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Volume 11, Issue 37

September 13, 2017

Vermont Digital Learning Plan Draft Open for Comment

Audience: Tech Coordinators, Superintendents, Curriculum Coordinators, Library Media Specialists, Others Involved in Education Technology and Digital Learning
The Vermont Digital Learning Plan is in draft form and available for comment until September 30, 2017. If you have not had a chance to weigh in and would like to, please do by the end of this month. Review the Digital Learning Plan for comment.  Plans from Supervisory Unions are due on June 30, 2018.  There will begin a series of webinars after October 1, 2017 to provide technical assistance in completing plans.
Contact: Peter Drescher, Education Technology Coordinator, at (802) 479-1169 or [email protected]

Prekindergarten Exclusionary Discipline Data Collection for the 2017-2018 School Year

Audience: Superintendents, Elementary Principals, and PreK Providers
This week a memo was sent to Superintendents and Principals that included information about data collection of PreK exclusionary discipline. A separate memo with more detailed information was also sent to PreK providers. Read the Prekindergarten Exclusionary Discipline memos on the AOE website.
Contact: Tom Faris, Multi-tiered System of Supports Coordinator, at [email protected], or Kate Rogers, Early Childhood Special Education Director, at [email protected]

Proficiency and Personalization Networking Series

Audience: Curriculum Directors, Principals, Instructional Coaches, Teacher Leaders, Guidance Counselors
In this two-part series, participants will focus on graduate student profiles, PLPs, proficiency-based grading, and the Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycle. Day one will feature a guest speaker and whole group work around learning a process for and developing a graduate student profile. Participants then will break into smaller groups concentrating on Building a Better Personalized Learning Plans (PLP) or Proficiency-Based Grading and Reporting Practices. Day two will continue this work, refining the graduate student profile, increasing knowledge and making a plan for the PDSA cycle, and gathering more ideas and strategies around PLPs. Participants will leave with 1) tools and processes that could inform their Continuous Improvement Plan around one of the above themes; 2) practice with and understanding of the Plan Do Study Act cycle; 3) resources around PLPs, graduate profiles, and grading practices; and 4) info about moving work forward by participating in related learning networks in the spring. The series has two sessions: October 13, 2017 at Franklin Center at the Howe, Rutland, Vermont and November 17, 2017 at Lake Morey Resort, Fairlee, Vermont. Register for Proficiency and Personalization Network Series.
Contact: Sigrid Olson, Personalized Learning Team Lead, at [email protected] or Pat Fitzsimmons, Proficiency-Based Learning Team Lead, at [email protected]

Endorsement Revision Focus Groups

Audience: Social Studies, Computer Science, Online Teaching Specialist, Educational Technology Specialist, Music, Theatre Arts, Dance, Art Teacher and College Education Faculty
The Professional Standards Team is in the process of revising the competency standards for licensure in Social Studies, Computer Science, Online Teaching Specialist, Educational Technology Specialist, Music, Theatre Arts, Dance and Art endorsement areas. During the upcoming months, the team will be convening day-long focus groups for each of the endorsement areas up for revision. At these focus groups, we will review the current endorsement standards, and then gather the collected expertise of the participating practitioners, policymakers, and researchers to guide the revision.  Space is limited; if you are interested in participating in one of the focus groups, please contact Terry Reilly.
Contact: Terry Reilly at (802) 479-1315 or [email protected]

BEST/Act 230 Funding Opportunities

Audience: Superintendents, BEST/ Act 230 Coordinators, Directors of Special Education, Curriculum Coordinators, Principals
For the 2017-2018 school year, supervisory unions may apply for BEST/Act 230 funds to support the implementation of evidence based and promising practices that support positive school climate, student proficiency, and personalization within a tiered system of academic and behavioral supports to assist all students in working toward attainment of the standards. Applications must be submitted on or before October 1, 2017.
Contact: Debbie Lesure at (802) 479-1424  or [email protected], or Sabine Baldwin at (802) 479-1393 or [email protected]

School Evacuation Facilitated Dialogue

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, School Crisis Planning Team Members
This school evacuation facilitated exercise is designed to initiate a conversation among school leaders and school crisis planning team members about how your school would effectively evacuate your school during an emergency. This exercise will help participants test and evaluate their existing school crisis plans,
policies and procedures. Watch the school evacuation facilitated exercise.
Contact: Rob Evans, School Safety Liaison, at [email protected]

Courtesy Postings

The views, opinions, and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared.

