- Peer Review Panelists Wanted
- 2018-19 Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Survey Closes June 3
- Multi-tiered System of Supports May Office Hour and VTmtss Field Guide Sneak Peek
- New School Nurse Training
- Courtesy Posts
Peer Review Panelists Wanted
Audience: Vermont Licensed Educators and Administrators
The AOE’s Peer Review Program needs licensed, level 2 educators to serve as panelists. Areas of greatest need: Art, Theatre, Music, Early Childhood, Science and all Middle Grades endorsements. Panelists receive $125 per interview plus (58 cents per mile) round-trip mileage. The work of a panelist involves evaluating a candidate’s portfolio (two to four hours) and participating in the interview process (two hours). Interviews are from 4 p.m.- 6 p.m. weekdays and are held at the VT Agency of Education in Barre (Montpelier Fall 2019). Interested educators please complete the online Small Scale Education Contract Survey.
Contact: Wendy Scott at [email protected]
2018-19 Multi-tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) Survey Closes June 3
Audience: Superintendents and Principals
Available: May 1, 2019
Deadline: June 3, 2019
As required by Act 117 - VSA Title 16, Section 2904, each superintendent shall annually provide to the Vermont Secretary of Education the status of the tiered system of supports in each school in the supervisory union or school district. The link to the 2018-2019 Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Survey is available now. Please complete this survey online before the June 3, 2019 deadline. The data collected from the 2017-2018 MTSS Survey was used to inform professional learning, guide technical assistance, and respond to legislative requests. Additionally, a copy of the 2017-2018 MTSS Summary Report is available on the MTSS webpage.
Contact: Nancy Hellen at [email protected]
Multi-tiered System of Supports May Office Hour and VTmtss Field Guide Sneak Peek
Audience: All educators
Registration is now open for the Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) May Office Hour scheduled for May 23, 2019, from 3 to 4 p.m. If you are unable to attend the Sneak Peek on May 21, 2019, please join the Vermont Agency of Education’s VTmtss Team to hear an abbreviated presentation of the 2019 edition of the VTmtss Field Guide. During our 60 minutes together, we will share how the Five Components have been refined to address recent shifts in Vermont’s educational landscape and how VTmtss can support a culture of continuous improvement and decision making for excellence and equity in your schools. Please register individually even if attending as a team so we can share the recorded webinar and additional materials with each of you.
Contact: Tracy Watterson at (802) 479-1353 or [email protected]
New School Nurse Training
Superintendents and Principals
The University of Vermont (UVM) Office of Primary Care and Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Program announces a voluntary, free one-day New School Nurse Training (NSNT), developed with input from school nurses and the Vermont Department of Health. It will be held on Wednesday, August 14, 2019, from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. at the UVM Larner College of Medicine in Burlington, Vermont. New school nurses will engage with veteran school nurses and other health care and education professionals to identify public health competencies of the school nursing role; learn about licensure, delegation and current information on health issues confronting school nurses; and leave with contacts of experienced school nurses and important organizations. To register or for further information, contact Jennifer Savage. Registration ends June 28, 2019. All new school nurses are required to also take the online New School Nurse Orientation by contacting Sharonlee Trefry, State School Nurse Consultant, [email protected].
Contact: Jennifer Savage at [email protected]
Courtesy Posts
The views, opinions and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared.
VT Student Scholarship Available for Youth Development Program at Georgetown University
Leadership Initiatives is inviting teachers to nominate outstanding students for the Youth Development Programs at Georgetown University. Any educator-nominated student will receive priority consideration for admissions and $1,000 in tuition assistance for the program, free SAT/ACT training, college application training and Common App essay editing assistance, two letters of recommendation and scholarship application assistance. Benefits remain available for four years, allowing nominations for rising freshmen through rising seniors. Use the online Teacher Nomination Form to connect your students with this opportunity.
Contact: Marshall Bailly at [email protected] or (202) 738-1115
Free Event Tickets for Students: Downtown and Historic Preservation Conference
A limited number of complimentary tickets are available to high school and college students interested in learning more about community development and historic preservation in Vermont. The Downtown and Historic Preservation Conference is June 5, 2019, in Montpelier, celebrating 20 years of the downtown program. In exchange for the free ticket we request that students volunteer at least one day on something of interest in their community this summer.
Contact: Gary Holloway at [email protected] or (802) 828-3220
Summer Professional Development: Math Menu in Barre
Registration is open for Inclusion and Differentiation through Main Lesson/Menu (K-8). During this course, participants will work with the instructor, Karen Reinhardt, to explore the Main Lesson/Menu model for math instruction. Participants will learn to build students' math competence, choose/adapt rich math tasks, and support students' productive small group work. Two texts are included. This course will be held at Barre Town School in Barre, VT, July 9-12, 2019, from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. Follow-up dates are Sept 23, 2019, and Oct 28, 2019, from 4 - 8 p.m. There is limited space, so participants are encouraged to sign up before June 1, 2019.
Contact: Venus Dean at [email protected] or (802) 595-1589
Professional Learning: Gr 3-8 Fractional Reasoning
Registration is open for Simplifying Fractions! This three graduate credit course will explore the learning progressions and the standards progression of VT CCSS and help you analyze student work to identify where students are on a learning progression, identify the common misconceptions and then develop and plan next instructional steps. The book: "A Focus on Fractions" is included. Betsy Allen, Essex District Math Coach, is the instructor. Aug 12-15, 2019, at Montpelier High School.
Contact: Lauren Wooden at [email protected] or (802) 497-1642
Flynn Center 2019-20 Student Matinee Series
Registration is open for the 2019-20 Student Matinee Series. The series supports connections to Common Core, next Gen and C3 Standards through study guides, companion workshops and by identifying select standards for each show. Educators are encouraged to order for their class or school by May 22, 2019, to secure their top picks.
Contact: Kat Redniss at [email protected] or (802) 652-4528
Summer Professional Development: Oral and Written Language Course
Registration is open for the Stern Center for Language and Learning’s Connecting Oral and Written Language course. This course focuses on a range of oral and written connections that impact literacy. It will enable participants to understand normal language development in order to use that knowledge to develop case studies and plan instruction. This course is available for three graduate credits. Registration due Thursday, June 20, 2019, at 5 p.m. Grant funding towards tuition is available.
Contact: SJ White at [email protected]