- Rule 5100: Rules Governing the Licensing of Educators and the Preparation of Educational Professionals
- Fifth Annual Tri-State Child Nutrition Programs Conference
- Students Hospitalized/Inpatient at the Brattleboro Retreat
- Vermont Summer Meals Law 16 V.S.A. § 1264
- Professional Learning Network Newsletter
- Courtesy Postings
Rule 5100: Rules Governing the Licensing of Educators and the Preparation of Educational Professionals
Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Special Education Directors, Curriculum Coordinators, Career and Technical Center Directors, Local and Regional Standards Boards, Educators, Higher Education Institutions
The VSBPE is undertaking revisions to the rules that govern the training, licensing and professional standards of teachers and administrators. Specifically, the VSBPE is revising educator competencies and authorizing statement of the following endorsements: 5440-06 Modern and Classical Languages, 5440-65 School Nurse, 5440-65A Associate School Nurse, 5440-30 Driver and Traffic Safety Education. The VSBPE is also revising current rules for Apprenticeship Licenses to support recruitment and retention in the field; and providing clarification to current Rules regarding provisional licenses, professional learning and definition of terms. Review the Licensing Rule changes. Submit your feedback on the proposed licensing rules changes, or attend our public comment session on May 19, 2017.
Contact: Kara Mayo at [email protected]
Fifth Annual Tri-State Child Nutrition Programs Conference
Audience: Food Service Managers, Administrators, Business Managers, Child/Adult Care Providers
We are pleased to announce the 5th Annual Tri-State Child Nutrition Programs Conference being held on May 2 and 3, 2017. This year’s conference is hosted by Vermont Child Nutrition Programs, in partnership with Maine Child Nutrition Programs and New Hampshire Child Nutrition Programs, and will be held at the Sheraton Burlington Hotel in South Burlington, Vermont. The conference will begin on May 2, 2017 with a variety of optional “Pre-Conference” sessions. These full-day and half-day sessions will allow participants to delve more deeply into important program topics such as food safety, financial management and procurement. This pre-conference day also allows us to offer the ServSafe Food Protection Manager Class and Certification Exam and the School Nutrition Specialist (SNS) Credentialing Exam. Learn more about the Tri-State Child Nutrition Programs Conference and register online. Learn more about the SNS Credentialing Exam, and to register to take the exam. You must pre-register with School Nutrition Association if you plan to take the exam.
Contact: Cheryl Rogers at (802) 479-1360 or [email protected]
Students Hospitalized/Inpatient at the Brattleboro Retreat
Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Special Education Administrators, Business Managers
The AOE recently sent the Memo: Students Hospitalized at the Brattleboro Retreat. The memo clarifies that LEAs must pay for tutorial services when students are hospitalized or are inpatients at the Brattleboro Retreat. The Retreat must contact the LEA prior to providing tutorial services. Once both parties agree, the Retreat can begin providing tutorial services. The tutorial services may begin immediately to provide students with educational stability but are not required until the 10th day.
Contact: Alicia Hanrahan, Education Programs Manager/Interagency Coordinator, at [email protected]
Vermont Summer Meals Law 16 V.S.A. § 1264
Audience: Superintendents, Business Managers, Principals, Food Service Directors and Managers
This law requires public schools that operate NSLP, have at least 50 percent or more students eligible for free and reduced-price meals in any month in the preceding school year, and some kind of educational or recreational program or camp taking place for 15 or more hours a week during the summer, to offer meals for the duration of that program. Read the full language of the Vermont Summer Meals law.
Contact: Jamie Curley at (802)479-1207 or [email protected]
Professional Learning Network Newsletter
Audience: All
The April Vermont Professional Learning Network newsletter is now available online. Learn about how to use Title IIA to invest in Instructional Coaching, upcoming professional learning opportunities through Vermont PLN and resources from Vermont educators.
Contact: MC Moran at [email protected]
Courtesy Postings
The views, opinions, and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people and opportunities as shared.
VSAC, Johnson State College host College Pathways
Vermont Student Assistance Corp. hosts College Pathways at Johnson State College April 29, 2017 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This free event offers workshops with the latest expert advice from college admissions and financial aid experts – especially suited for juniors, sophomores and their parents. Topics cover the entire college process, including creating a college list that fits student needs and family finances, specifics on how to apply, strategies for taking SATs and ACTs, writing an application essay that stands out, understanding college costs and financial aid, and more. Register online for College Pathways. Walk-ins welcome, too!
Contact: VSAC at 888-943-7301 or [email protected]
Coder Camp for Girls
This camp will be held at the Vermont Technical College Williston Campus July 17-21, 2017. This day camp gives girls entering 8th - 10th grade the chance to bring their creativity and experience making a program of their own creation, gain programming skills, take field trips, hear about exciting career opportunities, build leadership skills and have loads of fun too. The camp will include lunch and snacks. We have generous support from the Vermont Women's Fund so we can offer several scholarships. Learn more and register for the Coder Camp for Girls.
Contact: Elissa Lee at [email protected]
Emergency Medical Services: What Families of Children with Disabilities Need to Know
The What Families of Children with Disabilities Need to Know webinar from the Vermont Family Network will be held May 17, 2017 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. What happens when you call 911 and ask for Emergency Medical Services for your child? If your child has special needs, it's even more important to understand how the process works, what to expect, and how you can plan ahead so that your family has the best experience possible. Learn practical tips that will help your family and local EMS agency. Presenter: Stephanie Busch, NREMT, Vermont Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) Program Coordinator, Division of Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Injury Prevention, Vermont Department of Health.
Contact: Janice Sabett at (802) 876-5375 ext. 218 or [email protected]
Symposium Series: The Eyes Have It: Understanding the Cognitive Processes Involved in Silent Reading
On May 19, 2017 at Burlington International Airport, the Stern Center for Language and Learning presents its final session of a three-part Symposium Series. This full-day symposium session explores key findings from eye movement research that illuminates how word recognition happens during silent reading for comprehension to occur. Participants will learn what readers’ automatic eye movements reveal about questions that are fundamental to assessing and teaching reading. Furthermore, participants will learn how current research findings inform central challenges in reading instruction such as developing reading accuracy and increasing reading fluency. Finally, presenter Dr. Jane Ashby will engage participants in an examination of behavioral indicators of problems with orthographic and phonological processing that might appear during a reading assessment. Register for the Understanding the Cognitive Processes Involved in Silent Reading symposium series.
Contact: Caitlin Niland, Intake Coordinator for Professional Learning, at (802) 878-2332 or [email protected]
Power2 Youth & Adults Shaping Vermont Education Together
Youth in Vermont are at the forefront as messengers and co-creators of school change in partnership with adults. Join high school learners, educators, and thought leaders for the Third Annual Power2 Summit to inform, inspire and move us to action. This event will be on May 2, 2017 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Lake Morey Inn and Resort in Fairlee, Vermont. This event is the result of collaboration between youth and adult educational leaders and organizations in Vermont including the Bay and Paul Foundations and UP for Learning.
Contact: Bruce Perlow, Up For Learning, at [email protected]
WIDA: Purposeful Lesson Planning for Language Learners with Amy Faust Fraser, WIDA PD Outreach Specialist
This two-day workshop will be held May 16 - 17, 2017 at the Hampton Inn Event Center, in Colchester, Vermont. This workshop is for general classroom and ELL teachers and instructional coaches and focuses on creating contexts for meaningful language use within settings that integrate content and academic language learning. A follow-up extension webinar will be available. Register for the Purposeful Lesson Planning for Language Learners.
Contact: Champlain Valley Educator Development Center at [email protected]