- Please Complete the Annual Technology Survey by June 30, 2018
- VT Jump$tart Coalition Annual Education Conference
- Teaching Strategies Gold for 2019-2020
- Info for Districts Hiring a New Food Service Manager
- Orientation and Resources for New School Nurses
- Courtesy Posts
AOE Annual Technology Survey Open Until June 30, 2018
Audience: Principals, School Technology Leaders
The required annual technology survey is open for all schools submissions. Only about half of schools have completed the survey. This survey is required for public schools and all CTE centers. The survey contains questions related to three main topic areas: Internet access, one-to-one computing, and cloud storage. This survey is important to help the AOE keep abreast of the status of education technology in schools. Please be sure someone in the school (or someone knowledgeable on local technology specs) takes the survey by June 30, 2018. A list of survey questions for preview purposes is available on the agency's website. The survey should take no more than 20 minutes to complete.
Contact: Peter Drescher at [email protected] or (802) 479-1169
VT Jump$tart Coalition Annual Education Conference
Audience: Middle School and High School Educators
The State of Vermont has adopted the National Jump$tart financial literacy standards. The Vermont Jump$tart Coalition is hosting a one-day professional learning conference at Vermont Technical College in Randolph, VT on November 2, 2018. Sessions will include an interdisciplinary approach to financial literacy and personalized learning plans. Ed Camp will allow participants to brainstorm among their peers, and leave with solid ideas about how to help students develop their financial literacy PLPs.
Contact: Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or (802) 229-0341
Teaching Strategies Gold Pricing for 2019-2020
Audience: Private and Public Prequalified PreK Administrators, Directors, and Early Childhood Coordinators
Teaching Strategies GOLD pricing for private and public prequalified PreK programs serving 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds subscribing to GOLD through the State of Vermont umbrella license will be $12.55 per child in 2019-2020. The 2018-2019 cost is $11.75 per child. Please note the slight increase over the next two years. The 2017-18 cost was $10.95 per child. Each private and public prequalified PreK program must subscribe to Teaching Strategies GOLD through the Vermont umbrella license online in order to obtain approval. Only one application per organization/district is required. The primary authorized administrator or their designee should complete this form on behalf of all of the sites/schools in the organization or school district.
Contact: Katie McCarthy at [email protected]
Information for Districts Hiring a New Food Service Manager
Audience: Business Managers, Administrators, Principals, Food Service Managers
School Food Authorities that will be hiring a new food service manager or director over the summer, should plan to have them attend Orientation to School Nutrition Management at the Child Nutrition Summer Institute in Milton on Aug. 6-10, 2018. The registration deadline for this session is Monday, June 25, 2018, however, districts can save a spot for their new hire in this session (or other sessions) by registering them as “New Manager” in the name field, and contacting Child Nutrition Programs to update the registration information once they are hired. Before hiring a new director, please also check out USDA’s minimum hiring requirements for new food service directors. After the new person his hired, please email Cheryl ROgers to add them to the food service managers email list and get set up with all the account logins that they will need to start the new year off right.
Contact: Cheryl Rogers at [email protected], or (802) 479-1360
Orientation and Resources for New School Nurses
Audience: Superintendents, Principals, and School Nurses
All Registered Nurses (RN) new to school nursing in Vermont are required to take the New School Nurse Orientation program online. This is a prerequisite for the Licensed School Nurse or Associate School Nurse endorsement. To register for the free online orientation, please contact Sharonlee Trefry, MSN, RN, NCSN, State School Nurse Consultant. Additionally, the University of Vermont, AHEC Program is offering a free supplementary in-person training, August 15, 2018, in Burlington. Registration ends June 29, 2018. To register for the in-person training, contact Cynthia Kline at [email protected] or (802) 656-9294
Contact: Sharonlee Trefry at [email protected]
Courtesy Posts
The views, opinions, and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people, and opportunities as shared.
Vermont Folklife Center Summer Institute for Educators
The Vermont Folklife Center's Discovering Community Summer Institute will take place August 13-16, 2018 in Brattleboro, Vermont. The institute introduces educators to the methods and tools of community-based documentary media-making. This student-directed research model facilitates the development of transferable skills such as clear and effective communication, responsible and involved citizenship, creative and practical problem solving, and informed and integrative thinking. Participating educators will spend four days learning ethnographic methods, observing and documenting the world around them, creating a media piece, and planning for classroom application. Three graduate credits are available through Castleton University.
