- AOE Seeks Qualified Individuals for Short Duration Activities
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports Survey
- External Organization Profile for Non-Profit Organizations
- Important School Safety Training
- Courtesy Postings
AOE Seeks Qualified Individuals for Short Duration Activities
Audience: All
The Agency of Education seeks qualified individuals for short duration activities to be held throughout the year. The activities will consist of peer and transcript review panels, ROPA Teams, student assessment scoring, site monitoring teams, Committee of Practitioners, conference presentations, and other committees, groups or panels. NOTE: If you previously completed the survey, a new response is needed for the fiscal year 2018. Learn more about the AOE's short-term, small small-scale contracts.
Contact: Shelley Matz at (802) 479-1754 or [email protected]
Multi-Tiered System of Supports Survey
Audience: Superintendents, Principals
Your completion of this survey will help inform the technical assistance and professional learning provided by the AOE Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Team for SY1718. In addition, your response will meet the requirement that each superintendent shall annually provide the Vermont Secretary of Education with a description of the educational support systems at each school in each supervisory union (Act 117 - VSA Title 16, Section 2904). This year the MTSS Team will provide SUs with a summary of our findings to assist leadership teams in networking opportunities around its content. Please complete the MTSS Survey online by June 1, 2017.
Contact: Emma Louie, MTSS Coordinator at (802) 479-1336 or [email protected]
External Organization Profile for Non-Profit Organizations
Audience: Non-Profit Organizations
Non-profit organizations with a record of success in running or working with before and after school (or summer recess) programs and activities may submit a brief online profile to be published on the Agency of Education’s 21st Century Community Learning Center’s webpage. View the background memo. Submit a profile for your non-profit organization. Deadline is August 11, 2017.
Contact: Emanuel Betz, 21st Century Community Learning Centers State Coordinator, at (802) 479-1396 or [email protected]
Important School Safety Training
Audience: Superintendents, Principals, School Crisis Planning Team Members
During the summer of 2017, the Vermont School Safety Center in collaboration with the Vermont School Crisis Planning Team will be offering a series of FREE school safety trainings. Course information detailed below.
Developing a School Emergency Operations Plan (Train the Educator)
This course is designed to teach school officials, local emergency managers, local first responders and school crisis planning team members how to develop a school Emergency Operations Plan. The course is being offered July 12, 2017 from 8 a.m. to noon, at the Vermont School Board Insurance Trust in Berlin, VT. Register online.
Contact: Rob Evans, Margolis Healy, at [email protected]
Incident Command Training for Executives and Key Officials
This three-hour training is being offered to local school districts/supervisory unions and can be delivered directly to your location. This course is designed to give an overview of the operational framework of the Incident Command System (ICS) that will be used by all those that may respond to a critical incident at your school.
Contact: Emily Harris at [email protected]
Public Information Officer Training
This one- to one-and-a-half day training is being offered to local school districts/supervisory unions and can be delivered directly to your location. This course is designed to familiarize participants with the effective public information methods and strategies that can be used during a critical incident at your school.
Contact: Mark Bosma at [email protected]
Courtesy Postings
Vermont's Journey Toward Proficiency and Personalization: Educators Talking with Educators
This unique two-day symposium, developed by the Southwestern EducatioAlliancece (SEAL), will provide your school team with an opportunity to learn how other Vermont educators and students are co-creating engaging proficiency-based and personalized educational environments. Educators and students from schools implementing this work will recount their transformational journeys toward proficiency and personalization. Attending teams will have time to reflect and plan their own work. Register for the Educators Talking with Educators symposium. The event will be held August 15-16, 2017 at Castelton University.
Contact Brooke Farrell at [email protected] or Andy Kepes at [email protected]
Summer Leadership Programs for Youth
4-H LEAD (Leaders Emerging and Developing) is a series of different programs for youth to learn and practice leadership skills throughout the year. Many of these programs are open to all youth - enrollment in 4-H is not a prerequisite for participation. Check out the offerings we have available this summer. Many early-bird registration discounts end June 1, 2017. Programs to look for include: Leader Ship, 4-H LEAD Day Camp, 4-H LEAD Weekend Camp. More programs will be posted soon. See a full list of course offerings.
Contact: Lauren Traister, 4-H Teen & Leadership Program Coordinator, at (802) 888-4972 ext. 402 or [email protected]
Way 2 Go Challenge Is Back
Join the growing number of K–12 schools in Vermont who are making a difference in their travel choices. All students, staff, and teachers are encouraged to bike, walk, carpool and ride the bus to victory this fall September 25, 2017 - October 6, 2017! Click below to let us know your school plans to participate by May 31, 2017 and be entered to win a Visa gift card. Sign-up for the Way 2 Go Challenge.
Contact: Cara Robechek at (802)552-8450 or [email protected]
International Conference on Student-Centered Learning
Join us and students from all over the world at Big Picture Learning’s 2017 International Conference on Student-Centered Learning, July 25-28, 2017 in St. Louis, Missouri. Experience the conference with a pre-selected advisory group and form close bonds with students, educators, and advocates committed to putting students in the center of learning. Together you will be wowed by our distinguished keynote actor and activist Wendell Pierce. Much of the learning happens outside the conference through deep-dive Leaving to Learn sessions, like a backstage tour of Cardinals Stadium, or a day-trip to Ferguson, Missouri to meet with the school superintendent, or a historical jaunt through the St. Louis Blues scene, and much more. If you’re passionate about student-centered learning and want a unique conference experience leram more about the Big Bang, International Conference on Student-Centered Learning.
Contact: Beth White at [email protected]
Trauma of Poverty
This 36-hour course focuses on defining, identifying, and understanding poverty-related stress in childhood development, behavior, and learning. Participants will develop working understandings of 1) the extent of childhood poverty in Vermont and the US and the variety of relationships and connections between childhood poverty and trauma 2) the potential impacts of adverse childhood events (ACE’s) and other traumas focusing on learning, behavior, and child development 3) how to develop and generate trauma-informed learning environments and practices and 4) self-care strategies for working with trauma in schools and stress management strategies. The course will be held at the Stern Center for Language and Learning in Williston from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with dates between July 10, 2017 and November 9, 2017. Register for Trauma of Poverty.
Contact: Caitlin Niland, Intake Coordinator for Professional Learning, at (802) 878-2332 or [email protected]
Working With Math for Students on IEPs
This two-day workshop with John Tapper includes his book "Solving for Why." The workshop will be August 14-15, 2017, targeting how to write IEPs using a trajectory of high leverage concepts to focus instruction, most important math understanding, conducting clinical interviews and more. Register for the two-day workshop, Working with Math Students on IEPs through the Champlain Valley Educator Development Center.
Contact: Champlan Valley Educator Development Center at [email protected]