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Volume 11, Issue 9

March 1, 2017

2017 Vermont Kindergarten Conference: The Arts as a Tool for Learning

Audience: Prekindergarten, Kindergarten, Primary Level Teachers, School and Program Administrators, Pre-Service Teachers, and Teacher Educators
The Vermont Agency of Education, the Early Childhood Education Program at the University of Vermont, and VAEYC invite you to celebrate young children at the 25th Annual Vermont Kindergarten Conference. The theme for this year’s conference is nurturing imagination and learning through the arts. Prekindergarten, kindergarten and primary level teachers, school and program administrators, pre-service teachers, and teacher educators are encouraged to attend. The conference will be held on April 7, 2017 at the Hilton in Burlington. Learn more about and register for the 2017 Vermont Kindergarten Conference .  Last year's conference filled to capacity so we encourage you to go online and register early.
Contact: Shirley Rawson at [email protected]

Science Resource Sharing for Expanded Learning Providers

Audience: Expanded Learning Providers
During this session, participants will have an opportunity to share NGSS resources that you know of, have created, adapted and are willing to share. Our goal is for science expanded learning providers to collaborate and share resources around the implementation of NGSS. This session is limited to 25 participants. Register online.
Contact: Kathy Renfrew at (802) 479-1448 or [email protected]

Grant Funding Announcements for Adult Education

Audience: All
The Vermont Agency of Education requests applications from eligible organizations and entities to provide adult education and literacy services in Vermont.  Adult education and literacy activities include, math, reading and other academic skills instruction, English language instruction, and/or transition to college and work. Download the grant application from the Vermont Agency of Education. Applications are due April 5, 2017.
Contact: Robin Castle, State Director of Adult Education and Literacy, at [email protected]

Introduction to the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) Webinar

Audience: Pre-K - Grade 3 Teachers, Administrators
This one hour webinar, to be held on March 23, 2017 at 10 a.m., will provide an overview of the CLASS assessment tool for Pre-K through third grade. The CLASS is an evidence-based tool which measures the interactions in classrooms that lead to increased learning outcomes for children. The CLASS is now being used as part of the STARS system in Vermont, as well as for professional development and/or evaluation for Pre-K-12 teachers here and across the country. Register for the webinar.
Contact: Ellen Cairns at [email protected]

MTSS Component Focus of the Month: Effective Collaboration

Audience: Vermont Educators
Welcome to the second document in our five-part series that provides useful information for effectively implementing a multi-tiered system of supports in Vermont schools.  The Vermont (MTSS-RtII) Field Guide contains all five of these components, which will be addressed. The Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) team, presents Effective Collaboration as this month’s focus for building and sustaining a multi-tiered system of supports for all students. Learn more about Effective Collaboration.
Contact: Emma Louie, Education Coordinator (MTSS), at (802) 479-1336 or [email protected]  

Courtesy Postings

Funding Available for Summer Humanities Camps

March 9, 2017 is the deadline to apply to run a Humanities Camp at your school this summer. The Vermont Humanities Council (VHC) offers $2,400 grants for these week-long summer day camps for at-risk middle school students. Two school staff design the camp curriculum around the chosen theme, using gift books for all participants provided by VHC, and lead the camp at your school. This “immersion” experience in the humanities and creative arts can be a powerful intervention. Apply online.
Contact: Ali Palmer, Vermont Humanities Council, at (802) 262-1352 or [email protected]

Young Folks Doing Old Stuff: Educator's Conference

Young Folks Doing Old Stuff: Educator’s Conference will be held on Friday, May 5, 2017 at the Bishop Booth Conference Center in Burlington. Presentations and workshops by artists, educators and scholars from Québec and throughout New England including master fiddler Lisa Ornstein from Portland, Oregon and Tony Seeger from UCLA in California and the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. The focus of the conference is using traditional music and dance in educational settings. Learn more and register online.
Contact: Mark Sustic at [email protected]

Credit Online Graduate Course - Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) Education

This online course is offered as one of a series of courses by the Vermont Education Collaborative toward health education endorsement. Students taking the course for credit and successfully complete the course will receive one graduate credit through Union Institute and University. This course is offered so that teachers and health and guidance personnel have a sufficient level of professional development to enable them to competently teach or provide other services required in the school's ATOD prevention education program. The course begins April 30, 2017, and tuition is $550.00. Learn more and register online through Health and Learning.
Contact: Catherine Diduk at [email protected]

A Model for Managing Anxiety and Improving Self-Regulation

The Model for Managing Anxiety and Improving Self-Regulation will focus on managing anxiety and improving self-regulation using techniques for increasing self-awareness and modifying one’s own behaviors. The Incredible Five-Point Scale (Dunn-Buron & Curtis) is demonstrated as a springboard for developing individualized plans for relaxation, organization, and emotional attunement. This course occurs on March 8, 2017 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. This class is also available via distance learning through GoToWebinar. Grant underwriting is available through the Cynthia K. Hoehl Institute for Excellence.
Contact: Caitlin Niland, Intake Coordinator for Professional Learning, at (802) 878-2332 or [email protected]

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].