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Volume 11, Issue 46

November 15, 2017

AOE Seeks Qualified Individuals for Short Duration Activities

Audience: All
The Agency of Education is seeking qualified individuals for short duration activities to be held throughout the year. The activities will consist of peer and transcript review panels, ROPA Teams, student assessment scoring, site monitoring teams, Committee of Practitioners, conference presentations, and ad hoc committees, groups and panels. Note: If you previously completed the survey for fiscal year 2018, please do not resubmit at this time.
Contact: Shelley Matz at (802) 479-1754 or [email protected]

Introduction to the PreK Classroom Assessment Scoring System

Audience: Pre-K Teachers and Administrators
The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) is an assessment tool and professional development system that measures the interactions in classrooms and helps teachers improve those interactions. It is recommended by the Vermont Agency of Education and is used as part of the Vermont Step Ahead Recognition System (STARS). The free one-day workshop will give you an overview of what CLASS measures and how it helps teachers improve interactions in ten different dimensions, including Behavior Management, Concept Development, and Language Modeling. Register for the CLASS PreK Introductory training.
Contact: Ellen Cairns at (802) 479-1443 or [email protected]

Will Colleges Accept Proficiency-Based Transcripts?

Audience: Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, High School Educators
Some parents are concerned about how the move to proficiency-based systems of education will affect the college application process. On the Proficiency-Based Learning web page, there are a number of resources listed that explain admissions officers’ perspective of proficiency-based transcripts. Please share this information with others.
Contact: Pat Fitzsimmons at (802) 479-1425 or [email protected]

Early Childhood Outcomes Data Days

Audience: Early Childhood Special Education Team Members including Directors, Related Service Personnel, Educators, Classroom Teachers
Members of the Early Learning Team from the Agency of Education, the Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy) and the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) will be hosting regional Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) Data Days for ALL Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Team Members including ECSE Directors, Related Service Personnel, ECSE Educators, and Classroom Teachers. Each day-long academy will help all members of your ECSE team: 1) gain knowledge about how statewide early childhood outcomes data are collected and reported; 2) learn about critical questions that can drive early childhood outcomes data analysis and use and 3) be better able to use early childhood outcomes data to sustain improved data quality and decision-making at the local level. Learn more about and register for the regional Early Childhood Outcomes Data Days at a location and date that is convenient for your ECSE team. Deadline to register is December 1, 2017.
Contact: Katie McCarthy at [email protected]

Vermont Curriculum Leaders Association: Using Leadership Competencies to Promote Equity

Audience: Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, Instructional Coaches, and Teacher Leaders 
Vermont Curriculum Leaders Association (VTCLA) Session 2 will focus on the new Leadership Competencies and their equity connections. Participants will also investigate ways to  build student engagement and community buy-in for equity practices. Josh Souliere from the Agency of Education will share information about the Education Quality Reviews and the connections to equity. This meeting will take place on Friday, December 1, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Capitol Plaza, Montpelier, VT. Register for VTLCA Session 2.
Contacts: Pat Fitzsimmons at [email protected] and Andy Kepes at [email protected]

Nominations for Presidential Scholars

Audience: Students, Principals, Guidance Counselors, Academic and CTE Teachers, CTE Center Directors
The U.S. Presidential Scholars Program recognizes and honors high school seniors who demonstrate outstanding scholarship. Twenty-five outstanding students from the state of Vermont – 20 from high schools and five from CTE centers – will be selected based on recommendations and applications from participating schools. High schools can nominate up to one female and one male, and CTE centers can nominate up to two students. In addition, this year students are able to nominate themselves (with the endorsement of a qualifying adult). Learn more about the Presidential Scholar Program in Vermont. Nominate a high school senior. Nominate a CTE student. Only nominations submitted via the electronic system will be accepted. The deadline for nominations has been extended to December 1, 2017.
Contact for CTE Centers: Jay Ramsey, State Director for Career Technical Education, at [email protected]
Contact for High Schools: Sigrid Olson, Personalization, and Flexible Pathways, at [email protected]

Facilitated Dialogue: Inclement Weather

Audience: Superintendents, Principals and School Crisis Planning Team Members
This week’s Facilitated Dialogue will be on critical incident response during inclement weather. This school safety training is designed to stimulate a conversation about school emergency preparedness.
Contact: Rob Evans, School Safety Liaison Officer, at [email protected]

Courtesy Postings

The views, opinions, and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people, and opportunities as shared.

