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Press Release: State of Vermont Releases Updated Annual Snapshot, 2022 Assessment Results

September 8, 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 8, 2023 
Contact: Lindsey Hedges, [email protected]  

Montpelier, VT- The Agency of Education (AOE) updated the Annual Snapshot today. The snapshot is an online tool that shows quantitative data about Vermont schools and helps foster collaboration between school systems and their local communities. The Annual Snapshot reports a school’s current performance, improvement over the past year and success in achieving an equitable education for all students. The Annual Snapshot can be found at  

The Annual Snapshot update also marks the public release of school- level and supervisory union-level statewide assessment results for the 2022 school year on the Vermont Education Dashboard (VED) .While the Annual Snapshot is updated every year, school accountability determinations are usually made on a three-year cycle. However, the COVID-19 pandemic delayed determinations originally scheduled for the 2020-2021 school year. 

“The Snapshot is valuable for all Vermonters, but particularly for education leaders as we continue to chart the path of education recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Interim Secretary of Education Heather Bouchey. 

Comprehensive Supports Identification 

The Annual Snapshot helped to identify sixteen Vermont schools that are eligible to receive advanced technical assistance and financial support, referred to as Comprehensive Supports under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). These schools will receive additional Comprehensive Supports to address their continuous improvement needs.  

Comprehensive Supports include additional funding to help close achievement gaps, paired with consultation and assistance from the Agency’s Education Quality Division. Schools that have a persistent gap between historically marginalized students and their peers will also be eligible for Equity Supports to help address these inconsistencies.  

“Notably, thirteen schools identified for Comprehensive Supports in 2019 were no longer identified this year,” said Interim Secretary Bouchey. “It’s important that we take time to recognize and celebrate the significant achievements of these thirteen schools. I commend them on their growth and improvement, particularly as the last few years have been a dynamic and challenging time for education,” added Bouchey.  

The Agency notified the schools identified for Comprehensive Supports Friday, September 1. Schools that choose to appeal their identification have 45 days to submit an ESSA Accountability Appeal. “Education Quality Division Director Josh Souliere said “Our team of Education Quality Coordinators is excited to work with all of the newly identified cohorts and provide supports and technical assistance to ensure they have what they need as they embark on this process.”  

Smarter Balanced Results 

The 2022 school year was the last year of the Smarter Balanced exam. The 2022 administration of the exam was smoother than the 2021 administration.  However, there were still pandemic-related challenges, such as educator shortages leading to insufficient resources to properly administer the assessments. Educators were also faced with the need to balance academic assessment with students’ social emotional well-being. These issues may have impacted student performance or test participation, making the comparison of 2022 data to previous years difficult. Results from previous years can be found on the Vermont Education Dashboard for school years 2016-2019 as well as 2021

Director of Assessment and Accountability Danielle Dupuis shared that the “2022 test administration represents a transition year, with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic still apparent, and a new state test deployed in 2023. We expect to be better able to measure student progress in the coming years by using the assessment as a tool to redirect resources and support to address educational disparities.” 

In School Year 2023 the Vermont Comprehensive Assessment replaced the Smarter Balanced Assessment.  Vermont Comprehensive Assessment results for 2023 are expected this winter. 

About the Annual Snapshot 

The Annual Snapshot is an online tool designed to offer valuable quantitative insights into school performance while fostering equitable education for all students. The Annual Snapshot's primary mission is to support schools and encourage collaboration within communities to enhance educational outcomes.  

This comprehensive tool evaluates key aspects of education, including preparing students for career and college readiness, promoting authentic student engagement and personalized learning, ensuring safe and supportive environments, employing qualified educators and delivering quality experiences. By providing a holistic view of school performance, the Annual Snapshot empowers communities to work together to create the best possible educational environment for students across Vermont. For more information, please visit  

About the Smarter Balanced Assessment 

Administered annually in the spring to students in grades three through nine, the assessment measured mastery of the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics. The English Language Arts section of the assessment program included sections on Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking and Research/Inquiry. Together, the results from each section formed a broad English Language Arts score. The Mathematics assessment included tasks and questions that addressed Communicating Reasoning, Problem Solving and Modeling/Data Analysis and Concepts and Procedures.  

About the Vermont Comprehensive Assessment  

The Vermont Comprehensive Assessment was implemented for the first time during the spring of 2023. The Vermont Comprehensive Assessment Program replaced both the Smarter Balances Assessment and the Vermont Science Assessment. The computer-based exam encompasses three subjects and examines individual student proficiencies based on state standards for English Language Arts, Math and Science.  

About the Vermont Agency of Education 

The Agency of Education implements state and federal laws, policies, and regulations to ensure all Vermont learners have equitable access to high-quality learning opportunities. The Agency accomplishes this mission through the provision of its leadership, support and oversight of Vermont’s public education system.  

Connect with the Vermont Agency of Education on its website at