- Lead in School Drinking Water Testing Program and School Tap Survey
- Invitation to Submit Class Proposals for Child Nutrition Summer Institute
- Health Services Extenders: The Role of Licensed Practice Nurses in School
- Courtesy Posts
Lead in School Drinking Water Testing Program and School Tap Survey
Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Independent School Headmasters
This legislative session, the Vermont General Assembly passed a law requiring testing for and remediation of lead in drinking water in all school and childcare centers in Vermont. Testing will be conducted by region according to a schedule developed by the Vermont Department of Health. The first step for SD/SUs and Independent Schools will be to complete an inventory of the taps for each school in the district and complete the online tap inventory survey by Friday, June 28, 2019, at 4 p.m. Consult the memo on Vermont's Statewide Lead in School Drinking Water Testing Program and School Tap Survey for more information.
Contact: Ted Fisher at [email protected]
Invitation to Submit Class Proposals for Child Nutrition Summer Institute
Child Nutrition Programs is inviting workshop proposals for this year’s Child Nutrition Summer Institute. If you have a workshop or class that you would like to teach, please fill out a Workshop Proposal Form and submit it by Friday, June 14, 2019. The Summer Institute is planned for August 12-16, 2019, and we hope to have lots of great classes.
Contact: Cheryl Rogers at [email protected]
Health Services Extenders: The Role of Licensed Practice Nurses in Schools
Audience: Superintendents, Principals, School Nurses
The School Nurse (SN) or Associate School Nurse (ASN), (EQS, 2018, pg. 11) is responsible for school health services, for delegated health tasks, and for working with school administration to assess needs for additional health personnel. The health status of students and school communities may require additional services of Licensed Practical Nurses (26 V.S.A. § 1572) and of Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAPs) (2017) such as school secretaries, health clerks, bus drivers and playground personnel. LPNs and UAPs in all settings work under the direction of the RN [SN/ASN]. Tools for directing LPN and UAP work (and sample job descriptions) can be found in the Standards of Practice: School Health Services Manual. SN/ASNs may adapt these tools for identified training needs and ongoing supervision in the local school community. Continuous collaboration between SN/ASNs and school administrators is essential to ensure safe and healthy school health services.
Contact: Sharonlee Trefry at [email protected]
Courtesy Posts
The views, opinions and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared.
Registration for Outdoor Family Weekend is Now Open
Outdoor Family Weekend will be held on September 6-8, 2019, at Stillwater State Park in Groton, VT. Families will enjoy learning outdoor skills such as canoeing, fishing, archery, wildlife identification, bushwhacking, camping, wilderness and survival skills. In addition to workshops, families may enjoy other recreational activities including boating, swimming and hiking. Workshops are led by expert instructors. Cost is $189 per family (up to eight people), which covers one campsite for the weekend, three classes per camper, and most class materials. Registration is open until Aug. 16, 2019, or when all places are full. To request disability-related accommodation to participate in this program, contact Becky Bartlett at (800) 278-5480 (toll-free in Vermont) or (802) 257-7967 x301 by Thursday, Aug. 16, 2019. Register online and follow the Outdoor Family Weekend on Facebook for updates.
Contact: Allison Smith at [email protected] or (802) 651-8343 x509
New Math Teachers' Circle in Middlebury
In a Math Teachers’ Circle, teachers experience open-ended problem solving firsthand in lively discussion sessions facilitated by mathematicians and local teachers. The Middlebury Math Teachers’ Circle will open with an introductory workshop at Middlebury College, Aug. 6-9, 2019, followed by monthly gatherings during the school year. Teachers and administrators can find more information, including how to apply, on the Middlebury Math Teachers’ Circle website. Why should kids have all the fun?
Contact: Priscilla Bremser at [email protected]
Professional Learning: Summer Mindfulness Course
Registration is open for Transforming Teaching & Learning Through Mindfulness and Restorative Practices. This 3-graduate credit course will be primarily experiential in order to develop an embodied understanding of mindful awareness and restorative work. Online materials and assignments will challenge participants to become fluent in the principles, science and research that support them. Instructor: Annie O'Shaughnessy. Location: CVEDC. Includes two books.
Contact: Lauren Wooden at [email protected] or (802) 497-1642
CBE Educational Services, Inc. Workshop
Registration is now open for the June 27, 2019, CBE Educational Services Grant Writing Workshop. This workshop “Grant Writing Through the Lens of a Grant Reviewer” provides a very broad overview for all levels of grant writing experience. Participants will review actual grant applications and learn what different applications require.