Request for Proposals: Understanding Root Causes of Inequities

The Nellie Mae Foundation’s work is centered on the goal of increasing the rate of college and career readiness in New England to 80 percent by 2030. Since 2010, the Foundation has supported districts to implement student-centered learning practices at the secondary level as a means for advancing readiness and closing gaps. While progress is emergent, a greater and more precise focus on equity is needed to ensure that effective and equitable opportunity pathways are created so that all students graduate ready for college and career. This RFP will provide New England school districts with one-year grants to facilitate inclusive, participatory, and transparent district-community processes that accomplish the following: 1) analyze barriers to equitably preparing all students (e.g., Black and Latino students, English language learners, special education students, and low-income students) to graduate from high school ready for college and career, and 2) identify student-centered practices and other appropriate interventions that will address the identified equity barriers. The deadline for receipt of proposals is December 11, 2017 at 12:00 p.m. Questions will be answered via an FAQ updated regularly on the Nellie Mae website.
Contact: Marcos Popovich at [email protected]

Section 504 Plan: A Powerful Tool for Students with Disabilities Webinar

Audience: All 
The Section 504 Plan: A Powerful Tool for Students with Disabilities webinar will be held on Thursday, November 16, 2017 from 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.  Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protects students who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) as well as those on a Section 504 plan. Section 504 requires that students with disabilities receive an education designed to their unique needs and is as adequate as the education provided to children without disabilities. The law applies to students with a wide range of disabilities and has lower eligibility requirements than an IEP. Learn how to use Section 504 to get the services your child needs in school.
Contact: Janice Sabett at (800) 800-4005, x218 or [email protected]

Gender Diversity and Creating a Gender Inclusive Classroom

VT-HEC is offering two workshops on Gender Diversity for educators, with presenter Lisa Estivill from Washington County Mental Health.  Join us first on November 29, 2017 for An Introduction to Gender Diversity, to learn more about gender expression and/or identity differences, as well as some distinct challenges for gender different/trans kids at different ages. Then, on April 5, 2018, dig deeper in Creating a Gender Inclusive Classroom, where participants will strategize how to implement gender-inclusive language, curriculum and group expectations in their own classrooms. Both workshops will be held at Capitol Plaza in Montpelier.  
Contact: Julie Medose at (802) 498-3350 or [email protected]

Creating the Readers We Need for a Democratic Society

This hybrid course taught by Ellen Thompson and June Golato targets Grades 2-8 ELA teachers and runs from Jan 24 through May 9, 2018. Class will be hosted on NEO while also having three face-to-face dates in Colchester, VT and includes two texts. Participants will learn how to get readers really thinking about their reading. In an age of "fake news" and more, the importance of supporting readers to be critical thinkers and readers is of the utmost importance.  Learn more and register for Creating the Readers We Need for a Democratic Society.
Contact: The Champlain Valley Educator Development Center at [email protected]

Relationship Building and De-escalation Skills

Audience: Individuals Working with Students at the PBIS Targeted/Intensive Levels
The one-day Relationship Building and De-escalation Skills workshop on November 29, 2017 at Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee focuses on relationship building, de-escalation, and conflict resolution skills needed by staff working with students who need targeted and intensive level supports. Participants will learn how to support students with self-defeating behaviors using applied behavior management skills and building positive restorative relationships. 
Contact: Sherry Schoenberg at [email protected]

The Rowland Foundation Fellowship

Audience:  All Vermont High School Teachers
The Rowland Foundation seeks fellowship applicants who are visionary, willing to lead, motivated and committed to affecting change in an area of concern within their respective schools, and who take risks and work collaboratively with others. The Foundation seeks proposals which will lead to systemic change in the school, particularly in its culture and climate; and are visionary and comprehensive. Learn more about the Rowland Foundation Fellowship and the grant of up to $100,000. The deadline for applying for 2018 Fellowships is December 31, 2017.
Contact:  Marge Malko at [email protected]

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The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].