- Survey on Updating Vermont Social Studies Standards
- Summer Professional Development Opportunity: 3D Printing Workshop from Digital Harbor
- Licensing Updates
- Vermont Science Initiative Science and Engineering Academy
- State Personnel Development Grant Newsletter
- Vermont Professional Learning Network Virtual Meeting Student Choice and Voice
- Adverse Effect Office Hours
- Courtesy Postings
Survey on Updating Vermont Social Studies Standards
Audience: Teachers, Career and Technical Center Teachers/Leaders, Curriculum Directors, Administrators, Superintendents, School Board Members
The AOE is seeking your feedback and input on the adoption of more current Vermont Social Studies Standards which would be national in scope, provide for college and career readiness and would be aligned with proficiency-based learning, personalization and transferable skills. Also included within this survey are questions regarding the teaching of Financial Literacy. Please provide your input on this short Global Citizenship Survey. This survey will close on May 10, 2017.
Contact: Martha Deiss, Global Citizenship Specialist at (802) 479-1487 or [email protected]
Summer Professional Development Opportunity: 3D Printing Workshop from Digital Harbor
Audience: Principals, Career and Technical Center Directors, Curriculum Coordinators, Tech Coordinators
Through a joint venture between the VT Agency of Education, Rutland City Schools and Digital Harbor, there will be a three-day 3D Printer Educator workshop held at Rutland High School on July 10 - 12, 2017. The cost of the workshop is $2100 initially, with a reduction in price if there are a larger number of participants. Price includes training, some meals, and a 3D Printer with some support tools (valued at $600). For an additional fee, you can earn graduate credit. There may be lodging options if needed. Register for the 3D Printing Workshop. A final determination of price will be made in mid-May. The deadline to register is May 12, 2017.
Contact: Peter Drescher at (802) 479-1169 or [email protected]
Licensing: NASDTEC Clearinghouse Opportunity
Audience: Superintendents, Headmasters
After a successful national pilot LEAs can now submit an application to access the LEA Clearinghouse. Through the LEA Clearinghouse school districts (public and private) can use the LEA Clearinghouse as part of their screening of applicants for certified and uncertified positions. The Vermont Agency of Education is a member of NASDTEC and uses the Clearinghouse as part of the licensing process. Review the LEA Clearinghouse Handbook.
Contact: Debi Price at [email protected]
Vermont Science Initiative Science and Engineering Academy
Audience: Administrators, K-8 Educators
The Vermont Science Initiative (VSI) is offering sustained support for K-8 teachers through a combination of a summer institute on science and engineering, three follow-up days, sustained support through on-site team meetings (PLCs), and additional content through the NSTA Learning Center. Teachers will deepen their understanding of science and engineering content and best instructional practices and earn four graduate credits. This opportunity kicks off with a summer institute from August 6-11, 2017. Learn more on the VSI website or email VSI Project Managers Renee Affolter or Deanna Bailey.
Contact: Pat Fitzsimmons, Math/Science Partnership Program Manager, (802) 479-1425 or [email protected]
State Personnel Development Grant Newsletter
The April issue of the State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) Newsletter is available online. The SPDG monthly newsletter is dedicated to improving communication across the SPDG by providing relevant information about upcoming professional development opportunities while highlighting different teams' work implementing vtMTSS across the SPDG.
Contact: Meg Porcella at (802) 479-1870 or [email protected]
Virtual Meeting Student Choice and Voice
Join the Vermont Professional Learning Network on May 4, 2017 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. for a text-based discussion focused on student voice and choice in formative assessment. Share your ideas and practices and learn from others around the state. Register online.
Contact: Carisa Corrow at [email protected]
Adverse Effect Office Hours
Audience: Special Education Administrators and Special Educators
Office hours are now being offered for the field who have questions related to determining adverse effect. Your questions can be sent ahead of time via email and we will address those questions and any previous questions sent to us from the field. The next scheduled office hour will take place on Tuesday, May 9, 2017 from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Please join this meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone: (646) 749-3122, Access Code: 170-975-925.
Contact: Ernest Wheeler at [email protected]
Courtesy Postings
The views, opinions, and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared.
UVM Area Health Education Centers New School Nurse Training
The University of Vermont (UVM) Office of Primary Care and Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Program is pleased to tell you about a free, one-day New School Nurse Training (NSNT), developed with input from school nurses and the Vermont Department of Health. It will be held on August 17, 2017, from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the UVM Larner College of Medicine in Burlington, Vermont. The purpose of the training is to engage nurses in the process of transitioning to the autonomous role of school nurse as part of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) concept. During the training, new school nurses will engage with veteran school nurses to learn how to work on interdisciplinary teams, learn best practice for working in a school health office, practice using health office tools, learn time management tips and autonomy in a school setting, and leave with contacts of experienced school nurse mentors and important organizations. Contact the AHEC Program office for more informaiton and to register.
Contact: Cynthia Kline at (802) 656-9294 or [email protected]
Stress and the Brain
On May 16, 2017 from 12:30 – 3:30 p.m., Dr. Ben Williams will present “Stress and the Brain” at the Stern Center for Language and Learning in Williston, VT. This workshop focuses on brain geography, the study of stress, and the spectrum of stress (including healthy, tolerable and toxic stress and their impacts on learning and behavior). Using an enhanced spectrum to understand stress and its function helps teachers recognize the integral role of stress and the stress-related challenges in learning and attention. Teachers can use this information to understand and improve their students’ focus, attention, and learning as well as behavior in the classroom and other learning environments. Teachers, administrators and/or other school staff are encouraged to participate. Cost is $125 per person. Register for Stress and the Brain through the Stern Center.
Contact: Caitlin Niland, Intake Coordinator for Professional Learning, at (802) 878-2332 or [email protected]
Summer 2017 Courses Offered Through the Castleton Center for Schools
Registration is now open for summer professional development opportunities at the Castleton Center for Schools. Visit Castleton website for a complete listing and to register.
Contact: Tara Lindstone, assistant director, at (802) 770-7068 or [email protected]
Shelburne Farms Professional Development and School Programs
Rejuvenate on the shores of Lake Champlain this summer. Join Shelburne Farms' educators this summer for a professional learning experience - engage with peers from around the country to delve into place-based learning, farm to school and educating for sustainability. Can't join this summer? Check out the series of resources for your classroom and teaching practice.
Contact: Jen Cirillo at [email protected]
Nominations Sought for Physical Educator and Health Educator Awards
The Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) of Vermont is seeking nominations for the 2017 Physical Education and Health Education Teachers of the Year as well as nominations for school Rising Stars, Physical Activity Leadership, and Jump Rope for Heart/Hoops for Heart Outstanding Program Awards. Descriptions of the award criteria, as well as online nomination forms, are available at on the online at SHAPE. The deadline for nominations is July 1, 2017.
Contact: Matt Bristol, Awards Chair, at (802) 387-5521 or [email protected]
If You're Comfortable You're Not Growing
The book "If You're Comfortable You're Not Growing" has a focus on leading your staff to make positive change. Author Dan Pope’s leadership as principal helped his elementary school excel and flourish. He now wants to inspire you to apply the same skills to your life. Nurture your potential—and grow. Dan Charles Pope has spent more than thirty years as an educator. He taught middle school for eighteen years and elementary school for four years and served as an elementary-school principal for twelve years. Pope knows how to inspire his students and coworkers to reach their full potential. Learn more about the book.