbook with lessons easily incorporated into any curriculum. Graduate Credit available. Oct. 21-22, 2019 (overnight retreat style) at Lake Morey Resort.
Contact: Laurel Butler at [email protected] or (802) 922-3692

2020 Vermont Science Olympiad Event

The University of Vermont will host the 2020 Vermont Science Olympiad event at the Davis Center at UVM on Saturday, March 14, 2020. This is a Division C (high school) event open to teams from all high schools in Vermont. Science Olympiad events are held in every state in the country, with the intent of boosting students’ knowledge of and engagement with a wide range of science-related fields, including genetics, chemistry, anatomy, physics, geology, mechanical engineering, and technology. State competition winners are offered the opportunity to compete at the national level. A link to the registration form and a list of events to be held will be available later this summer. In the meantime, see additional information on the Vermont Science Olympiad website and the National Science Olympiad website.
Contact: Katie Shepherd at [email protected]

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].