- 2018-19 Critical Dates for Schools
- Reporting Early Childhood Outcomes Memo
- Linking Health and Learning Newsletter
- Child Nutrition Programs Summer Institute
- Feedback Requested: World Language Standards Update
- Fire Safety in Schools Frequently Asked Questions
- BEST/Act 230 Funding Opportunities
2018-19 Critical Dates For Schools Memo and Calendar
Audience: Superintendents and Curriculum Leaders
The AOE has compiled and published a list of critical dates and milestones for schools to track in 2018-19. These include any major annual interaction between the AOE and the field —things the AOE needs from and gives to the field, and vice versa: statewide assessment windows, due dates for data collections, dates when schools can expect reports and resources to be released, and dates for major AOE professional development events. The calendar is in a spreadsheet format; schools are encouraged to filter and manipulate the document as they see fit.
Contact: Chris Case at [email protected], or (802) 479-1179
Reporting Early Childhood Outcomes Exit and Progress Ratings Memo
Audience: Early Childhood Special Educators and Special Education Directors
As the 2017-2018 school year draws to a close, the Reporting Early Childhood Outcomes Exit and Progress Ratings Memo gives a few reminders regarding completing Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) Exit and Progress ratings within your IEP software. Additional information on ECO can be located in the manual, Vermont's Early Childhood Practices and Procedures on the Agency of Education website.
Contact: Katie McCarthy at [email protected]
Linking Health and Learning Newsletter
Audience: Health Educators, Physical Educators, Curriculum Directors, Principals, Superintendents, Higher Education
The June-July 2018 Linking Health and Learning newsletter is now posted on the Vermont Agency of Education Health and Physical Education (PE) web pages. This newsletter communicates pertinent information about the Vermont PE Assessment, news from around the state, as well as professional learning events and resources to support Vermont’s health and physical educators.
Contact: Susan Yesalonia at [email protected], or (802) 479-1284
Register for the Child Nutrition Programs Summer Institute
Audience: School Food Service, Administrators, Principals, Business Managers, Nurses, Farm to School Coordinators, Child/Adult Care Providers
Registration for the Child Nutrition Summer Institute is now open. This year’s Summer Institute will take place at Milton Elementary and Middle School from August 6 through 10, 2018. This year we are offering over 50 half-day, full-day and multi-day classes. You may register for just one class, a whole day, or multiple days. The registration deadline for most classes is July 27, 2018, however, the deadline for some classes (including the New Manager’s class) is June 25, 2018. Early registration deadlines are noted on the class descriptions.
Contact: Cheryl Rogers at [email protected], or (802) 479-1360
Feedback Requested:Updating the World Language Standards
Audience: World Language Teachers, Curriculum Directors, Administrators, Superintendents, School Board Members
The Agency of Education is seeking feedback and input on updating the Vermont World Language Standards to be national in scope, provide for college and career readiness, and better align with proficiency-based learning, personalization and transferable skills. Please provide input via this 10-question World Language Standards Survey. The survey will close on June 19, 2018.
Contact: Martha Deiss at [email protected], or (802) 479-1487
Fire Safety in Schools Frequently Asked Questions
Audience: Superintendents, Principals and School Crisis Planning Team Members
Over the last few months, the Vermont School Crisis Planning Team has received questions from many members of the community about door locks, fire alarm pull stations, and the announcement of drills. In response to these questions, the Division of Fire Safety has created this Fire Safety in Schools FAQ document.
Contact: Bruce Martin at the Division of Fire Safety at [email protected] or (802) 885-8967
BEST/Act 230 Funding Opportunities
Audience: Superintendents, BEST/Act 230 Coordinators, Directors of Special Education, Curriculum Coordinators, Principals
The BEST/Act 230 grant applications are now available in the new Grants Management System (GMS). The priority area for the SY18-19 school year is professional learning designed to support implementing evidence-based practices that promote universal, core instruction within a tiered system of supports and interventions for academics, including early (pre-kindergarten through 3rd grade) literacy, and behavior. NOTE: Applications may be submitted on a rolling basis until October 1, 2018. Approval is pending the budget’s passing. For funds availability, the official start date will not be before the grant has been signed by the secretary.
Contact: Meg Porcella at [email protected]
Courtesy Posts
The views, opinions, and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people, and opportunities as shared.
The Wonder of Learning Exhibit Comes to Boston
New England has been awarded The Wonder of Learning - Hundred Languages of Children Exhibit for the next six months, it will provide incredible professional development opportunities for all educators in the New England area. The Wonder of Learning highlights the world-renowned schools in Reggio Emilia for children birth to age eight. This inspiring approach to early childhood education was developed in Northern Italy and serves as a model for classroom environments, parent relationships, documentation and more. Along with the exhibit, the organizers have coordinated a growing list of free and low-cost professional development programs. For more information and a list of events, visit The Wonder of Learning Boston event website or watch the Wonder of Learning video.
