- Restorative Practices Within MTSS
- Limited Space Available: Governor’s School Safety Conference
- Introducing AOE's New Universal PreK Coordinator
- Registration Open for the Early Childhood Special Education Overview
- School Safety: What if Wednesday
- Professional Development for Sexual Health Special Educators
- Now Available: 2019 Farm to School Grant Requests for Proposals
- Professional Learning: Strengthening Community Through School Health
- Courtesy Posts
Restorative Practices Within MTSS
Audience: General Educators, Special Educators, Behavior Coaches, Guidance Counselors, School Psychologists, Principals, and District Leaders
Registration is open for Restorative Practices within MTSS, a one day workshop on October 24, 2018, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Lake Morey Resort, in Fairlee. This workshop will serve as an introduction to aligning PBIS/MTSS with Restorative Practices. Participants will recall their current understanding of key elements of restorative approaches and PBIS/MTSS; deepen their understanding of restorative practices at all three tiers; learn when and when not to use restorative practices; and learn how to apply a restorative approach to their existing PBIS/MTSS framework. Fidelity and outcomes measures will be explored. Who should attend? PBIS/MTSS Leadership Teams including school administrators and PBIS Coordinators at the school and/or SU/SD level.
Contact: Amy Wheeler-Sutton at [email protected] or (518) 421-3965
Limited Space Available: Governor’s School Safety Conference
Audience: All
Limited seats are left for the Governor’s School Safety Conference on November 13, 2018, at the Double Tree Hotel in Burlington. This all-day conference is designed to inform participants of the best and promising practices in school safety and emergency preparedness. Schools are strongly encouraged to attend this conference with their local emergency management officials and emergency first responders to build or enhance their school crisis planning capacity. The keynote speaker will be FBI Assistant Director Kerry L. Sleeper. The conference will provide educational tracks including, but not limited to: developing a School Resource Officer program, lessons learned from Fair Haven, teen suicide and much more. The registration fee is $50 per attendee.
Contact: Barbie Pignone at [email protected]
Introducing AOE's New Universal PreK Coordinator
Audience: Early Educators, Principals, Superintendents
Laura Greenwood is the agency's new Universal PreK Coordinator. As a member of the Early Learning team at the Agency, Laura will be the point of contact for all prequalified PreK programs and those seeking to apply. Laura recently served as the Preschool Development Grant Program Manager.
Contact: Laura Greenwood at [email protected] or (802) 479-1476
Registration Open for the Early Childhood Special Education Overview
Audience: Early Childhood Special Educators and Related Service Staff; Directors of Student Support/Special Education
The Early Learning Team will host two Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Overviews, October 17, 2018, at the Hilton Battery Street, Burlington, or October 18, 2018, at the Holiday Inn, Rutland. Both day-long workshops will be especially helpful for both new and veteran ECSE staff and include lunch. Sessions include a review of Early Childhood Special Education Regulations, Early Childhood Outcomes, 504/ADA/IDEA: Serving Children in Public and Private PreK Programs and more.
Contact: Leslie Freedman at [email protected] or (802) 479-1412
School Safety: What if Wednesday
Audience: Superintendents, Principals, School Crisis Planning Team Members
This week's What if Wednesday for October 10, 2018, is designed to provide a training opportunity to educate and inform staff on existing crisis respons plans and procedures. Please share this easy to use school safety training opportunity with all appropriate faculty, staff and school crisis planning team members.
Contact: Rob Evans, School Safety Liaison Officer, at [email protected]
Professional Development for Sexual Health Special Educators
Audience: Educators, nurses, and paraeducators
The Agency of Education has scheduled two days of professional development for those who provide human sexuality education to students receiving special education services in Vermont schools. The training dates are November 13 and 14, 2018, in Burlington. Day one is targeted to health educators and special educators and will focus on curriculum training. Day two is targeted to paraeducators who work one-on-one with students. Paraeducators must register as part of a district team. More information on each training day is provided on the registration page. The training is free, but lunch is not provided.
Contact: Tom Aloisi at [email protected]
Now Available: 2019 Farm to School Grant Requests for Proposals
Audience: Adminsitrators, School Foodservice Directors
The Requests for Applications for the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets Farm to School Grant Program are available on the program website. Applications for this grant program will be open until November 14, 2018. The AAFM Farm to School team is seeking applications from eligible Vermont-based schools and early care providers to expand and improve food programs and/or to create or expand farm to school programs by integrating the classroom, cafeteria, and community (the 3 C’s of farm to school). Grantees best achieve this when they take a holistic approach to incorporating the 3 C’s of farm to school into their program. Together, the 3 C’s support healthy children, healthy agriculture, and healthy communities. Up to seven Farm to School Child Nutrition applications will be awarded at $15,000 each, to be spent during a 2-year grant period, with additional comprehensive technical assistance, professional development and coaching, offered at no charge to grantees. Additionally, up to $32,000 will be available in $1,000 Infrastructure Grants to help schools and early care providers improve local food use. Learn more on the AAFM program webpage.