Special Rate to Schools to Attend the Champlain Maker Faire

New this year: Schools can purchase passes to the Champlain Maker Faire at a discount rate of $100 for 20 tickets.  This equates to $5.00 per pass (normally $15 adult/$10 ages 12-17). Age 11 and under are free. To purchase at a School Group Rate, visit the Champlain Maker Faire . Use the code CMFKids2017. This applies to K-12 public/private schools, and home school groups only.
Contact: Ara Hagan, Hagan Associates, at (802) 863-5956 ext. 206 or [email protected]

Jump$tart To Offer Teacher Education

The Vermont Jump$tart Coalition will present their annual conference for teachers on November 3, 2017 at the Davis Center at the University of Vermont. Vermont teachers from all grades are invited to attend this event, which includes content from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, financial education from the American Institute of CPAs, MoneySkill, and a David Ramsey training. View the conference agenda. Register for the Vermont Jump$tart Coalition Annual Conference.
Contact: Vermont Jump$tart at [email protected]

Vermont Afterschool Conference

Registration is open for the Vermont Afterschool Conference on Friday, November 3, 2017 at the Stoweflake Mountain Resort. We are excited to announce that Dr. Michele Borba will be our keynote speaker. Dr. Borba is a globally-recognized educational psychologist whose aim is to strengthen children’s empathy and resilience and break the cycle of youth violence. In total, this statewide professional development experience offers six hours of quality training plus time for visiting with exhibitors, hearing from state leaders and special guests, and networking with other programs and providers from around the state. Register for the Vermont Afterschool Conference by October 1, 2017 for the early bird rate.
Contact: Cassie Willner at (802) 448-3464 or [email protected]

Vermont School Counselor Association Annual Fall Conference

The Vermont School Counselor Association Annual Fall Conference will be taking place on Friday, September 29, 2017 at the Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, VT. Learn more and register for the Vermont School Counselor Association Annual Fall Conference.
Contact: Cairsten Keese at [email protected]

Vermont Association of School Psychologists Fall Conference

The conference, "Recent Advances in Understanding Word-Level Reading Difficulties: Implications for Assessment, Prevention, and Highly Successful Intervention," is an important conference for anyone who wants to learn what current reading science tells us about effective instruction. Dr. David Kilpatrick, school psychologist, professor, and researcher at SUNY Cortland, bridges the gap between reading research and classroom practice, challenges myths about literacy instruction, and communicates what we need to know and do to prevent or address most reading problems. This conference is appropriate for classroom and special education teachers, interventionists, school psychologists, administrators, and curriculum directors. The conference will be held October 13, 2017 at the Sheraton Hotel in South Burlington, VT. Register for the Vermont Association of School Psychologists Fall Conference.
Contact: Katey Wisse at [email protected]

Family Engagement in Windham County

This conference is for educators, community service and health care providers, families and community leaders. The conference will be held September 19, 2017 in Brattleboro, Vermont. It is free to those who work or live in Windham County. Learn more and register for Family Engagement in Windham County.
Contact: Catherine Diduk at [email protected]

Social Cognition 1 - New Dates

The Social Cognition 1 Course was originally scheduled to begin on September 19, 2017 but has been rescheduled to begin on October 3, 2017 and run until January 16, 2018. The course will still be held at the Stern Center for Language and Learning in Williston from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. This 11-day graduate-level course is designed to provide participants with a conceptual understanding of the theoretical frameworks underlying social cognition assessment and intervention for individuals presenting with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and related socio-cognitive deficits. This course is an introduction to functional and everyday application of interventions, strategies, and supports for improving social understanding and implementing social cognition groups. This course draws heavily on the historical development of social cognitive theory, Theory of Mind, the biological underpinnings of socio-cognitive deficits and current research in best practices for supporting and coaching students struggling with socio-cognitive challenges. K-12 Classroom teachers, special education teachers, reading specialists, and content area teachers are encouraged to enroll. Register for Social Cognition 1.
Contact: Caitlin Niland, Intake Coordinator for Professional Learning, at (802) 878-2332 or [email protected]

VITA-Learn Offering Consortium Pricing on WeVideo

Vita-Learn has been offering consortium pricing on WeVideo for a number of years.  If your school is not taking part, now is your chance. Vermont Consortium pricing for WeVideo (video creation on Chromebooks, Macs, PC's and Tablets) has been renewed for 2016 - 2017.  Learn how to access the deeply discounted WeVideo consortium pricing.
Contact: VITA-Learn at [email protected]

SWISH Trade Show

The Facility Managers and Directors Association (FMDA) and Swish White River have teamed up to put together an upcoming event that will feature over 20 of the Best in Class Manufactures showcasing many innovative products that are being launched for 2018 with training seminars that are innovative, informative and enjoyable. This is being held September 20, 2017 at the Holiday Inn in Burlington, VT. In addition to the trade show; the FMDA is sponsoring a Managing Risk in Facility Services Seminar. This event is a great opportunity to take advantage of some valuable professional development for facility staff.  With additional opportunity to see new products on the market that will help create efficiency in the work place; and potential to save money on your school custodial supplies. 
Contact: Chris Locarno at (802) 433-5818 or [email protected]

Jim Knight Fall Institute

This two-day institute November 6 - 7, 2017, is designed for coaches, teachers, teams and administrators as an intensive learning experience getting you ready to support the use of video in a variety of forms of professional development. The institute includes Jim's book "Focus on Teaching - Using Video to Improve Professional Learning." Register for the Jim Knight Fall Institute.
Contact: The Champlain Valley Educator Development Center at [email protected] 

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].