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Volume 10, Issue 45

December 7, 2016

Combined Incident Reporting Software Interactive Webinars

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, and Behavior Specialists

A 30-minute interactive webinar will be offered on December 13, 2016, December 16, 2016, and January 12, 2017 via GoToWebinar. These webinars will inform incident reporters of Combined Incident Reporting Software updates for 2017, as well as discuss why accuracy in reporting is important, how collecting this information benefits a school’s culture, and key points to remember when reporting incidents. View login information and time of webinars to join the interactive webinar.

Contact: Tracy Watterson at (802) 479-1353 or [email protected]

HQT Reports for the 2015-2016 School Year

Audience: Superintendents

The Final HQT reports for the 2015-2016 school year are available on our secure server. Usernames and passwords were emailed on December 5, 2016 to superintendents. Please note that being endorsed in an HQT area does not automatically mean an educator is HQT.

Contact: Debora Price at [email protected]

AOE Seeks Qualified Temporary Employees for Early Childhood Assessment Trainer Positions

Audience: Pre-K - Grade 3 Teachers, Administrators, Early Childhood Coordinators, Early Education Consultants

The Agency of Education is seeking qualified temporary employees in order to build and sustain capacity in the following assessment areas throughout Vermont in 2017. The AOE is seeking trainers for Pre-K CLASS, K-3 CLASS and TSGOLD. The agency is also seeking data collectors for Pre-K CLASS, K-3 CLASS and EduSnap. 

Contact: Ellen Cairns at [email protected]

Winter Weather Driving Challenges Safety Training

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, School Crisis Planning Team Members, School Bus Personnel

Due to some winter weather driving challenges across the state, schools are encouraged to view this training video that will help them consider how they would respond to a winter weather bus accident.

Contact: Rob Evans, Margolis Healy, at [email protected]

Applications Open for the 2017 Vermont Dairy in the Classroom Grant

Audience: All

Dairy in the Classroom is a program offered to Pre-K through third grade teachers in Vermont schools and funded by Vermont Dairy farmers. The program was designed by Virginia Holiman to increase students’ appreciation and knowledge of dairy farming, dairy products and healthy eating. The program provides five 75 minute classroom visits from a Dairy in the Classroom educator,  a variety of fun hands-on activities related to cows, dairy farming and the production of dairy products, a field trip to a cow-based dairy farm and grant funding of $200 per classroom to cover field trip expenses. The deadline to apply is December 9, 2016.  Learn more and apply online for Dairy in the Classroom.

Contact: Ali Zipparo, Agency of Agriculture, at [email protected] 

Department of Financial Regulation: Insurance 101

Audience: All

Insurance 101 is a classroom presentation designed for Financial Literacy and Driver Education Classes. This interactive presentation educates students on how the choices they make while operating an automobile will impact their pockets today and tomorrow. The presentation is approximately one hour, and parents, as well as staff, are encouraged to attend. The Department also offers presentations in the field of  Banking and Securities.

Contact:  Brenda Clark, Consumer Services Administrator, at (802) 828-4886 or [email protected]

Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program

Audience: All

The Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program provides short-term seminars abroad for U.S. educators in the social sciences and humanities to improve their understanding and knowledge of the peoples and cultures of other countries. In 2017, summer programs will be offered in Bulgaria, Chile, and Thailand. The program covers airfare, room and board, and program costs. The application closing date is December 28, 2016.

Contact: Maria Chang, Program Officer, at (202) 453-6080 or [email protected]

Courtesy Postings

Student Assessment Inventory for School Districts National Network

Achieve recently announced the launch of the Student Assessment Inventory for School Districts National Network. The goal of the National Network will be to support up to 12 school districts across the country to use the Student Assessment Inventory for School Districts to take stock of their assessment system, streamline the number of assessments, and ensure all remaining assessments are of high quality and aligned to state learning standards. Through this new National Network, Achieve will provide districts subgrants between $5,000 and $7,000 to districts to complete the assessment inventory. In addition, district and school board leaders from those districts will attend a cross-district convening to learn from other districts that have used the assessment inventory and to finalize inventory planning, as well as receive ongoing support from Achieve staff. Districts interested in applying to join the National Network should read the Call to Action for details about the application process. Applications are due December 16, 2016.

