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Volume 12, Issue 19

May 9, 2018

Recently Released Proficiency-Based Learning Resources

Audience: Administrators and Teachers
Two new publications related to proficiency-based learning have recently been released. "Designing for Equity: Leveraging Competency-Based Education to Ensure All Students Succeed," offers equity strategies for personalized, proficiency-based education to ensure a more equitable K-12 education system. Districts and schools can use the equity principles within this report to develop an equity agenda within their personalized, proficiency-based systems. The second document, "Meeting Students Where They Are," provides educational leaders with an in-depth exploration of the relational, pedagogical and structural dimensions of meeting students where they are in proficiency-based education systems. Both of these documents can be found on the Proficiency-Based Learning page under Proficiency-Based Learning Resources.
Contact: Pat Fitzsimmons at [email protected] or (802) 479-1425

VTPBIS Spring 2018 Quarterly Report Released

Audience: All Vermont Educators and families
The Vermont Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (VTPBIS) State Team presents the Spring 2018 Quarterly Report. Learn more about VTPBIS inputs, fidelity, impact, and sustainability. PBIS is currently being implemented in 155 schools in Vermont.
Contact Sherry Schoenberg at [email protected]

Mathematics Teacher Leadership Opportunity

Audience: Superintendents, Principals and Curriculum Administrators, Mathematics Educators
The Agency is looking to recruit three exceptional high school mathematics educators in Vermont to pioneer an exciting mathematics initiative with the Vermont State Colleges, Agency of Education, and VSAC GEAR UP. Selected educators will spend one week this summer working together to design a mathematics class to bridge the gap between high school and college. Educators selected to participate will receive a $3,000 stipend for this work. Participants will work with college mathematics faculty, other high school teachers, and education professionals. Schools or teachers who commit to this design phase are not committing to delivering the course. Applications for the Mathematics Teacher Leadership Opportunity can be filled out online.
Contact: Heidi Whipple at [email protected]

2018 Alternate Assessment Training

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Special Education Administrators, Special Educators, District Test Coordinators
The training webinar for the 2018 Alternate Assessment is now available. This training provides information about the assessment requirements and provides a walk-through of each section. Test administrators are strongly advised to review the training prior to administering the alternate assessment. A link to the training can also be found on the alternate assessments page.
Contact: Chris Kane at [email protected]

2018 Alternate Assessment Office Hours

Audience: Superintendents and Principals
The Agency of Education will host a virtual question and answer session Thursday May 10, 2018 at 3 p.m. This session will respond to any remaining questions related to the administration of the alternate assessment. This short presentation will begin with answers to the frequently asked questions followed by responses to questions from the participants. The webinar can be accessed via GoTo Meeting or by calling in. Registering through GoTo Meeting will allow users to view the presentation and type in questions, users will recieve a confirmation email with details about joining the conversation. Alternately, users can hear the presentation without participating in the chat by calling the call in number: (213) 929-4232.
Contact: Chris Kane at [email protected]

Courtesy Posts

The views, opinions, and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people, and opportunities as shared.

2018 Scholarships for Colonial Williamsburg Teacher Institute in American History

Colonial Williamsburg has three scholarships available for Vermont elementary and middle school teachers for the 2018 Colonial Williamsburg Teacher Institute. The week-long Institute immerses participants in American history on-site in Williamsburg, the restored capitol of eighteenth-century Virginia, as well as nearby historic sites. Elementary school sessions focus on the colonial and early nation periods from 1607 to the Revolutionary War. Middle school sessions focus on the emerging American identity from 1765 to 1865. Teachers will exchange ideas with historians, meet character interpreters portraying people of the past, analyze primary sources, participate in historical simulations and learn museum techniques that actively engage students in history. Each scholarship includes admission to all programs, room (double occupancy), most meals, air transportation and educational resource materials. For more Information visit Colonial Williamsburg’s website at or apply for the scholarships online. Applications are due by May 18, 2018.
Contact: Tab Broyles at [email protected] or (757) 220-7975

Developing as an Educator for Social Justice

The Vermont Association of School Psychologists will host this professional learning opportunity. Participants will explore current trends and research with regards to social justice in education and will be provided resources and activities for use in their schools and districts. The morning will be presented by David Schriberg, Ph.D., Associate Professor Loyola University - Chicago and the afternoon activities will be facilitated by Shannon Newell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor - Castleton University. The course costs $45 for members and $65 for non-members.
Contact: Shannon Newell, Ph.D. at [email protected] or (802) 468-1280

Registration Open for the Create Make Learn Summer Institute

Registration is open for the Create Make Learn Summer Institute July 23 through July 27, 2018. The institute has four strands designed to give educators confidence in designing creative hands-on/minds-on learning opportunities for their students. Special topics this year include Personalized Learning and Proficiency-Based Learning opportunities. Strands include: "Making Media," focused on creating multimedia projects using WeVideo and other Chromebook compatible tools to create videos, podcast, green screen effects for storytelling, personal narrative, portfolio artifacts, and more; "Get Started with Maker Centered Learning", focused on beginning maker-centered learning, especially for K-5 teachers; "Grow your Maker Mindset", for those with some experience or MS and HS teachers; and "Extend Your Maker Skills," focused on advanced maker-ed topics. One day boot camps in 3D printing, Laser Cutting and CNC are also available. Participants take back Maker Supplies to set up minds-on/hands-on centers back at their school. Graduate credit available.
Contact: Lucie deLaBruere at [email protected] or (802) (557-0013

