- Adverse Effect Documentation Required for 2018
- Inaugural Vermont Presidential Scholars Program for the Arts
- Networked Improvement Community for Instructional Coaches and Teacher-Leaders
- Multi-tiered System of Supports October Office Hour
- Free ServSafe Training for Child Nutrition Staff – Southern VT Locations
- Courtesy Posts
Adverse Effect Documentation Required for 2018
Audience: Special Education Administrators
Historically, determining whether a disability has an adverse effect on a student’s educational performance has been inconsistent throughout the state. In 2016, through a collaboration of stakeholders, criteria, training, and resources for determining an adverse effect were updated. This new information can be found on the agency's Special Education Educator Resources page. Please remember that on or before December 15, 2018, each special education administrator is required to submit signed documentation that all special educators new to their supervisory union have been trained in the area of adverse effect.
Contact: Tonya Rutkowski at [email protected]
Inaugural Vermont Presidential Scholars Program for the Arts
Audience: Arts Educators, Student Artists, Principals, Guidance Counselors, Academic and CTE Teachers, CTE Center Directors
The Vermont Presidential Scholars Program for the Arts is a statewide recognition of students that demonstrate a passion for and a commitment to visual, creative, and/or the performing arts. The Presidential Scholars for the Arts is open to students ages 15-18, grades 10-12. This statewide recognition is being piloted in conjunction with the existing Vermont Presidential Scholars Program for high school seniors and the Presidential Scholars Program for Career Technical Education. Outstanding students from the state of Vermont are selected based on nominations from teachers and administrators. Students may also nominate themselves (with the endorsement of a qualifying adult). Five student artists will be recognized as Vermont Presidential Scholars in the Arts. High schools and CTE Centers can nominate up to two students. During this pilot year, the Vermont nominees will not automatically be sent on to the national pool through YoungArts. The YoungArts competition includes ten disciplines across the visual, literary, design and performing arts (Cinematic Arts, Dance, Design Arts, Jazz, Music, Photography, Theater, Visual Arts, Voice, and Writing. Some disciplines also have specific categories.) More information about the national Young Arts program can be found online. To nominate a student, visit the Vermont Presidential Scholars Program for the Arts nomination page. Only nominations submitted via the electronic system will be accepted. The deadline for nominations is November 2, 2018.
Contact: Emily Titterton at [email protected]
Networked Improvement Community for Instructional Coaches and Teacher-Leaders
Audience: Instructional Coaches and Teacher-Leaders (such as math, literacy, PBL, science, etc.)
Registration is open for a Networked Improvement Community Meetings Series. The goal of this community is to support coaches and teacher leaders. Networked Improvement Community (NICs) are communities grounded by shared goals, norms, theories and practices. They coordinate and accelerate learning through strategic knowledge management. Participating in this NIC will support continuous improvement planning and will facilitate meeting the required CFP evidence of impact. The community will meet three times throughout the year in two regional locations, Rutland and Newport. The dates for the Rutland community are November 27, 2018, February 1, 2019, and April 5, 2019. The Newport community will meet November 9, 2018, January 30, 2019, and April 3, 2019. The community meetings will be led by Heidi Whipple, Susan Yesalonia, and MC Moran.
Contact: Heidi Whipple at (802) 479-1379 or [email protected]
Multi-tiered System of Supports October Office Hour
Audience: Members of SU/SD/School Leadership Teams and Administrators
Registration is now open for the Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) September Office Hour session scheduled for October 25, 2018, from 3 to 4 p.m. In this online session Jen DeSorgher, Director of Teacher and Learning of Missisquoi Valley Union High School will share her Systemic and Comprehensive Approach to MTSS in her educational setting. If attending as a team, please have each member register for the Office Hour. PreK-12 educators are welcome.
Contact: Tracy Watterson at (802) 479-1353 or [email protected]
Free ServSafe Training for Child Nutrition Staff – Southern VT Locations
Audience: Business Managers, Administrators, Principals, School Foodservice Directors
Child Nutrition Programs has received a grant to offer free ServSafe training to staff involved in federal child nutrition programs. This training usually costs between $80-$200. There is still space in the last two training opportunities: in Bennington on October 24, 2018, and Brattleboro on October 25, 2018. This food safety training is strongly recommended for all staff involved in the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, After School Snack Program, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grant Program, Child and Adult Care Food Program, and the Summer Food Service Program. This training will count towards the professional development training hours for school meals staff required by USDA. Participants must pre-register.
