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Act 173 Technical Assistance: FAQ

Act 173 of 2018 directs the Agency of Education (AOE) to support Supervisory Unions and School Districts (SU/SD) by providing technical assistance with the goal of embedding best practices that will enhance the effectiveness, availability, and equity of services provided to students who require additional support. What follows are responses to frequently asked questions that have come up through surveys and as a result of conversations with various stakeholders. This list will be updated as new questions emerge.

How does Act 173 change service delivery to Students With Disabilities?

The purpose of Act 173 is to support all students who struggle, including students who qualify for an IEP (Individual Education Plan) under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Act 173 preserves the entitlement created by IDEA and redesigns the Vermont special education funding system in order to better support the use of best practices in the general education classroom and intervention as needed over the course of a student’s educational experience.

Act 173 doesn’t call for any changes to service delivery; however, SU/SDs and schools may reexamine the system of service delivery to ensure that equitable access to supports and services is provided to all students, included students receiving special education services.

What are the AOE and SU/SD responsibilities around achieving the goals of Act 173?

The AOE is responsible for utilizing its leadership, support and oversight capabilities to assist all school systems to meet the requirements of the act, including:

  • Translating the language of the act into guidance and policies;
  • Identifying supports and services available to SU/SD to achieve the goals of Act 173; and
  • Evaluating the efficacy of the State’s response to Act 173.

The SU/SD is responsible for applying AOE’s statewide guidance locally, including:

  • Ensuring that local practice reflects AOE guidance and policies;
  • Determining which AOE-identified supports and services reflect the needs of the their school systems and utilizing them accordingly; and
  • Providing the AOE with Act 173 evaluation data, as appropriate.

What’s necessary to support effective service delivery for students who struggle?

Based on available school and district-level information as well as the requirements from existing regulations, we have identified four essential elements that are integral to supporting students who struggle:

  1. Coordination of Curriculum
  2. Needs-based Professional Learning
  3. Local Comprehensive Assessment System
  4. Education Support Team Process

The AOE will be providing additional information about each of these elements in future documents.

How will SU/SDs determine which AOE-identified supports and services reflect their needs?

SU/SDs are encouraged to assess their needs using the VTmtss Framework Tools, within their Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA). The SAT allows schools and SUs to identify the strengths and areas of growth within their VTmtss Framework, and to develop action steps within their Continuous Improvement Plans (CIPs) based on gaps or needs they identify. The AOE’s VTmtss Team is available to facilitate the SAT process for all schools identified as eligible for Comprehensive Supports, and may be available to facilitate the SAT for other school systems, upon request.

Who will have access to AOE-identified supports and services?

AOE-identified supports will be available to every SU/SD. The mode and intensity will be based on a school’s eligibility status within the State’s accountability system. Schools that are eligible for Comprehensive Supports will have the option to receive the most direct support through their AOE Education Quality Assurance Coordinator.

What types of supports are available?

The AOE currently offers online resources designed to support understanding of the act itself (Act 173 webpage); these pages will be updated regularly. Additional online resources that are currently available include:

The AOE will add Act 173-related resources to its website on an ongoing basis and will develop additional guidelines around how to leverage these resources to improve school systems and student outcomes.

For grant opportunities, information regarding available professional development, and information on new Act 173 resources, please be sure to subscribe to the AOE’s Weekly Field Memo.

Questions? Please contact Meg Porcella, Assistant Director, Student Support Services Division, at [email protected], (802) 479-1870.