- Governor's School Safety Conference
- Nominations for Presidential Scholars
- Meal Pattern, Menu Planning, and Meal Counting for New School Foodservice Managers Training
- Introduction to the Pre-K Classroom Assessment Scoring System
- Early Childhood Outcomes Data Days
- Teaching Strategies GOLD Vermont Tips
- BEST Plus 2.0 Assessment Training
- What If Wednesday: Bomb Threat Response
- Farm to School Grant Program: Application and New Video
- Asthma Action Plans
- Courtesy Postings
Governor's School Safety Conference
Audience: All
A message from Secretary Holcombe: “Our first responsibility is the safety of our children. Commissioner Anderson from the Department of Public Safety and I are pleased to collaborate in presenting this year's Governor’s School Safety Conference. The focus of our conference will be on how to develop personal and organizational resiliency when responding to or recovering from a critical incident at your school. Commissioner Anderson and I strongly encourage school leaders to attend this conference with their school crisis planning team members, local first responders, mental health professionals, school resource officers and local emergency management directors in an effort to enhance your schools emergency preparedness efforts.” Register for the Governor’s School Safety Conference.
Contact: Rob Evans, School Safety Liaison Officer, at [email protected]
Nominations for Presidential Scholars
Audience: Students, Principals, Guidance Counselors, Academic and CTE Teachers, CTE Center Directors
The U.S. Presidential Scholars Program recognizes and honors high school seniors who demonstrate outstanding scholarship. Twenty-five outstanding students from the state of Vermont – 20 from high schools and five from CTE centers – will be selected based on recommendations and applications from participating schools. High schools can nominate up to one female and one male, and CTE centers can nominate up to two students. In addition, this year students are able to nominate themselves (with the endorsement of a qualifying adult). Learn more about the Presidential Scholar Program in Vermont and complete the online nomination form. Only nominations submitted via the electronic system will be accepted. The deadline for nominations is November 10, 2017.
Contact for CTE Centers: Jay Ramsey, State Director for Career Technical Education, at [email protected]
Contact for High Schools: Sigrid Olson, Personalization, and Flexible Pathways, at [email protected]
Meal Pattern, Menu Planning, and Meal Counting for New School Foodservice Managers Training
Audience: New Food Service Managers
Vermont Child Nutrition Programs will be holding three trainings around the state in November for brand new school foodservice managers who were unable to attend this year’s Summer Institute. This three-hour training will cover some essential topics for new school foodservice managers. Learn what meal components schools must offer to create reimbursable meals in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Programs, how to create a menu that meets the requirements, how to determine whether a meal is a reimbursable meal, and how to correctly count and claim student meals. This training is free and will count as three hours of credit towards the professional standards requirements for school meals programs. Note: Experienced school foodservice managers and new folks who were able to attend “Orientation to School Nutrition Management” in August may attend as well, but please know that this training will be kept to a very basic level and we will not be discussing more advanced topics. Register for Meal Pattern, Menu Planning, and Meal Counting for New School Foodservice Manager Training.
Contact: Cheryl Rogers at [email protected]
Introduction to the Pre-K Classroom Assessment Scoring System
Audience: Administrators, Teachers, Care Providers
The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) is an assessment and professional development tool that is used to measure and improve the interactions in a classroom, which are proven to be essential indicators of learning outcomes. It is recommended by the Vermont Agency of Education and is used as part of the Vermont Step Ahead Recognition System (STARS). This four-hour session is on Saturday, November 18, 2017 at the Holiday Inn in White River Junction. The cost of the training is paid for by the Race to the Top Grant and is free for participants. Register for the CLASS PreK Intro training.