Professional Development Opportunity: Watershed for Every Classroom

This year-long, 11 day-6 credit, professional development experience for K-12 educators in the Lake Champlain Basin of Vermont, New York and Québec, taught by the Champlain Basin Education Initiative runs from July 16, 2018 to May 4, 2019. Participants explore how people and places tell the stories of the Lake Champlain Basin and offer students the opportunity to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of content, community engagement, and sense of place. The field-based program is most suited for educators working in grades 4 to 9, but is applicable to all subject areas and grades.
Contact Kerri McAllister at [email protected] or (802) 985-8686

Workshop on Creating Gender-Affirming School Environments

Registration is now open for "Creating Gender-Affirming School Environments: What Leaders Need to Know and Do", July 25, 2018. Vermont Higher Education Collaborative is partnering with Outright Vermont to offer insight into this timely and important topic. Education administrators and others in leadership or supervisory roles have a unique and critical role in ensuring the development and maintenance of safe and inclusive environments for all students. Participants will lean into the who, what, where, when, why and, most importantly, how of creating affirming environments for all Vermont’s children and youth across a spectrum of gender.
Julie Medose at [email protected] or (802) 498-3350

Building a Culture of Equity

Vermont Principals Association will host Building a Culture of Equity at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Montpelier on May 30, 2018 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. This "Equity Summit" is a day-long, facilitated conversation about what equity means and why it matters to efforts to support all of Vermont's students. A diverse group of principals, CTE Directors and other school leaders, policy-makers and government agency and department representatives, students, teachers, superintendents and other school administrators are encouraged to join this conversation. Registration for Building a Culture of Equity is $50 and free to students.
Contact: Linda Wheatley at [email protected] or (802) 535-8383

2018 VPA Leadership Academy

"Equity, Change and School Leadership" is the theme of this year's summer Academy for school leaders held July 31, 2018 to August 2, 2018 at Killington Grand Resort. Dr. Pedro Noguera, UCLA professor and author of "Excellence Through Equity," will speak on Tuesday, July 31, 2018. Seven educational strands follow a morning panel on Wednesday, August 1, 2018 - topics include Trauma-Informed Schools, Mobile Devices, Equity and Change, Understanding Whiteness, Building Self-Regulation and Collective Efficacy. The Center for Creative Leadership will conclude the Academy with a morning workshop on a specific leadership tool to strengthen school culture on Thursday, August 2, 2018. Registration fees are $525/$575 for VPA members/non-members. One day options are available.
Contact: Linda Wheatley at [email protected] or (802) 535-8383

Early Childhood Educator’s Summer Institute

The Early Childhood Educator's Summer Institute is held at Castleton University every summer for educators working with children ages birth through third grade and the administrators who support them. The Institute consists of sixteen sessions for those who wish to attend the institute only, and sixteen hybrid courses for those who wish to extend their learning. The courses are designed to deepen practice, meet child care professional development requirements and contribute to early childhood or elementary educator licensing competencies and/or renewal of educator licenses and endorsements.
Contact: Cheryl Mitchell at [email protected] or (802) 989-8141

Summer Course Offerings at Northern Vermont University

Registration is now open for summer courses in Education at Northern Vermont University Johnson, with courses in student evaluation, educational ethics and technology for education among many others. The full summer course catalog is available at available at
Contact: Rob Schulze at [email protected] or (802) 635-1305

Flynn Center 2018-19 Student Matinee Series

Registration is open for the 2018-19 Student Matinée Series. The series supports connections to Common Core, next Gen, and C3 Standards through study guides, companion workshops and by identifying select standards for each show. Educators are encouraged to order for their class or school by May 18, 2018 to secure their top picks and apply early for bus money from the Vermont Arts Council.
Contact: Kat Redniss at [email protected] or (802) 652-4548

Math Lab School

This three-credit graduate course is for Grades K-4 educators and special educators: Language, Concept and Fluency: Deeper Learning of Mathematics with Professor Mahesh Sharma. The course is held July 23 to 27, 2018 at the Main Street Middle School in Montpelier. This course is guided by learning theories, special education, mathematics teaching and learning, and clinical practice in working with children and adults with learning problems in mathematics. Lab Classroom involves working with students in a real classroom using observation, demonstrations, presentations and case studies.
Contact: Lauren Wooden at [email protected] or (802)  497-1642

Professional Learning Opportunity: Reading and the Brain

Humans are not hard-wired for reading, and yet many young children learn how to read at a basic level by the end of first grade. This interactive graduate level course is designed for elementary and middle school educators who wish to learn about the brain basis of reading and the implications of reading research for improving classroom instruction.
Contact: Caitlin Niland at [email protected] or (802) 878-2332, ext. 320

2018 Vermont Suicide Prevention Symposium

Registration is open for the 2018 Vermont Suicide Prevention Symposium, entitled "It Takes All of Us: Building Connections for Suicide Prevention Across the Lifespan" The symposium will be held June 5, 2018 at Stoweflake Mountain Resort. The cost is $140 to attend. The keynote speakers are John Halligan: "15 Years of Soul Searching Since Ryan's Death" and James Wright: "Are We Making a Difference? The Changing Landscape of Suicide Prevention". More information about workshops and other presentations at this event is available at the Center for Health and Learning website.
Contact: Catherine Diduk at [email protected] or (802) 254-6590

Learning Opportunities for High School Students at UVM

This summer, students can earn credits and experience college life through one of the intensive, 4-week courses offered through UVM's Summer Academy. Students can use drones to map changing landscapes, perform virtual medical procedures in the College of Medicine or explore biomedical sciences with UVM faculty.
Contact: Katie Albee at [email protected] or (802) 656-2085

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].