- Bridge Project Newsletter - MTSS Implementation
- Informational Meeting About New Vermont Science Assessment
- Linking Learning to Careers Opportunity
- Courtesy Postings
Bridge Project Newsletter - MTSS Implementation
Audience: All Schools, Supervisory Unions, Supervisory Districts, and Other Stakeholders Involved with the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP), and/or Bridge Project (formerly SPDG)
The Bridge Project Newsletter provides information and updates on the Bridge Project, which serves as a bridge between the MTSS implementation work begun during the last State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) and the next SPDG project for Vermont. The Bridge Project coordinates technical assistance, resources, professional learning, and guidelines to Supervisory Unions’ and Districts’ leadership teams to support tiered systemic approaches to initiating, implementing, and sustaining school-wide efforts consistent with Title 16 and Vermont’s Education Quality Standards.
Contact: Meg Porcella at [email protected]
Informational Meeting About New Vermont Science Assessment
Audience: Teachers, Teacher Leaders and Administrators
The Vermont Science Teachers Association, partnered with the Vermont Agency of Education, will be holding six regional informational meetings regarding the VTSA (Vermont Science Assessment). The sessions will be led by the Vermont Science Teachers Association with administrations from Michael Hock, Director of Assessment and Margaret Carrera-Bly, Science Specialist. All meetings will run from 1-4 p.m. and will be held on March 30, 2018 at Mt. Abraham UMHS, Bristol, VT; April 5, 2018 at U-32, Montpelier, VT; April 6, 2018 at Champlain Valley Educator Development Center, Colchester, VT; April 13, 2018 at Windham Regional Career Center, Brattleboro, VT; April 26, 2018 at North Country Career Center, Newport, VT and April 27, 2018 at Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Quechee, VT. Learn more and register for these Informational Meetings about the new Vermont Science Assessment.
Contact: Margaret Carrera-Bly at [email protected] or Christina Johnston at [email protected]
Linking Learning to Careers Opportunity
Audience: Superintendents, Principals, CTE Directors, Special Educators, Guidance Counselors, Work-Based Learning Coordinators
Linking Learning to Careers (LLC) is an exciting new statewide initiative to improve career and college readiness outcomes for Vermont high school students with disabilities supported by a grant from the U.S. Dept. of Education. This five-year project and research study builds on the existing pre-employment transition services already provided by VocRehab and VABIR statewide, and adds a rich set of work-based learning, college and career exploration experiences, and assistive technology support for students enrolled in LLC. LLC is now enrolling high school sophomores and juniors with disabilities for a limited time. Schools wanting to take advantage of this exciting opportunity should contact the Transition Counselor or Career Consultant in their local VocRehab VT office, or for more information.
Contact: Rich Tulikangas, LLC Director at (802) 734-8170 or [email protected]
Courtesy Postings
Vermont Humanities Council Grants
The Vermont Humanities Council (VHC) offers grants for week-long summer 2018 Humanities Camps for at-risk middle school students. Two school staff design the camp curriculum around the chosen theme, using gift books for all participants provided by VHC, and lead the day camp at your school. This “immersion” experience in the humanities and creative arts can be a powerful intervention. The application deadline is March 23, 2018. Learn more about the Vermont Humanities Council grants.
Contact: Ali Palmer, Vermont Humanities Council, at (802) 262-1352 or [email protected]
Vermont Women in Higher Education Spring Conference
Join the 2018 Vermont Women in Higher Education Annual Spring Conference March 22-23, 2018 at the Killington Grand Resort Hotel. Participants can attend one or borth days. The theme is "Women on Fire - Carrying the Torch."
Contact: Shaylea Scribner at (802)860-2733 or [email protected]
Restorative Practices in Vermont Schools Webinar
The Restorative Practices in Vermont Schools webinar will be held on Thursday, March 8, 2018 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Restorative practices are currently being introduced in schools all over Vermont and the country as an alternative to traditional punishment and as a way to build healthier, stronger learning communities. Restorative practices are a set of practices and principles that include: Restorative Circles for community building and conflict resolution; Restorative dialogue for addressing disruptive behavior in an equitable, productive way; Restorative Conferences to respond to harm done in the school, providing an opportunity for repair and restoration back into the community. All practices focus on the power of belonging, voice and safety when it comes to changing behaviors and creating a safer, stronger learning community. Restorative Practices have been shown to improve school climate, decrease bullying, office referrals, suspensions, and expulsions. Presenters: Lindsey Halman – Middle Level Educator – Essex Middle School and Annie O’Shaughnessy, M.Ed. – High School and Post-Secondary Educator, Consultant and Trainer.
Contact: Janice Sabett at (800) 800-4005, x218 or [email protected]
Mobius Seeking Assistance with Survey Project
Mobius is looking for feedback from members of the Vermont education community on how aware people are of the services it provides, and the effectiveness of its branding. By taking this short 5-10 minute survey, you can help a local organization improve the quality of its work, and also qualify to win a $75 gift pack from Cabot Cheese. Take the Mobius survey.
Contact: Benji Thurber, Mobius, at [email protected]
Intentional Focus on Writing Craft with Penny Kittle
Partnerships for Literacy and Learning (PLL) hosts Penny Kittle at an all-day conference on March 9, 2018 at the Essex Resort and Spa. Penny is a master teacher, literacy coach, director of new teacher mentoring in New Hampshire, and an author of professional books. During the day, we will analyze passages from the books you’re already talking about as models of sensory details, voice, dialogue, sentence structure variety, and rhythm. We will look at writing in editorials and feature articles to plan for engaging inquiry and daily practice that leads writers to craft their own writing with intention, voice, and increasing skill. Penny speaks about empowering students through independence in literacy and believes in curiosity, engagement, and deep thinking in schools for both students and their teachers. For more information and to register, visit the PLL website.
Contact: Mary Grace, Executive Director, at (802)828-0521 or [email protected]
Fundations® Levels K, 1, and 2 (May and June dates)
Fundations® for Grades K-2 is a phonological/phonemic awareness, phonics and spelling program for the general education classroom. Fundations® is based upon the Wilson Reading Principles and is a Tier 1 and Tier 2 program designed to provide high-quality classroom instruction for all students, as well as double dose instruction for those students requiring more targeted intervention. View the course calendar for workshop dates.
Contact: Caitlin Niland, Intake Coordinator for Professional Learning, (802)878-2332 ext 320 or [email protected]
Snowy Owl Tutoring Hosts Special Event: CNN Contributor,’ Michael Zeldin’
On March 9, 2018 from 10-11 a.m., join us for an online discussion on the Russia probe/ Mueller investigation. The panel will consist of Michael Zeldin, CNN Contributor, and former special assistant to Robert Mueller, as well as two other panelist’s TBD. The format for this online panel discussion will include an introduction, followed by a moderated debate by a local journalist, and concluding with a Q and A with the attendees. Register online for the Snowy Owl Tutoring Special Event, or call (802)299-9642 for additional information.
Contact: Thomas D. Loudon, M.A, Founder, at [email protected]