Contact: Ellen Cairns at (802) 479-1443 or [email protected]
Early Childhood Outcomes Data Days
Audience: Early Childhood Special Education Team Members including Directors, Related Service Personnel, Educators, Classroom Teachers
Members of the Early Learning Team from the Agency of Education, the Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy) and the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) will be hosting regional Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) Data Days for ALL Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Team Members including ECSE Directors, Related Service Personnel, ECSE Educators, and Classroom Teachers. Each day-long academy will help all members of your ECSE team: 1) gain knowledge about how statewide early childhood outcomes data are collected and reported; 2) learn about critical questions that can drive early childhood outcomes data analysis and use and 3) be better able to use early childhood outcomes data to sustain improved data quality and decision-making at the local level. Learn more about and register for the regional Early Childhood Outcomes Data Days at a location and date that is convenient for your ECSE team. Deadline to register is December 1, 2017.
Contact: Katie McCarthy at [email protected]
Teaching Strategies GOLD Vermont Tips
Audience: Universal Pre-K teachers, Administrators, Paraprofessionals, Support Personnel
The Agency of Education Early Learning team has created Teaching Strategies GOLD Vermont Tips for the 2017-2018 school year. Visit the Early Childhood Education Assessment webpage to learn more about Teaching Strategies GOLD.
Contact: Katie McCarthy at [email protected]
BEST Plus 2.0 Assessment Training
Audience: Adult Education and Literacy Staff
This training will prepare participants to administer the BEST Plus 2.0 assessment of English language proficiency of adult English language learners. Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) staff who have never been certified to administer the assessment before, but need to assess the speaking and listening skills of English language learners are encouraged to attend. AEL staff who had been certified to administer the assessment previously, but did not maintain certification by attending a Refresher. Those who attended the Refresher in May of 2017 do not need to attend this training, but are welcome to come for practice and review. Migrant education staff, refugee resettlement staff or others who have never been certified to administer the assessment or who would like a review. On a space available basis after AEL staff have registered. The training will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on December 1, 2017 with a lunch break (please bring a bag lunch). Learn more about the BEST 2.0 Assessment Training. Space is limited. AEL staff: please register by November 17, 2017 in DataWorks.
contact: Robin Castle at (802) 479-1279 or [email protected]
What If Wednesday: Bomb Threat Response
Audience: Superintendents, Principals, School Crisis Planning Team Members
This week's What if Wednesday for November 1st, 2017 will be on how to respond to a bomb threat. This school safety exercise is designed to stimulate a conversation about school emergency preparedness. Participants should read the summary of the “fictional” school safety incident and then answer the multiple choice question with the appropriate response action to be taken for the specific emergency.
Contact: Rob Evans, School Safety Liaison Officer, at [email protected]
Farm to School Grant Program: Application and Video
Audience: All
The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets is pleased to announce the release of two new Farm to School grant opportunities for 2018. New this year, both Farm to School grant opportunities are available to childcare providers as well as schools. Check out the requests for applications, access to informative webinars about the grant opportunities and a new video about the program. Applications are due November 14, 2017.
Contact: Ali Zipparo, at (802) 505-1822 or [email protected]
Asthma Action Plans
Audience: Principals, Teachers, School Nurses
One of our best tools for managing asthma is the Asthma Action Plan, an easy-to-understand sheet that helps a child’s teachers, coaches, school nurses, day-care staff, babysitters and other caregivers know how to help control asthma, prevent an asthma attack, and what to do in an emergency. Asthma is a chronic (long-term) disease in which the lungs and airways become inflamed and airways narrow, causing wheezing and coughing. These can make breathing dangerously difficult—leading to missed school days and to hospitalization. Learn more and download the Vermont Asthma Action Plan.
Contact: Karen Casper, Asthma Program Manager, at [email protected]
Courtesy Postings
The views, opinions, and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared.
Speak Up to Slow Down
Car crashes are the number one killer of teenagers, and the common denominator is speed. In Wisconsin, a program titled "Speak Up to Slow Down" (SUSD) was created by Score One Productions to more effectively communicate this message, utilizing computer simulations of actual events to drive home the message in a way that is easily grasped by young people. SUSD is working with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and the Wisconsin Future Farmers of America to help promote this "Speed Kills" message to the state's teenagers. SUSD is currently in the process of creating programs for other states. Learn more about Speak Up to Slow Down.