Contact: Pat Fitzsimmons at (802) 479-1425 or [email protected]

Vermont School Counselor Association Professional Awards

The Vermont School Counselor Association (VTSCA) is now accepting nominations for our 2017 Professional Awards; Outstanding School Counselor of the Year, New School Counselor the Year and the Lifetime Achievement Award. Please visit the VTSCA website for more information and to nominate a school counselor. The deadline for applications is January 3, 2017. 

Contact: Kara Pawlusiak at [email protected]

Literacy Teaching Empowered by Data and Assessment: Grades K-6 Hybrid Course

This optional three-credit graduate course will focus on the expectations (and significant instructional shifts) for teaching with the English-Language Arts Common Core State Standards (ELA CCSS) for reading and writing. Participants will focus energy on four steps for using assessment data to create goal-driven instruction for students. Time will be spent on understanding how to collect, analyze, interpret and use assessment and data about students’ reading and writing strengths and needs to form goal-driven instructional planning. The course runs from February 15 through May 15, 2017 . The course will meet face-to-face from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on February 15, March 22, April 12 and May 3, 2017.  Learn more and register for the Literacy Teaching course.

Contact: Lauren Wooden at [email protected]

Writing Instruction Through the Workshop Model

This course will be devoted to enhancing writing instruction through the workshop model. This will include learning about, planning and practicing various methods of writing instruction. The content of the course will be largely based on Units of Study for Opinion, Information, and Narrative Writing by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues. Thursdays January 12- March 30, 2017 at the Barre City Elementary School, Barre, VT. Register for the writing workshop.
Contact: Tracie Locke at [email protected]

Puberty: The Wonder Years

Puberty: The Wonder Years includes curriculum for three consecutive years for fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade students. The lessons are teacher friendly and youth engaging. Teachers are provided with full-color, animated slides to use with the lessons. Rubrics and other assessment tools are included.  Supplemental to its design for the school setting, it also includes activities that equip parents and other family members to engage with their children’s sex education. The activities encourage children to talk with their parents about their beliefs and family values.  The training will be January 12, 2017, in West Lebanon, NH, $200 includes breakfast, lunch, training materials and teacher curriculum manual for the grade level of your chooseing (grades 4, 5 or 6). Learn more and register for the Wonder Years training.

Contact: Catherine Diduk at [email protected]

2017 Online Extension Master Gardener Course

This non-credit course is open to anyone and covers how to create a healthy and sustainable environment from food & flower gardens to a home landscape. Live interactive online class. Learn about Fruit & Vegetable Production, Flower Gardening, Botany Basics, Soil Fertility, Healthy Lawns, Invasive Plant Control, Sustainable Home Landscapes, Plant Pests, Disease Management and more. Register for the Master Gardener Course.

Contact: Lisa Chouinard, Program Assistant, at (802) 656-9562 or [email protected]

Introduction to the Orton-Gillingham Approach

The Orton-Gillingham Approach (OG) is the underlying foundation of all multisensory structure language instruction. In this 30‐hour course offered by the Stern Center for Language and Learning, participants will gain an understanding of the OG Approach and how to develop an OG lesson. Participants will learn about the reading brain and dyslexia, phonology, spelling patterns, the history of the English language, and morphology. This course will meet over five days from January 6-March 7, 2016 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and is available for two graduate credits. Grant underwriting is available through the Cynthia K. Hoehl Institute for Excellence. Register for the OG course.

Contact: Caitlin Niland, Intake Coordinator for Professional Learning, at (802) 878-2332 or [email protected]



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The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

Questions? Email [email protected].