Contact Mary Rizos at [email protected] or (802) 388-4964
Equity Breakfast Institute: Building District Capacity to Stop Racial Harassment and Bullying
Racial harassment is on the rise in America’s public schools. The Center for Education Equity at the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium is partnering with the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights in Philadelphia to host an Equity Breakfast Institute to help schools prevent and respond to racial harassment and bullying. Start Your Day Right: Build District Capacity to STOP Racial Harassment and Bullying will be held July 18, 2018 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. It will feature Dr. Richard Milner, IV, author of “Rac(e)ing to Class: Confronting Poverty and Race in Schools and Classrooms”, and include a breakfast buffet and two sets of workshops. Participants will hear from superintendents on how they responded to racial harassment challenges in their districts, engage in dialogue with colleagues about experiences with racial harassment and bullying, and learn about programs, policies and practices designed to help create safe and supportive school environments.
Contact: Susan Shaffer at [email protected] or (301) 657-7741
Professional Learning: Assessment-Based Decisions and Daily Reading Instruction
Registration is open for Weaving Assessment-Based Decisions into your Daily Reading Instruction with Beth Moore on June 26, 2018. This day-long workshop for K-5 classroom teachers and special educators is taught in Colchester at the Hampton Event Center by Beth Moore on June 26, 2018. Beth Moore is a favorite Vermont literacy presenter, and she will be focusing on embedded formative assessment strategies that become part of your instructional delivery model.
Contact: Lauren Wooden at [email protected] or (802) 497-1642
Professional Learning: Ideas for the Student-Centered Classroom
Registration is open for Getting Ready for Liftoff: Great Ideas for Launching the Student-Centered Classroom on August 7, 2018, at the Capitol Plaza in Montpelier. This workshop is for practical-minded educators (teachers and administrators) ready to rethink how they greet and get to know their learners throughout the start of the year. Participants will be guided through a process of designing compelling and meaningful experiences to engage their learners through the first weeks of the school year. This workshop kicks off an exciting series that will continue throughout the school year that will focus on Strategies for Sustaining the Student-Centered Classroom and will bring Carol Tomlinson to the state in October.
Contact: Julie Medose at [email protected] or (802) 498-3350
Professional Learning: History and Archaeology at Lake Champlain Maritime Museum
Registration is open for Valcour: Teaching the American Revolution through Archaeology. Join Lake Champlain Maritime Museum for an adventure to Valcour Bay, where a pivotal battle of the Revolutionary War took place. This three-day course runs July 5-7, 2018, participants will examine primary archaeological resources on and off the LCMM campus and consider how they influence the creation of historical knowledge. Graduate credit available through Castleton University.
Contact: Matt Harrison at [email protected], or (802) 475-2022, ext. 123
2018 Flynn Center Summer Arts Literacy Institute
With this year's theme of "Expression and Equity" at the core, the 2018 Flynn Summer Arts Literacy Institute from August 14 to 16, 2018 will be an interactive exploration of the historic Clemmons Family Farm in Charlotte; an African-American Heritage Trail site and ArtPlace America grant awardee. The institute is designed to support individual professional development plans and teaching artists' professional learning through the hands-on presentation of model arts integration sessions that support K-12 students' development of skills across the curriculum. The institute is led by nationally recognized leaders in arts and education; Lincoln Center Education's Dacia Washington, Harvard Project ZERO's Aysha Upchurch, and the Flynn Center's Susanna Olson. Tuition: $650 institute or $1050 institute and two graduate credits. Participants who register online by July 15, 2018, can save $100.
Contact: Lauren Genta at [email protected] or (802) 652-4548, ext. 4
Professional Learning: Reading Solzhenitsyn
Online registration is open for Reading Solzhenitsyn a Professional Development Day at Northern Vermont University (Lyndon) dedicated to Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Prize Winner in Literature and Vermont resident for 18 years. The event will be held September 7, 2018, as part of an international conference dedicated to the life and works of the writer organized by NVU. University professors and experts from several countries will share their knowledge and expertise with Vermont educators. Participants will learn teaching strategies through the lens of Solzhenitsyn’s life and works. Special certificates will be issued event participants.
Contact: Alexandre Strokanov at [email protected] or (802) 748-3256