Contact: Cheryl Rogers at [email protected] or (802) 479-1360
Courtesy Posts
The views, opinions, and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people, and opportunities as shared.
Professional Learning: Using Smartphones for Learning Opportunities
Vermont Higher Education Collaborative is bringing its popular workshop Lights, Camera, Action to the Holiday Inn in Rutland on October 26, 2018. Visual information is a powerful tool to support understanding, self-regulation, and participation across home, school, work, and community for individuals with a variety of learning challenges. This day-long, hands-on workshop will teach participants how to use the photo and video functions on smartphones or tablets to create supports such as choice boards, task routines, social stories, and visual journals. Participants may also choose to complete extra work for 1 graduate credit.
Contact: Julie Medose at [email protected] or (802)-498-3350
Scholarships for VHC Fall Conference
The Vermont Humanities Council is offering scholarships for K-12, Adult Education, and Literacy system educators to attend the VHC Fall Conference at UVM on November 16 and 17, 2018. The theme of the conference is “The Ebb and Flow of Optimism through American History.” Learn more about the conference and the scholarships at Vermont Humanities Council Website. Apply by October 26, 2018.
Contact: Richelle Franzoni at (802) 262-1355 or [email protected]
Professional Learning: Trauma-Informed Classroom Management
Registration is open for Trauma-Informed Classroom Management presented by Alex Shevrin Venet. This one day workshop with a two-hour follow up a month later (after school), will review the basic concepts of trauma-informed education and teachers will leave with a personalized action/research plan. This will be hosted at CVEDC in Fort Ethan Allen in Colchester, VT on December 7th, 2018 and includes breakfast and lunch.
Contact: Lauren Wooden at [email protected] or (802) 497-1642
Vermont School Nurse of the Year: Jenny Anderson
The Vermont State School Nurses’ Association has recognized Jenny Anderson, a nurse at Springfield High School, as the 2018 School Nurse of the Year. Her passion for the physical and emotional well being of students over the last 25 years has led to a variety of school and district-wide initiatives. Jenny was formally recognized for her accomplishments and contribution to students and families in Vermont at the VSSNA Fall Conference on October 13th. To read more about Jenny and her accomplishments visit the Vermont State School Nurses Association website.
Contact: Allison Conyers at [email protected]
Professional Learning: After School Panel Discussion on Ping Chong and Company
Audience: Educators
The Voices of Muslim Identity Workshop, an after-school teacher workshop/panel discussion, will be held at the Flynn Center on Wednesday, October 24, 2018, from 4 to 6 p.m. Educators are guided by Ping Chong and Company through a workshop exploring how the theme of identity links with real, lived stories followed by a panel discussion with the company. Educators are offered free tickets to Ping Chong and Company's performance on Thursday, October 25, 2018, at 7:30 p.m. Workshop cost is $20 per participant, PD credit is available.
Contact: Lauren Genta at [email protected] or (802) 652-4508
Professional Learning: Proficiency in Curriculum-Based Writing
The Vermont Writing Collaborative is delighted to announce Opinion/Argument Benchmarks: Recognizing Proficiency in Curriculum-Based Writing, a 2-day workshop in opinion /argument writing on November 12 and 13, 2018, at Lake Morey in Fairlee. All writing comes from a text-based curriculum. Each session will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. On the first day, participants will work closely with benchmarks, both at individual grade levels and system-wide. On the second day, educators are invited to actively use these benchmarks to analyze student work for instructional needs. Participants can attend for one or both days. The cost is $250 for the first day; $425 for both days. Additional information and registration can be found on the Vermont Writing Collaborative webpage.
Contact: Joey Hawkins at [email protected] or (802) 765-4040
Save-the-Date for the 1st Vermont Theater Educators Learning Community Conference
The inaugural Vermont Theater Educators Conference will be held January 29, 2019, with a snow date of January 31, 2019, at the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts in Burlington, VT. This gathering is being offered to those involved in theater education in Vermont schools. The goal of this conference is to celebrate theater education in Vermont, connect over shared needs, share ideas and resources, and foster a spirit of collaboration in the theater education community. The day will include information and resources from statewide organizations, breakout sessions tailored to participant need, focusing on teaching craft and contemporary issues, activities, coffee, prizes, and more! Licensed and unlicensed theater teachers, teaching artists, and anyone else who is involved in theatre education for students welcome. Professional hours certificates will be supplied.
Contact: Susan Palmer at [email protected]