Contact: Casey Boyle-Eldridge at [email protected] or (802) 657-4116
Sexual Education Needs Survey
Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (PPNNE) would like to learn more about the status of sexual health education in Vermont’s middle and high schools, and how PPNNE can support Vermont schools in meeting the sexual and reproductive health care needs of youth. This survey is to be completed by health teachers, teachers, administrators and nurses who work with grades 6 through 12. Multiple people from the same school/supervisory union are welcome to respond. If you work at multiple schools, please complete this survey for each school separately. The survey will take 2- 5 minutes to complete. Responses requested by June 21, 2019.
Contact: Planned Parenthood of Northern new England at [email protected] or (802) 448-9726
Engage Youth with YRBS and Community
Getting to ‘Y’: Youth Bring Meaning to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey puts Youth Risk Behavior Survey data in the hands of youth, providing them with skills and opportunities to understand the data, explore root causes, develop solution ideas and engage with their community to improve youth health and well-being. Training and orientation is held on October 15, 2019 for high school and on October 21, 2019 for middle school.
Contact: Sharon Koller at [email protected] or (802) 373-7594
30% Off Summer Professional Development: Oral and Written Language Course
Save 30% when you register for Connecting Oral and Written Language, a graduate level course by the Stern Center for Language and Learning. This course focuses on a range of oral and written connections that impact literacy. It will enable participants to understand normal language development in order to use that knowledge to develop case studies and plan instruction. This course is available for three graduate credits. Registration due Thursday, June 20, 2019, at 5 p.m.
Contact: SJ White at [email protected]
2019 Summer Literacy Institute
Partnerships for Literacy and Learning’s 2019 Summer Literacy Institute (Aug. 5-7, 2019 at the Stoweflake) features numerous workshops and sessions as well as a keynote by Ellin Oliver Keene, author of Mosaic of Thought and Engaging Children: Igniting a Drive for Deeper Learning. Other institute sessions include the Readers Workshop, Writers Workshop, Guided Reading Grows Up and Author’s Craft…plus many more for teachers and administrators K-12. The Institute has an option for graduate credit. Registration is open.
Contact: Mary Grace at [email protected]
Summer Learning Opportunity: Math Learning Progressions: Additive, Multiplicative and Fractional Reasoning K-5
This offering will demonstrate how the use of routines and clear mathematical language is central to student learning. Participants will practice developing tools and strategies to best reach all elementary students, and will understand how patterns and techniques learned in Elementary Grades Math Lab can be used to support students as they work to meet learning outcomes. Options include a series on Additive and Multiplicative reasoning (three days), with a follow-up series on Fractional reasoning (two days). Both series have options for graduate credit. The workshops take place at Williamstown Elementary School from July 8-12, 2019, with an additional day in October if taking for course credit. For more information or to register, visit the Vermont Higher Education Collaborative website.
Contact: Julie Medose at [email protected] or (802) 498-3350
Toolkit Now Available to Address Youth Vaping Epidemic
In partnership with the Burlington Office of Local Health, Vermont Department of Health Tobacco Control Program is pleased to share a new Electronic Vapor Education Toolkit for Schools to support administrators, nurses, SAPs and school professionals in their efforts to prevent youth vaping use, promote cessation, and establish policies and their enforcement. You can find the toolkit online at the Vermont Department of Health Tobacco page under Resources -> Provide Facts on E-cigarettes and Vaping.
Contact: Lisa Osbahr at [email protected]
Suicide Prevention Awareness Training of Trainers
The Center for Health and Learning will be offering a Umatter Suicide Prevention Awareness Training of Trainers beginning October 23, 2019, to become equipped to facilitate Umatter Suicide Awareness workshops in your community or place of work. You will gain the skills, knowledge, confidence and materials to bring suicide prevention awareness to your community. You will help others identify signs and symptoms of suicide, risk and protective factors, when and how to refer for more help, and how to access resources.
Contact: Catherine Diduk at [email protected] or (802) 254-6590
Register Now for VCSEA New Leader Academy
The Vermont Council of Special Education Administrators announces its annual New Leader Academy. The Academy uses a cohort model and provides academic and practical instruction. Program Dates are July 15 and 16, 2019, and will be full-day sessions. Monthly sessions, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. are held from September to May. Registration is open to new and aspiring special education administrators and, if space allows, to those who are not currently in an administrative role upon recommendation. For more information and registration, go to the VCSEA website.
Contact: Meagan Roy at [email protected]
OGAP (Ongoing Assessment Project) for Additive Reasoning
Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP) for Additive Reasoning is a systematic and intentional formative assessment system in mathematics based on mathematics education research on how students learn additive concepts, common errors students make and preconceptions or misconceptions that may interfere with learning new concepts or solving related problems. July 8-11, 2019, plus two follow up days TBD, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. To be held at the River Tech Center, Springfield VT. $900, includes materials. Further information and registration online.
Contact: Susan Leuchter at [email protected]