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Volume 11, Issue 17

April 26, 2017

Student Member Sought for State Board of Education

Audience: Vermont Secondary Students -- Graduating in 2019 or later
The Governor’s office is seeking a candidate to serve on the State Board of Education as one of its two student representatives. The State Board of Education usually meets on the third Tuesday of every month and establishes policies, regulations and rules related to education in Vermont and in keeping with statutes passed by the Legislature. Candidates may apply using the Application for Gubernatorial Appointment. The deadline for applications is Monday, May 1, 2017. Questions about the State Board of Education may be directed to Suzanne Sprague (802-479-1030) or Maureen Gaidys (802-479-1060) at the Agency of Education. Questions about the application or the nomination process itself can be directed to Rachel Feldman, Senior Director of Boards, Commissions and Public Service at the Governor’s Office at (802) 828-5487.
Contact: Rachel Feldman, Senior Director of Boards, Commissions and Public Service at the Governor’s Office at (802) 828-5487

2017 Annual Transition and Career Planning Conference

Audience: All
Registration for the combined VSAC, Vermont State GEAR UP, VT School Counselors Association, Vermont AOE, and VocRehab 2017 Transition and Career Planning Conference for K-12 professionals is now open. The event will be held May 25, 2017, at Lake Morey Inn and Resort in Fairlee, Vermont. The $50 fee includes registration, continental breakfast, and lunch. Please read the workshop descriptions, and once you have read the options, click "Register Now" at the next prompt, click "tickets" and select the number of tickets you would like to purchase.  You’ll need to enter all information required, along with your workshop choices. 
Contact: Cathy Printon, VSAC, at [email protected]

Transcript Review

Audience: Vermont Educators
We are pleased to announce that the revised Transcript Review process for adding an endorsement is up and running. Since January 17, 2017 we have been updating the process to support educators while providing for more efficient processing. A Transcript Review flow chart has been developed to provide you with information regarding the process. Worksheets to document coursework towards an endorsement are located online. We continue to work with our vendor to realign the application with the revised ‘panel review’ process. Currently, there are work-arounds in place so educators may begin applying immediately. Please review the Transcript Review step-by-step directions before applying. All applicants who are working under expiring Provisional Licenses will be first in the queue to be processed. Due to the short turnaround time related to these educators who hold expiring provisional Licenses, reviews may initially be completed by Agency staff instead of panel reviewers. We truly appreciate your patience as we implement this new process!
Contact: [email protected]

Smarter Balanced Newsletter

Audience: All
The ninth issue of the Smarter Balanced Newsletter is available online. In this issue we address the appropriateness of computer testing in the elementary years, topics pertaining to English learners, Julie Voice Pack expiration, new Smarter Balanced Ready document, Digital Library summer workshop and self-regulation tool, as well as the completion rate tally and a courtesy post with a link to guidance on streamlining your local comprehensive assessment systems.
Contact: Linda Moreno at [email protected]

What If Wednesday

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, School Crisis Planning Team Members
The "What if Wednesday" school safety initiative is designed to stimulate a conversation about several emergency preparedness. Participants should read the summary of the "fictional" school safety incident and then answer the multiple choice questions reference the situation you are presented with. This training focuses on emergency notifications during a critical incident at your school.
Contact: Rob Evans, Margolis Healy, at [email protected]

Summer Professional Development Opportunity: 3D Printing Workshop from Digital Harbor 

Audience: Principals, Career and Technical Center Directors, Curriculum Coordinators, Tech Coordinators
Through a joint venture between the VT Agency of Education, Rutland City Schools and Digital Harbor, there will be a three-day 3D Printer Educator workshop held at Rutland High School on July 10 - 12, 2017.  The cost of the workshop is $2100 initially, with a reduction in price if there are a larger number of participants.  Price includes training, some meals, and a 3D Printer with some support tools (valued at $600).   For an additional fee, you can earn graduate credit.  There may be lodging options if needed.  Register for the 3D Printing Workshop.  A final determination of price will be made in mid-May. The deadline to register is May 12, 2017.
Contact: Peter Drescher at (802) 479-1169 or [email protected]

How to Develop a School Emergency Operations Plan

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, School Crisis Planning Team Members
The How to Develop a School Emergency Operations Plan free training will be held July 12, 2017 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Vermont School Board Insurance Trust office in Berlin, Vermont.
Contact: Rob Evans, Margolis Healy, at [email protected]

Courtesy Postings

The views, opinions, and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared.

Secondary School Summer Institute 

This professional learning opportunity is composed of five unique courses that will focus on personalized and proficiency-based learning. Each course provides time for teachers to apply new learning to practice, and also the chance to update or design units or learning activities. Since the five courses run concurrently, the institute also provides a unique opportunity to connect with Vermont colleagues and educators from around the state at its plenary events: the institute's localvore luncheon, a celebration of learning, and optional Friday social. Register for the Secondary School Summer Institute through the Lamoille Area Professional Development Academy for one of the institute's 3-credit Saint Michael's College graduate courses. Courses will be held August 7 - 12, 2017. 
Contact: [email protected]

Navigating the Adult Service System: Rough Seas Ahead

The Navigating the Adult Service System training will be held May 24, 2017 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Families are strongly encouraged to begin planning early for adult services. But what do those services look like? Where are they located administratively? What are the eligibility requirements? And how can you blend and braid funding to ensure necessary supports are in place?  This webinar gives a basic overview of the various systems that deliver services to adults with complex physical and intellectual disabilities. These include Vocational Rehabilitation, Developmental Services, and Choices for Care. Special attention will be given to programs that promote competitive employment while protecting access to Medicaid and other public benefits. Presenter:  Kirsten Murphy, Executive Director of the Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council.  Ms. Murphy is the parent of three young adults with developmental disabilities or mental health challenges. Register for the Navigating the Adult Service System.
Contact: Janice Sabett at (802) 876-5315 ext. 218 or [email protected]

Data Tools To Keep You In Sync With Your Students with Bill Rich

Imagine a suite of simple tools that would organize all your assignments and students’ work in one place, enable you to give more timely feedback to your students, and provide you with summaries of the progress of individuals and classes. In this workshop, Bill Rich will dig specifically into three such tools (JumpRope, PowerTeacherPro, Schoology).  Participants will choose one of these tools to explore in depth, guided by an expert, as well as identify other tools or approaches schools are using to assess and report standards-based learning and grading. The workshop date is May 18, 2017 at the Capitol Plaza in Montpelier. Learn more online or register through the Vermont Higher Education Collaborative.
Contact:  Julie Medose at (802) 498-3350 or [email protected]

Reading and the Brain

This interactive five-day course is designed for any educator who wishes to learn about the neuroscience of reading and how research and knowledge of the English Language improves classroom instruction. Course participants will leave with an in-depth understanding of phonological awareness, phonology, reading and spelling development, reading fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and written expression. Recommended for teachers, reading specialists, special educators, content area teachers, adult educators, literacy coaches. This class is also available for three graduate credits through Castleton University. Participants will leave with practical strategies they can immediately implement with their students. Teachers working toward their Orton-Gillingham Certified level will obtain 35 hours of instruction. Register for the Reading and the Brain through the Stern Center. 
Contact: Caitlin Niland, Intake Coordinator for Professional Learning, at (802) 878-2332 or [email protected]

Subscribe Online

The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].