- MTSS Component Focus of the Month - High-Quality Instruction and Intervention
- Science, NGSS Resource Sharing
- AOE Seeks Qualified Individuals for Short Duration Activities
- Concussion Survey
- Homeless Education Grant for FY18
- Rule 5100: Rules Governing the Licensing of Educators and the Preparation of Educational Professionals
- Classroom Assessment Scoring System Trainings
- Courtesy Postings
MTSS Component Focus of the Month - High-Quality Instruction and Intervention
Audience: Vermont Educators
This is the third document in a five-part series that provides useful information for effectively implementing a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) in Vermont schools. The Vermont (MTSS-RtII) Field Guide contains all five of the components that will be addressed. The MTSS team, presents High-Quality Instruction and Intervention as this month’s focus for building and sustaining a multi-tiered system of supports for all students.
Contact: Emma Louie, Education Coordinator (MTSS), at (802) 479-1336 or [email protected]
Science, NGSS Resource Sharing
Audience: Higher Ed, Science Teacher Leaders, Coaches, Professional Development Providers, Teachers
On June 12, 2017, the participants will have an opportunity to share NGSS resources that you know of, have created, adapted and are willing to share. Our goal is for science leaders in the field to collaborate and share resources around the implementation of NGSS. Space is limited so this session is limited to 25 participants. Register for the NGSS Resource Sharing event.
Contact: Kathy Renfrew at (802) 479-1448 or [email protected]
AOE Seeks Qualified Individuals for Short Duration Activities
Audience: All
The Agency of Education is seeking qualified individuals for short duration activities to be held throughout the year. The activities will consist of work with the Student Assessment Scoring, Site Monitoring Teams, Committee of Practitioners, Conference Presentations, and ad hoc committees, groups and panels. There are also opportunities for educators to work with the Education Quality Division on Peer Review Panels, Transcript Review Panels and Results Oriented Program Approval. NOTE: If you previously completed the survey, a new response is needed for fiscal year 2018. Learn more about short duration activities and complete the new survey.
Contact for General Questions: Shelley Matz at (802) 479-1754 or [email protected]
Contact for Education Quality Questions: Peer Review Program, [email protected]; ROPA, [email protected]; and Transcript Review, [email protected]
Concussion Survey
Audience: Athletic Trainers, Coaches, Physical Education Staff, Athletic Directors, School Nurses
This survey, supported by the Vermont Department of Health, Agency of Education and the Brain Injury Association (BIA) of Vermont. The Vermont Department of Health will be using the results of this survey to gain a better understanding of how Act 68 is being implemented, as well as how the Health Department may better help schools to collect and manage concussion-related data. Your participation and feedback will increase knowledge around concussion in student athletes and help to keep children safe in Vermont. All survey responses are confidential and individual responses will not be reported. Take the concussion survey.
Contact: Tanya Wells at [email protected], Lauren Prinzing at [email protected]
Homeless Education Grant for FY18
Audience: All
The Agency of Education will accept applications from individual LEAs or a consortium of LEAs for the Homeless Education Grant (FY18) to ensure that children and youth experiencing homelessness have equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including public preschool education, provided to other children and youth with the opportunity to meet the same challenging state content and state student performance standards to which all students are held. McKinney-Vento requires the removal of barriers to the enrollment, attendance, and success in school of homeless children and youth. The minimum grant request is $5,000. The maximum amount per LEA is $20,000. Apply by June 23, 2017.
Contact: Deborah Ormsbee at (802) 479-1370 or [email protected]
Rule 5100: Rules Governing the Licensing of Educators and the Preparation of Educational Professionals
Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Special Education Directors, Curriculum Coordinators, Career and Technical Center Directors, Local and Regional Standards Boards, Educators, Higher Education Institutions
The VSBPE is undertaking revisions to the rules that govern the training, licensing and professional standards of teachers and administrators. Specifically, the VSBPE is revising educator competencies and authorizing statement of the following endorsements: 5440-06 Modern and Classical Languages, 5440-65 School Nurse, 5440-65A Associate School Nurse, 5440-30 Driver and Traffic Safety Education. The VSBPE is also revising current rules for Apprenticeship Licenses to support recruitment and retention in the field; and providing clarification to current Rules regarding professional learning and definition of terms. Review the Licensing Rule changes. Submit your feedback on the proposed licensing rules changes.
Contact: Kara Mayo at [email protected]
Classroom Assessment Scoring System Trainings
Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) is an assessment tool and professional development system that measures the interactions in classrooms, which are essential indicators of learning outcomes. It is recommended by the Vermont Agency of Education and is used as part of the Vermont Step Ahead Recognition System (STARS). These trainings are paid for by the AOE through the Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Grant; there is no cost for participants to attend.
CLASS K-3 Introductory Training
Audience: K-3 Principals, Superintendents, Assessment Coordinators, Program Directors, Teachers
The one-day workshop will give you an overview of what CLASS measures and how it helps to improve interactions in the classroom. There will be five sessions offered throughout the state. Register for CLASS K-3 Introductory Training.
