- Free and Reduced Price Student Eligibility Reminders
- VTAAP Science Assessment
- What If Wednesday
- Webinar: Verification of Free & Reduced Price Meal Applications
- BEST/ Act 230 Funding Opportunities
- Road Pitch and Adopt A Maker
- Registration Open for Farm to School Conference
- Courtesy Postings
Free and Reduced Price Student Eligibility Reminders
Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Food Service Managers & Directors, Career and Technical Center Directors
Child Nutrition Programs wants to ensure that all eligible students have access to school meal programs. These reminders and updates will help schools provide quicker and easier eligibility determinations and access to school meals for qualified students.
Contact: Laurie Colgan at (802) 479-1187 or [email protected]
VTAAP Science Assessment
Audience: Principals, Superintendents, Special Education Directors, Case Managers
The VTAAP (Vermont Alternate Assessment Portfolio) Science for students with significant disabilities (SWSD) in grades 4, 8, and 11 must still be administered to students who cannot participate in the spring 2017 NECAP Science Assessment. The deadline for registering students is October 17, 2016. Documents were sent to all special education directors and case managers. More detailed information on VTAAP science assessment can be found on the AOE website. A webinar will be held on Thursday, September 29, 2016, from 400-5:30 p.m. Register online. The webinar will not be recorded or posted to the Agency web page; however, if you are unable to attend, we can forward the slides upon request. The webinar will provide an overview of the assessment, the application process, determining “who” takes the VTAAP and score reports.
Contacts: Linda Moreno at (802) 479-1309 or [email protected] or Lucille Chicoine at (802) 479-1402 or [email protected]
What If Wednesday
Audience: Superintendent’s, Principals and School Crisis Planning Team Members
The “What if Wednesday” school safety initiative is designed to stimulate a conversation about school emergency preparedness. Participants should read the summary of the “fictional” school safety incident and then answer the multiple choice question with the appropriate response action to be taken for the specific emergency. All responses are anonymous but please click "submit" when finished.
Contact: Rob Evans, Margolis Healy, at [email protected]
Webinar: Verification of Free and Reduced Price Meal Applications
Join this session to review the requirements for conducting the annual verification of free and reduced-price meal applications. We will outline the timeframe for the process, how to determine the sample, which documents to provide to the families and how to finish the process and complete the new online Verification Report that is part of the VT-CNP Online Application and Claiming System. You may send questions that you would like addressed during this webinar to the presenter. This webinar will be presented on September 27, 2016, from 2-3 p.m. Register online.
Contact: Laurie Colgan at (802) 479-1187 or [email protected]
BEST/Act 230 Funding Opportunities
Audience: Superintendents, BEST/Act 230 Coordinators, Directors of Special Education, Curriculum Coordinators, Principals
For the 2016-2017 school year, Supervisory Unions may apply for BEST/ Act 230 funds to support the implementation of evidence-based practices that support positive school climate, student proficiency, and personalization within a tiered system of academic and behavioral supports to assist all students in working toward attainment of the standards. Applications must be submitted on or before October 1, 2016. Additional Information and specifics may be found on the AOE website.
Contact: Debbie Lesure at (802) 479-1424 or [email protected] or Sabine Baldwin at (802) 479-1393 or [email protected]
Road Pitch and Adopt A Maker
Audience: All
The FreshTracks Road Pitch (investors in motorcycles) will be at the Shelburne Farms Coach Barn on September 25, 2016, at 1 p.m. to hear pitches from students with business ideas. The best idea wins $500, a Vermont Teddy Bear and can receive up to $3,000 in support to design and create a maker project. Later at 2 p.m., anyone of any age can pitch their product idea and receive up to $3000 to design and develop the idea. the winner(s) will have one year to build their maker project. Register for Road Pitch. Register for Adopt A Maker. Both pitches are part of this year's Champlain Maker Faire.
Contact: Doug Webster at [email protected]
Registration Open for Vermont Farm to School Conference
Audience: All
On November 2-3, 2016 at Lake Morey, the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (VAAFM) and Vermont FEED in partnership with the VT Farm to School Network will be orchestrating this exciting two-day event designed to “Grow the Movement” by gathering all members of the Vermont Farm to School community to share knowledge, ideas, and inspiration. The November conference will bring together Vermont’s key stakeholders in the Farm to School program – school administrators, teachers, farmers, Food Service distributors, government officials, policy makers, non-profit partners, and of course, students. Anyone interested in the Farm to School movement is encouraged to attend in order to learn more, share innovative ideas, and be part of strengthening Vermont’s growing Farm to School movement. Learn more and register online.
Contact: Ali Zipparo at (802) 505-1822 or [email protected]
Courtesy Postings
Vermont Speech-Language Hearing Association Meeting
The VSHA's annual conference and business meeting are being held on October 20, 2016, and October 21, 2016, at the DoubleTree Hotel in Burlington, Vermont. The conference agenda is packed with guest speakers, a free networking event, and topics for SLP's and audiologists. Speakers include Dr. Kerry Vander Werff and Deborah Dixon. Register online.
Contact: VSHA at [email protected]
Vermont Afterschool Conference on October 28, 2016
The 2016 Vermont Afterschool Conference brings together youth programs and community partners to connect, learn new ideas, access valuable resources, and transform learning outside of the school day for Vermont youth in grades K-12. Featuring Keynote Speaker Gail Danley. Gail is a former national and international poetry slam champion. Recently she joined the Kennedy Center’s roster of master teaching artists providing high-level arts integration workshops for language arts educators and will be leading a workshop for out-of-school time educators following her keynote address.
Contact: Cassie Willner, Vermont Afterschool, at (802) 448-3464
Youth Environmental Summit - Registration Open
The Youth Environmental Summit (YES) is an annual conference for middle and high school students, grades 7-12. This year's event will take place on November 2, 2016, at the Barre Civic Center. YES is an opportunity for students to learn about environmental issues and get involved in local communities. The mission of YES is to inspire, encourage, and prepare youth for a life of environmental responsibility, service and leadership by increasing awareness and knowledge of environmental issues and fostering leadership skills. Participants will engage in hands-on workshops, action-inspiring discussions, networking with environmental professionals and like-minded peers, and much more Registration is now open - workshops are first-come, first-served. Learn more.
Contact: Lauren Traister, 4-H Teen & Leadership Program Coordinator, (802) 888-4972 ext. 402 or [email protected]