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Volume 13, Issue 21

May 22, 2019

Vermont Standards Board for Professional Educators - Multiple Seats

Audience: Vermont Educators, Higher Education, Education Stakeholders
The VSBPE has three open seats: for a currently practicing teacher representative, a representative from a public institute of higher education and a member of the public. The VSBPE is a 13-member, teacher majority, policy-making board appointed by the Governor. The Board’s purpose is to oversee the training, licensing and professional standards of teachers and administrators. Its overarching goal is promotion of educator quality. Board members receive an honorarium for their service and mileage reimbursement for the meetings. Meetings are held at the Agency of Education in Barre, VT. Interested educators should contact Patrick Halladay at [email protected]. Applications are submitted through the Board & Commissions webpage.
Contact: Patrick Halladay at [email protected]

Register Now for Science on the Green Fall 2019

Audience: Middle Grade Principals and Educators
The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources invites you to register for Science on the Green – a free, day-long exploration of science for 6-8 grade students to be held Sept 29, 2019, at the North Branch Nature Center in Montpelier. Science on the Green allows students to explore science, the environment and the actions we can all take to protect our planet. The event will provide hands-on opportunities for students to engage in environmental science and learn how science plays a critical role in environmental protection. The workshops will be led by ANR staff and specifically designed to empower young people to be stewards of the environment by taking environmental action in their schools and local communities. All activities can be used as phenomena for the Next Generation Science Standards.
Contact: Rebecca Roy at [email protected]

Complete School Safety Electronic Needs Assessment by May 31

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Independent School Headmasters
On May 20, 2019, Superintendents, Principals and Independent School Heads received the Vermont School Safety Initiative electronic needs assessment. Data collected in this survey will identify schools that will benefit from training and support in developing and exercising emergency operations plans (EOPs), and will help customize delivery of training to the needs of Vermont schools. Please complete the survey by Friday, May 31, 2019, at 4:30 p.m.
Contact: Dee Barbic at [email protected]

Framework for Vermont's Early Childhood Comprehensive Assessment System

Audience: Schools, School Districts, Early Learning Programs, Regional and Community Partners, State Agencies
The Framework for Vermont’s Early Childhood Comprehensive Assessment System (VECCAS) is now posted. The purpose of this document is to provide a framework of currently utilized assessments and initiatives that support early childhood assessment and screening, as well as an initial plan for implementation of a statewide early childhood comprehensive assessment system for Vermont. The VECCAS framework is intended to be referenced and used over an extended period of time for reflection, self-evaluation and improvement in early childhood (birth through grade three) efforts. This framework helps to address key questions facing those who are developing early childhood assessment approaches in their schools, districts and communities.
Contact: Katie McCarthy at [email protected]

Courtesy Posts

The views, opinions and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared.

Learning from the Lake: Using Primary Sources to Teach Key Proficiencies

In this Learning from the Lake course, explore how to use Expanded Learning Providers (ELPs) such as the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum to make learning more empirical, inductive and personal for students. Morning and afternoon sessions mix sensory-rich experiences with immersive learning practices that culminate in final collaborative projects. The course June 24-27, 2019; Presentations are Aug 19, 2019 (Date may be changed to accommodate participants). Graduate credit available through Castleton University.
Contact: Matthew Witten at [email protected] or (802) 475-2022 x106

Professional Development Course: Social Cognition 1

Registration is open for Social Cognition 1, a professional development course by the Stern Center for Language and Learning. This course introduces interventions, strategies and supports for improving social understanding and implementing social cognition groups. Participants will develop social cognition assessment plans and explore the biological and theoretical processes behind social understanding. Three graduate credits are optional through St. Michael’s College. Registration due by July 8, 2019. Apply for grant funding towards tuition.
Contact: SJ White at [email protected]

Announcing STARS Phase 2 Changes - Presentation Times and Locations

The Child Development Division is using the information gathered in the evaluation and validation study of the Step Ahead Recognition System (STARS) to develop changes to the structure of and requirements in STARS. The division has partnered with Building Bright Futures to hold community informational meetings on the STARS Phase 2 changes. We invite you to attend one of the community information and feedback sessions. This is a list of the sessions scheduled as of 5/14/2019. Visit the DCF website for information about why and how CDD is changing STARS.

Story Preservation Initiative K-3 Storytelling Pilot Project

Story Preservation Initiative (SPI) is reaching out to schools in New England to pilot our new Storytelling Project this coming fall. SPI’s new project integrates timeless and imaginative stories, including fairy tales, folklore, myths and contemporary stories into the online Learning Lab. The K-3 project is designed to foster social and emotional learning and English language literacy. For this project, SPI is working in collaboration with master storyteller Odds Bodkin.
Contact: Mary Kuechenmeister at [email protected] or (603) 738-7477

Professional Learning: Grades 3-5 Literacy

Registration is open for Reading Aloud to Discover Author's Craft. This 3-graduate credit class focuses on the specific elements of author's craft build from grades 3 to 5, ways to help students think and talk about them, and how Read Aloud fits into the structure of the reading workshop and school day. Instructor: Hilary Kissel (Essex Westford Literacy Coach). August 12 - 16, 2019. Both texts: Giorgis & Serafini: "Reading Aloud and Beyond: Fostering the Intellectual Life with Older Readers" and Laminack & Wadsworth: "Learning Under the Influence of Language and Literature: Making the Most of Read Alouds Across the Day" are included.
Contact: Lauren Wooden at [email protected] or (802) 497-1642

Flynn Free Family Saturday Series: Birdcode

The Flynn joins with Burlington Discover Jazz Festival to welcome locally beloved jazz quartet Birdcode on June 1, 2019, from 10 to 11 a.m. to make the lobby swing with the joy of experiencing live jazz together. Join the Flynn for this new, free family musical series held in the Flynn's lobby and experience a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere with families encouraged to choose how they engage in the activity, whether they use the available headphones for persons with sensitivities to sound, or they dance with their whole selves. Every family belongs. Free, pre-registration required.
Contact: Sarah at [email protected] or (802) 652-4537

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].