- Respect Workshop: Preventing Health Risks and Promoting Healthy Outcomes among LGBTQ Youth
- Vermont Regional School Calendars for 2017-2018
- Save The Date: Consolidated Federal Program Annual Conference
- Education Census Data Collection
- 2017 Vermont Kindergarten Conference: The Arts as a Tool for Learning
- Courtesy Postings
Respect Workshop: Preventing Health Risks and Promoting Healthy Outcomes among LGBTQ Youth
Audience: School Counselors, School Psychologists, Nurses, Social Workers, SAPs, Administrators
The Vermont Agency of Education and the Vermont School Counselor Association are partnering with the American Psychological Association (APA) to offer the APA Respect Workshop on March 31, 2017, in Burlington. The purpose of the course is to promote sexual health and responsibility and prevent HIV prevention, other sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy among LGBTQ students. In the course, teams of school professionals learn how to provide direct services to LGBTQ students and how to utilize school-based practices such as establishing an LGBTQ-inclusive school climate, engaging families, facilitating access to supportive peers, and providing access to sexual health services and sexual health education. Register online.
Contact: Tom Aloisi at (802) 479-1869 or [email protected]
Vermont Regional School Calendars for 2017-2018
Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Headmasters, Regional Technical Center Directors, Curriculum Coordinators
Vermont statute, 16 V.S.A. §1071 (e), requires that superintendents of schools and regional public school principals and headmasters meet before April 1, 2017, and by majority vote, establish a uniform calendar within that area for the following school year. The calendar needs to include student attendance days, periods of vacation, holidays and the requisite five teacher in-service education days. Please send approved regional calendars electronically to Allison Keating at the Agency of Education no later than April 1, 2017.
Contact: Allison Keating, (802) 479-1855 or [email protected]
Save The Date: Consolidated Federal Program Annual Conference
The Vermont Agency of Education will host our Annual Consolidate Federal Program (CFP) Conference on April 13, 2017, at the Killington Grand Resort & Conference Center. The morning session will focus on the new ESSA requirements on needs assessment planning and the afternoon workshops will highlight specific new and continuing ESSA requirements. All CFP Leaders are strongly encouraged to attend. Registration fee is $50 per person and includes a continental breakfast and lunch. Registration information will be forthcoming. Overnight accommodations are available at the room rate of $153. Please contact Killington directly at (888) 644-7263 and mention that you are attending the Agency of Education CFP Conference.
Contact: Karen Abbott at (802) 479-1370 or [email protected]
Education Census Data Collection
Audience: Superintendents, Educator Census Data Collection Contacts
The 2016-2017 Education Census Data Collection was due Friday, March 3, 2017. Please submit your data to the AOE.
Contact: Help Desk at (802) 479-104 for application issues, and Debi Price for data questions at [email protected]
2017 Vermont Kindergarten Conference: The Arts as a Tool for Learning
Audience: Prekindergarten, Kindergarten, Primary Level Teachers, School and Program Administrators, Pre-Service Teachers, and Teacher Educators
The Vermont Agency of Education, the Early Childhood Education Program at the University of Vermont, and VAEYC invite you to celebrate young children at the 25th Annual Vermont Kindergarten Conference. The theme for this year’s conference is nurturing imagination and learning through the arts. Prekindergarten, kindergarten and primary level teachers, school and program administrators, pre-service teachers, and teacher educators are encouraged to attend. The conference will be held on April 7, 2017, at the Hilton in Burlington. Learn more about and register for the 2017 Vermont Kindergarten Conference. Last year's conference filled to capacity so we encourage you to go online and register early.
Contact: Shirley Rawson at [email protected]
Courtesy Postings
The Middle Grades Summer Institute
The Middle Grades Summer Institute will be held at Champlain College from June 26 - June 30, 2017, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The week-long Institute provides middle and high school teachers, and teams of teachers, opportunities to work on school-specific projects while earning college credit. The theme for this summer’s Institute is: Personal Learning in Practice: The three Pillars - PLPs, Flexible Pathways & Proficiency-Based Assessment. If you are interested in attending, please see the flyer for information and register at the MGI 2017 Institute.
Contact: James Nagel at [email protected]
Be Tick Smart High School Video Contest
Calling all creative high school students in Vermont to enter the 2017 Be Tick Smart Lyme Disease Video Contest and win money. To enter, students in grades 9-12 must submit a 30-second public service announcement (PSA) style video by the deadline on April 3, 2017. This is an opportunity for students to be creative while they learn about tickborne disease and educate others on the topic. The top three winners will receive prizes up to $200. The Vermont Department of Health will promote the winning videos during Tickborne Disease Awareness Month, which is May 2017. Review the contest guidelines, and encourage your students to enter.
Contact: Shari Levine, information director, at [email protected]
Summer Science Professional Development for Teachers
Registration is open for the Vermont Energy Education Program's Summer Institute. The institute is five days of in-depth professional development on climate and energy education on the beautiful shores of Lake Morey in Fairlee, VT, June 26–30, 2017. Learn more and sign up online.
Contact Cara Robechek at (802) 552-VNRG or [email protected]
Create Make Learn Summer Institute
The Create Make Learn Summer Institute will be held July 31 - August 4, 2017, and gives educators the opportunity to focus on one of three strands, all of which give educators confidence in designing creative, hands-on, minds-on learning opportunities for their students. Strands include (1) "Making Media" which is focused on creating multimedia projects with Chromebooks and iPads lead by RTN and Dr. Wes Fryer (2) "S.T.E.A.M. Powered Learning" focused on beginning maker-centered learning (3) "Extend Your Maker Skills" focused on advanced maker-ed topics. Participants take back maker supplies to set up maker centers back at their school. Special topics this year include Coding and Elevating Science. Graduate credit is available. Register online. Early bird discount through March 31, 2017.
Contact: Lucie deLaBruere at [email protected]
Differentiation through Math Menu - Meeting the Needs of all K-6 Students
This workshop will be held June 26-29, 2017, and participants can earn three graduate credits. Christian Courtemanche facilitates how to manage a 'centers' approach to your teaching while restructuring your math block to allow for small group and individualized lessons. A very popular course with great impact. Registration is available online through the Champlain Valley Educator Development Center.
Contact: The Champlain Valley Educator Development Center at [email protected]
Sexuality Education: Increasing Teacher Instructional Competency using the Advocates for Youth
This training will provide participants with strategies and resources to develop the comfort, knowledge, and core skills needed to deliver developmentally appropriate sexual health education to students in grades K-12. Participants may also choose to complete additional individual work for one graduate credit. The workshop will be held on April 4, 2017, at the Central Vermont Chamber of Commerce in Berlin. Learn more and register online.
Contact: Julie Medose at (802) 498-3350 or [email protected]
Create a Maker Space in Your School
Due to weather, this two-day workshop will move from June to August 14 -15, 2017 with one of the days at the Generator Maker Space in Burlington. This will be great. Registration is available online.
Contact: The Champlain Valley Educator Development Center at [email protected]
Vermont Association of School Psychologists - Spring Conference
Strategies to Transform the Role of School Psychologists (SPs) on April 7, 2017 at Castleton. This conference explores an expanded role for school psychologists (SP), one that directs services to all students. SPs can contribute to popular school reform efforts that emphasize data-based decision-making and initiatives like Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), Response to Intervention (RTI), and positive behavior supports (PBS). Come and hear Dr. Stacy Skalski from NASP, and comments from Dr. Amy Fowler on the current status of ESSA in Vermont and the potential role of SP’s in implementation. Register online.
Contact: Katey Wisse at [email protected]