2018 Entrepreneurship Education Visual Media Competition
Enter the 9th annual bumper sticker and/or mini video U-Tube Competition for Vermonters in grades 9-12. The theme this year is "Vermont Entrepreneurship - It's amazing for all ages." Cash and other prizes are available. The deadline for entries is December 13, 2017. Awards presented at the annual 2018 Vermont Entrepreneurship Day/Week in Montpelier on February 8, 2018. Learn more about the 2018 Entrepreneurship Education Visual Media Competition.
Contact: Laurel Butler at [email protected]
Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Support Planning Training
Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is a process for identifying the events that reliably predict and maintain problem behavior. A Behavior Support Plan (BSP) then takes the observations made in an FBA and turns them into a concrete plan of action for managing a student's behavior. This two-day training on November 9 and 16, 2017 at the Hampton Inn in Colchester will focus on practical approaches to developing effective FBAs and BSPs. Those interested should come with a team consisting of staff who are selected to develop the capacity to conduct FBA/BSPs, including those with expertise working with students with challenging behavior. Register for Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Support Planning Training.
Contact: Sherry Schoenberg at [email protected]
Teachers of Critical Languages Host School Application
The Teachers of Critical Learning Program (TCLP) is fully-funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State, and helps U.S. K-12 schools to launch new or expand existing Arabic or Chinese language programs. TCLP makes it easy for U.S. schools to grow their critical language programs by placing fully-funded teachers from Egypt, Morocco, or China to teach Arabic or Chinese as a foreign language for an academic year. By sharing their languages and cultures, the teachers bring global competencies to their host schools and communities. Apply to host a teacher in 2018. The deadline to apply is January 22, 2018.
Contact: TCLP at (202) 833-7522 or [email protected]
Building Global Citizenship: Schools That Make a Difference
The Champlain Valley Educator Development Center (CVEDC) Thought Partner Series for 2017-18 is "Building Global Citizenship: Schools that make a Difference" facilitated by Mary Lynn Riggs and will be a four-part series on January 30, 2018, February 21, 2018, March 20, 2018 and April 17, 2018 from 1-4 p.m. at CVEDC's conference room in Colchester. District teams will explore the definition of global citizenship and how to engage students in personalized and flexible learning opportunities. This seminar will include readings, resources, guest speakers and teams allowing teams to leave with a rationale, goals and actionable plan to present to their faculties and communities. Learn more and register for Building Global Citizenship.
Contact: The Champlain Valley Educator Development Center at [email protected]
Flynn Center Annual Teacher Conference
"Engaging Active Learners: Integrating Creativity into Curriculum" is the Flynn Center's annual full-day conference. Join guest artist Paige Hernandez and Flynn faculty from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on December 13, 2017 to clarify the essentials of arts integration, discover how inquiry can be used as a framework for cross-curricular projects, and investigate the core reasons arts integration works and why it is producing such remarkable results in student learning and activating classroom environments. Cost is $70 per participant, and professional development credit is available. Register for The Flynn Center's Annual Teacher Conference.
Contact: Lauren Genta, School Programs Coordinator, at [email protected]
Umatter For Schools Youth Suicide Prevention Training for School Professionals
This two-day training is designed so that you can prepare your school community to respond to the mental health needs of students and prevent suicide. The trainings will be held November 14-15, 2017 Two Options - Awareness Gatekeeper Training November 14, 2017 only for schools previously attended but want to send individuals to a one-day Gatekeeper Training. Cost is $145.00 for the gatekeeper training, or $195 for both days to also develop school protocols. Learn more and register for Umatter for Schools Youth Suicide Prevention Training.
Contact: Catherine Diduk at [email protected]