CLASS Pre-K Observation Training
Audience: Pre-K Administrators, Assessment Coordinators, Program Directors
The two-day training will prepare you to fairly and accurately observe and code classrooms. It is the first step in earning your CLASS observer certification. There will be five sessions offered throughout the state. Register for the CLASS Pre-K Observation Training.
Contact: Ellen Cairns at (802) 479-1443 or [email protected]
Courtesy Postings
The views, opinions, and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared.
Nominate School Nurse of the Year 2017
The Vermont State School School Nurses Association (VSSNA) is now accepting nominations for School Nurse of the Year 2017 until June 12, 2017. The criteria for selection includes the demonstration of leadership, collaboration, quality of care and involvement in Public Health as outlined by the Framework for 21st Century School Nurse practice. Please send letters of recommendation to Louisa Driscoll, President, VSSNA. The award recipient will be honored at the fall conference of the VSSNA.
Contact: Louisa Driscoll at [email protected]
Way 2 Go Challenge Is Back
Join the growing number of K–12 schools in Vermont who are making a difference in their travel choices. All students, staff, and teachers are encouraged to bike, walk, carpool and ride the bus to victory this fall September 25, 2017 - October 6, 2017! Click below to let us know your school plans to participate by May 31, 2017 and be entered to win a Visa gift card. Sign-up for the Way 2 Go Challenge.
Contact: Cara Robechek at (802)552-8450 or [email protected]
Training on 3SquaresVT Specifically for School and Childcare Staff
Hunger Free Vermont is offering a low-cost ($15), one-day training in Winooski (May 30, 2017), Montpelier (May 31, 2017), and Rutland (June 8, 2017) covering everything you need to know about 3SquaresVT, and providing six hours of professional development credit. The workshops will cover the basics of 3SquaresVT, and how it is connected to alleviating child hunger, to school meal eligibility and applications, and to direct certification. We will also explore how best to communicate about the value of 3SquaresVT to families, and how to lessen the stigma of applying. This training is appropriate for school meal program managers and directors, anyone in the school who processes school meal applications, school nurses, school counselors, and school social workers, among others. Learn more and register for the Training on 3SquaresVT.
Contact: Anore Horton at (802) 865-0255 or [email protected]
Summer Leadership Programs for Youth
4-H LEAD (Leaders Emerging and Developing) is a series of different programs for youth to learn and practice leadership skills throughout the year. Many of these programs are open to all youth - enrollment in 4-H is not a prerequisite for participation. Check out other 4-H summer programs for youth available . Many early-bird registration discounts end June 1, 2017 so sign up today. Programs to look for include: Leader Ship, 4-H LEAD Day Camp, 4-H LEAD Weekend Camp. More programs will be posted soon. See a full list of 4-H programs.
Contact: Lauren Traister, 4-H Teen & Leadership Program Coordinator, at (802) 888-4972 x 402, or [email protected],
Rowland Foundation Fall Conference
The Rowland Foundation has announced that preregistration is now open for its October 26, 2017 conference. This year's theme, perhaps our most topical to date is, "Schools as Laboratories for Social Change: Regenerating Empathy at the Heart of Education." The keynote speaker is Ruha Benjamin, author, lecturer and professor at Princeton University. Preregistration guarantees a place for a school team of eight and locks in the early bird price. Learn more and register online through the Rowland Foundation.
Contact: Marge Malko at (802) 824-6400 or [email protected]
Creative Schools Initiative Summer Institute and Teaching Artist Residency Awards
The Creative Schools Initiative is offering free seven-day teaching artist residency awards to teacher teams that attend the Creative Curriculum from the Inside Out teacher institute, June 26-30, 2017 in Montpelier. Eric Booth, the nationally acclaimed arts educator, leads the institute, which seeks teams of two or more teachers who want to integrate a creative project into their curriculum. The deadline to apply is June 1, 2017. Learn more about the Creative Schools Initiative Summer Institute.
Contact: CEL Executive Director Paul Gambill at [email protected]
Trauma of Poverty
This 36-hour course focuses on defining, identifying, and understanding poverty-related stress in childhood development, behavior, and learning. Participants will develop working understandings of 1) the extent of childhood poverty in Vermont and the US and the variety of relationships and connections between childhood poverty and trauma 2) the potential impacts of adverse childhood events (ACE’s) and other traumas focusing on learning, behavior, and child development 3) how to develop and generate trauma-informed learning environments and practices and 4) self-care strategies for working with trauma in schools and stress management strategies. The course will be held at the Stern Center for Language and Learning in Williston from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with dates between July 10, 2017 and November 9, 2017. Register for Trauma of Poverty.
Contact: Caitlin Niland, Intake Coordinator for Professional Learning, at (802) 878-2332 or [email protected]
Understand the Different Roles Before You Hire a Nurse
The Vermont State School Nurses’ Association (VSSNA), has developed a School Nurse job description and an Associate School Nurse job description. These may help clarify the expectations of a nurse with a School Nurse endorsement or an Associate School Nurse endorsement during the hiring process. Also, refer to recent revisions on page 138 of the licensing rules for School Nurses.
Contact: Louisa Driscoll at [email protected]