Contact: Jeanne Goldhaber at [email protected]
Big Picture Learning's International Conference on Student-Centered Learning
Every year, hundreds of educators, advocates and thought leaders from all over the world come together at Big Bang - Big Picture Learning's International Conference on Student-Centered Learning, where they convene with the most important component of authentic, student-centered learning: Students. Big Bang mimics Big Picture's key characteristics: attendees are grouped in advisories, much of the learning is conducted outside the conference venue with community partners, and learning is authentic and applicable. Students and educators passionate about student-centered learning are encouraged to join. The opening reception is Monday, July 23, 2018 at 5 p.m., in Atlanta, GA. The conference concludes by noon on Thursday, July 26, 2018.
Contact: Beth White at [email protected], or (802) 598-6408
Deadline Extended: Nominations for Humanities Educator Award
The deadline for nominations for the Vermont Humanities Council’s Victor R. Swenson Humanities Educator Award has been extended to June 15, 2018. The award recognizes a Vermont educator in grades 6 through 12 who exemplifies excellence in the teaching of the humanities. It includes a $1,000 award.
Contact: Linda Wrazen at [email protected], or (802) 262-1357
Webinar on Bullying Best Practices for 2018
Registration is open for "Bullying Best Practices for 2018", held by Snowy Owl Tutoring, on August 8, 2018, from 9- 10 a.m. Join us for an online training hosted by Tom Thelen, Founder of No Bullying Schools, an evidence based-bullying prevention program.
Contact: Thomas Loudon at [email protected] or (802) 299-9642
Nominations Open for the LifeChanger of the Year Awards
The National Life LifeChanger of the Year is now accepting nominations for the 2018-19 school year. LifeChanger of the Year is an annual program sponsored by the National Life Group Foundation that celebrates hundreds K-12 educators and school employees who are making a difference in the lives of students across the United States. Each year, 17 nominees are selected for cash awards, and one is selected for a $10,000 Grand Prize. Nominations for LifeChanger of the Year can be made on the LifeChanger of the Year website.
Contact: Brian Jordan at [email protected], or (207) 446-2449
Professional Learning Opportunity: Assessment for Student Learning
Registration is open for the Assessment for Student Learning with Jan Chappuis on August 15 through 17, 2018 at the Hilton DoubleTree in South Burlington, VT. This workshop is designed to deepen educators’ ability to design accurate assessments and to use assessment information formatively in the classroom to further student achievement. Participants will receive two books by Jan Chappuis “Seven Strategies for Assessment for Student Learning” and “Student Assessment for Student Learning; Doing it Right, Using it Well.” Registration is free for VT-NEA members, $500 for non-members. Graduate credit from Castleton University is available.
Contact: Juliette Longchamp at [email protected] or (802) 224-2421
Professional Learning Opportunity: Learning from the Lake
The enrollment deadline has been extended for a unique course, Learning From the Lake: Using Primary Sources to Teach Key Proficiencies taking place June 25 through 29, 2018 at the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum. Taught by Dr. Harry Chaucer, this course immerses educators in stimulating experiences and explorations including a live-stream tour of a shipwreck through the camera lens of an underwater robot and a visit to the shores of an archaeological site that was frequented by indigenous people for thousands of years this course. Participants will learn how to incorporate Expanded Learning Providers (ELPs) such as the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum to make learning more empirical, inductive and personal for their students. Graduate credit is available through Castleton University.
Contact: Matthew Witten at [email protected], or (802) 475-2022, ext. 106
Professional Learning: Math Learning Progressions: Additive, Multiplicative and Fractional Reasoning K-5
Math Learning Progressions: Additive, Multiplicative and Fractional Reasoning K-5 will demonstrate how the use of routines and clear mathematical language is central to student learning. Participants will practice developing tools and strategies to best reach all elementary students, and will understand how patterns and techniques learned in Elementary Grades Math Lab can be used to support students as they work to meet learning outcomes. Walk away from this three day Math Series with a portfolio of mathematical questions to use for furthering student understanding and thinking. The workshop takes place at Williamstown Elementary School from July 23 through 25, 2018. Participants can also complete additional work, and attend two more dates in the fall for 3 graduate credits.
Contact: Julie Medose at [email protected], or (802) 498-3350
Summertime Jazz Program at the Flynn Center
The Flynn Center's Latin Jazz Intensive gives talented students, ages 8 and up, the chance to study with guest artist, educator and jazz and Latin music innovator Ray Vega, UVM Professor Alex Stewart, and local professionals who are passionate about teaching. In the true spirit of jazz, improvisation, individual expression, cooperation and mutual respect is encouraged. Students get personalized instruction and special workshops, tickets to a top-notch faculty concert, a gig of their own at week's end, and introductions to new friends and mentors.
Contact: Sarah Caliendo at [email protected] or (802) 652-4537
Professional Learning Opportunity: Proficiency-Based Learning Boot Camp
Proficiency-Based Learning Boot Camp will be held October 4, 2018. This workshop for Grades 6 to 12 teachers new to PBL will be held at the Hampton Event Center in Colchester and facilitated by Andrew Jones and Gabe Hamilton. Geared toward new teachers, it is useful for any educator who is unfamiliar with the principles and practices that apply to PBL. Topics include writing learning targets, leveraging formative assessments, providing effective feedback, making homework meaningful and structuring reassessment opportunities, as well as using proficiency scales and more. The book, "Standards-Based Learning in Action: Moving from Theory to Practice" (2018) is included.
Contact: Lauren Wooden at [email protected], or (802) 497-1642