Contact: Ali Zipparo at (802) 505-1822 or [email protected]
Professional Learning: Strengthening Community Through School Health
Audience: School Nurses, School Counselors, School Administrators
The Vermont Department of Health and the Vermont State School Nurses Association are jointly sponosoring a conference, Strengthening Community through School Health on October 13, 2018, in St. Johnsbury. The conference will focus on the key role nurses play in community health. Topics of the conference include cannabinoid use, environmental health, opioid use and prevention, and American Academy of Pediatrics: Bright Futures updates. The jointly sponsored conference is resulting in a reduced cost to participants.
Contact: Sharonlee Trefry, State School Nurse Consultant, at [email protected]
Courtesy Posts
The views, opinions, and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people, and opportunities as shared.
Registration Closing: Vermont Jump$tart 2018 Educator Conference
Registration closes October 19, 2018, for the 2018 Jump$tart Annual Educator Conference on Friday, November 2, 2018, at Vermont Technical College in Randolph. Sessions will focus on the newly adopted Jump$tart financial literacy standards and how they connect to student-centered learning in an interdisciplinary way. Space is limited to 50 attendees. Confirmation and follow up information will be sent to registrants after registration closes. For more information see the Vermont Jump$tart Coalition website.
Contact Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or (802) 229-0341
Professional Learning: Special Education Legal Update with Art Cernosia, Esq.
Registration is open for Art Cernosia's Special Education Legal Update on October 25, 2018, at the Capitol Plaza in Montpelier. Art’s presentations are known for their comprehensive review of education-related legal issues and court decisions and his practical perspective on how they affect Vermont schools. This workshop will provide a review and analysis of recent legal developments both in Vermont and nationally in special education law. New judicial decisions will be covered along with the policy and practice implications for Vermont educators.
Contact: Julie Medose at [email protected] or (802)-498-3350
Film Making Opportunity: Computer Science in Your Community
The Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance (MMSA) has an opportunity for educators to go beyond coding and engage students with computer science happening in their community. MMSA is looking for several Vermont teachers (grades 7 to 12) to work on a student filmmaking project highlighting how local businesses utilize computer science and computational thinking. Participants can earn a $2,300 stipend while learning how to work with students students to produce these inexpensive, short videos. MMSA staff have produced some sample videos available on their website that highlight a variety of careers using computational thinking skills, including a dental hygienist, auto repair shop, and web developer. Participating teachers are expected to produce at least one video with their students. Space is limited.
Contact: Tom Keller at [email protected] or (207) 626-3230, ext. 115
Grant Writing Workshop
Registration is open for Grant Writing from the Lens of a Grant Reviewer with Casey Boyle-Eldridge. How grant reviewers score grants is the foundation of the day. This full day workshop will explore potential funding resources for school and/ or community projects and programs. There are three locations to provide accessibility to all who are interested. Registration ends October 19, 2018. The cost of the workshop includes lunch and materials.
Contact: Casey Boyle-Eldridge at [email protected] or (802) 754-2616
Free Sensory-Friendly Drumming Workshop
VSA Vermont and the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts present a fun, free and inclusive drumming workshop for children or adults on the autism spectrum on Sundays, October 14, 2018 and November 18, 2018 from 1 to 2 p.m. Classes use sensory-friendly drums and percussion instruments and relaxed expectations; no experience necessary. Info and pre-registration online at the Flynn Center website.
Contact: Sarah Caliendo at [email protected] or (802) 652-4537
Professional Learning: English Language Learners
Registration is open for Collaboration and Co-Teaching for English Language Learners. The purpose of this two day workshop is to explore a framework for collaborative practices ESL, General Education teachers and instructional specialists may engage in that promote an integrated service delivery for the sake of ELLs in K-12 settings. Dr. Andrea Honigsfeld, a leading national ESL presenter will be at the Hampton Event Center in Colchester on November 12 and 13, 2018. The book, "Co-Teaching for English Learners: A Guide to Collaborative Planning, Instruction, Assessment and Reflection" by Maria G. Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld.
Contact: Lauren Wooden at [email protected] or (802) 497-1642
Professional Development: Supporting Children through Trauma, Poverty, and Adversity
Registration is open for Supporting Children through Trauma, a professional development course by the Stern Center for Language and Learning. In this 45-hour course, participants will gain an understanding of poverty related stress and its impact on brain function. Participants will establish a framework for developing social and emotional learning competencies in their students. Registration due by November 20, 2018.
Contact: SJ White at [email protected] or (802)-878-2332, ext. 320
Vermont History Day State Contest Materials Now Available
Students in grades five to 12 can learn content and skills by creating projects for the Vermont History Day State Contest, on April 6, 2019, at the UVM Davis Center in Burlington. Curriculum materials are now available on the Vermont Historical Society's History Day website. Projects can be about any topic in history (not just Vermont history) related to the annual theme of “Triumph and Tragedy in History.” Learn more at the educator VT-NY workshop on Friday, October 12, 2018, at Fort Ticonderoga.
Contact: Victoria Hughes at [email protected] or (802) 828-1413