- Vermont PBIS Leadership Forum
- Smarter Balanced Assessment Newsletter
- Vermont School Counselor Association's 2016 Annual Conference
- What Can You Do When There Is a Bomb Threat?
- Vermont Curriculum Leaders Association
- What If Wednesday
- Courtesy Postings
Vermont PBIS Leadership Forum
Audience: VTPBiS School Leadership Teams, VTPBiS Coordinators and school teams interested in implementation
This annual leadership forum is designed to promote active contributions and peer networking around key professional learning topics associated with PBIS implementation. Also included will be a day-long introductory session on PBIS for teams exploring implementation. Rob Horner, co-director of the National PBIS Technical Assistance Center will be the keynote speaker. VTPBiS annual acknowledgements will be awarded. Register online.
Contact: Anne Dubie at [email protected]
Smarter Balanced Assessment Newsletter
The first edition of year three's newsletter is available on the Vermont SBAC Portal. Archived copies are indexed and can be searched by topic. In this edition, you will get information on student results, score significance and printing score reports along with the state testing calendar, dates for the fall Regional Traninings and improvements to the Digital Library.
Contact: Linda Moreno, assessement coordinator for special populations, at (802) 479-1309 or [email protected]
Vermont School Counselor Association's 2016 Annual Conference
Audience: K-12 School Counselors, Administrators
VTSCA is proud to present our annual conference "Taking Care of Ourselves: Taking Care of Our Students" on Thursday, September 22, 2016 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel & Conference Center in Montpelier. For more information and to register, visit the VTSCA website.
Contact: Suzanne Francke, VTSCA President, at [email protected]
What Can You Do When There is a Bomb Threat?
Audience: Superintendents, Principals, School Crisis Planning Team Members
This four minute video from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security provides important information that will enhance your school's ability to respond to these types of threats. We recommend that you share this video with all office/administrative personnel and ensure the bomb threat checklist provided is kept in a location that can be easily accessed when dealing with these types of incidents.
Contact: Rob Evans, Margolis Healy, at [email protected]
Vermont Curriculum Leaders Association
Audience: Curriculum Directors
The Vermont Curriculum Leaders Association (VTCLA) Steering Board has planned an exciting year of professional collaboration with and for Curriculum Directors statewide. This year the meetings will center around the themes of Act 77 implementation, and our shared dilemmas and goals. In addition, we will provide more time for development of our culture and practice as a Professional Learning Community through facilitated support by our friend and colleague Mary Lynn Riggs. Members will be provided a copy of Michael Fullan’s book "Coherence-The Right Drivers in Action for Schools, Districts and Systems." Time will be provided at each meeting for guided discussion of this book, and an annotated facilitators guide will be supplied for the purpose of providing a framework for leading the same in your own system. Visit the VTCLA website for more information.
Contact: Pat Fitzsimmons at [email protected] or Jenn Barone at [email protected]
What If Wednesday
Audience: Superintendents, Principals
The School Crisis Planning Team has released a school safety quiz for superintendents and principals to share with staff as a school safety reminder. Take the survey.
Contact: Rob Evans, Margolis Healy, at [email protected]
Courtesy Postings
Trauma Informed Schools: Fundamental Knowledge and Developmental Trauma
The Vermont Association of School Psychologists will host a fall conference on October 13, 2016 at the Hilton Hotel in Burlington. David Melnick, Director of Outpatient Services at NFI-Vermont will present on the global impact of chronic traumatic stress on the developing child. There will be a focus on the “Seven Domains of Impairment”, best practice approaches to assessing trauma in the school setting, and strategies necessary to help children and families recover. Didactic teaching, clinical vignettes, and videotapes will contribute to participant understanding of this important issue. Register online.
Contact: Katey Wisse at [email protected]
OGAP for Teams; Formative Assessment in Mathematics
The four part series with with Fran Huntoon, Mary Abele-Austin and Keynote by Bob Laird will start October 7, 2016. The program is designed to bring the proven success of the OGAP framework to vermont schools. This is for Vermont teaching teams in grades 3-8 and a math coach or teacher leader. This structure will improve student learning and work with your curriculum program. Register online.
Contact: Lauren Wooden at (802) 497-1642 or [email protected]
School Art Contest for Garden Calendar
The Vermont Community Garden Network has an art contest for Vermont students, with the winners featured in a new 2017 Community Garden Calendar. Students are invited to submit two-dimensional art that tells the story of Community Gardens, the nourishment they bring, and/or how they are rooted in the Vermont communities they serve. One winner from each county will be selected for the calendar and all entres will be included in an online album. More informationa nd entry forms are available on the Vermont Community Garden Network website. Submissions are due October 1, 2016.
Contact: Jess Hyman, Vermont Community Garden Network, at (802) 861-4769 or [email protected]
Umatter for Youth and Young Adults
Umatter for Youth and Young Adults (Umatter YYA) is a youth leadership and engagement initative. the goal is to promote mental health wellness: healthy coping mechanisms among youth and young adults, and the ability to recognize when a peer needs help and how to provide it. The aim is to foster healthy communtiy cultures for youth and young adults that promote mental health and resiliency, and address issues such as bullying and substance abuse prevention within a continuum for prevention through recovery. Umatter YYA will host a statewide kick-off event on January 31, 2017 in Montpelier. Learn more and register.
Contact: Catherine Diduk, event coordinator at the Center for Health and Learning, at (802) 254-6590 or [email protected]
K-8 NGSS Science Lessons Meet Digital Tools
Are you looking for a workshop that marries technology know-how with NGSS Science Content? This workshop with explore science and engineering practices, new technologies, science-related apps and websites and focus on analyzing and interpreting data. Register online through the Champlain Valley Educator Development Center.
Contact: Lauren Wooden, executive director, at (802) 497-1642 or [email protected]
Getting to the Y: Youth Bring Meaning to their Youth Risk Behavior Survey
This event will consist of teams of eight youth and adult members coming together for a day-long orientation where they will learn tools and strategies to analyze their youth risk behavior survey, identify strengths and concerns, host a dialogue even to engage their community, and frame and implement action steps to create a healthier community. The High School Training Day will be October 4, 2016 in Montpelier. The Middle School Training Day will be October 13, 2016 in Montpelier. Visit the UP for Learning website for more information.
Contact: Serena Franks at [email protected] or Mary Schell Whalen at [email protected]
Registration Open for Vermont Farm to School Conference in November
On November 2-3, 2016 at Lake Morey, the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets (VAAFM) and Vermont FEED in partnership with the VT Farm to School Network will be orchestrating this exciting two-day event designed to “Grow the Movement” by gathering all members of the Vermont Farm to School community to share knowledge, ideas, and inspiration. The November conference will bring together Vermont’s key stakeholders in the Farm to School program – school administrators, teachers, farmers, Food Service distributors, government officials, policy makers, non-profit partners, and of course, students. Anyone interested in the Farm to School movement is encouraged to attend in order to learn more, share innovative ideas, and be part of strengthening Vermont’s growing Farm to School movement. Learn more and register online on the conference website.
Contact: Ali Zipparo at (802) 505-1822 or [email protected]
M3: Mindset, Metacognition and Motivation Training Days
The more students know about how they learn, the more they believe in their potential as learners, the more successful they will be. UP for Learning's M3: Mindset, Metacognition, and Motivation Initiatve can expand access to the opportunities available in personalized learning plans and proficiency-based learning. Up for LEarning is offering schools the chance to form a youth-adult team to work togethr and to participate in training days on October 26, 2016 and October 31, 2016 at the Capitol Plaza in Montpelier.
Contact: Helen Beattie at [email protected]